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• intercostal nerves (T7-11)the subcostal nerve (T12):
• anterior rami of the thoracic spinal nerves
• run along the lateral and anterior abdominal wall between the
transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles.
• branches pierce the posterior sheath, rectus muscle, and then
anterior sheath to reach the skin -> severed during a Pfannenstiel
• the iliohypogastric  perforates the external oblique
aponeurosis near the lateral rectus border
• skin over the suprapubic area
• ilioinguinal nerves (L1) medially travels through the inguinal canal, exits through the
superficial inguinal ring, which forms by splitting of external abdominal oblique aponeurosis fibers
• skin of the lower abdominal wall, upper portion of the labia majora
• The T10 dermatome approximates the level of the umbilicus.
regional analgesia for cesarean delivery or for puerperal
sterilization ideally blocks T10 through L1 levels

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