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D.Geetha madhuri V.S.Navya mani
Cse, 2nd year Cse ,2nd year
Over the last decade,
face recognition has
become an active area of
research in computer
  neuroscience and
Every face has numerous, distinguishable
landmarks that make up facial features. called
nodal points.
Some of these measured by the
software are:
· Distance between the eyes
· Width of the nose
· Depth of the eye sockets
· The shape of the
· The length of the jaw line.
3D Facial Recognition
A definition of face detection could be: given an
image, detect all faces in it (if any) and locate their
exact positions and size
Face detection is a two-step procedure: first the
whole image is examined to find regions that are
identified as “face”

Once it detects a face, the system determines the
head's position, size and pose. The subject has the
potential to be recognized up to 90 degrees
The system then measures the
curves of the face on a sub-
millimeter (or microwave) scale
and creates a template.
Image matching usually involves three steps:
1. detection of the face in a complex
background and localization of its exact
2. extraction of facial features such as eyes,
nose, etc, followed by normalization to
align the face with the stored face
images, and
3. face classification or matching
In a face identification application, the system
recognizes an individual by matching the input image
against images of all users in a database and finding the
best match.
In a face verification application the user claims an
identity and the system accepts or rejects her claim by
matching the input image against the image that
corresponds to this specific identity, which can be stored
either in a database or an identification card
Generation of 3D Face Models

We First generate 3D face models based

on three training
images of each person

Each triplet consisted of a frontal, a

half-profile, and a profile high resolution
face image.
Examples of the image triplets used for
generating the 3D models.
Component-based Face Recognition

The component-based
face recognizer uses the
output of the
face detector in the form
of extracted

The first
model consisted of
ambient light alone Examples of the 14 components extracted
from a
frontal view and half prole view of a face.
The second model included ambient light and a directed
light source, which was pointed at the center of the face
and positioned between -90 and 90 in azimuth and 0 and 75
in elevation

Pose and illumination

Surface Texture Analysis

The image may not always be verified

or identified in facial recognition alone.
By combining facial recognition with
surface texture analysis, accurate
identification can increase by 20 to 25
A picture is taken of a patch of skin, called a
‘skinprint’. That patch is then broken up into
smaller blocks.
It can identify differences between identical twins,
which is not yet possible using facial recognition
software alone.
Face recognition is advanced when compared
with other process like fingerprint recognition
since they require user attention
where as this can be done without user

Future work includes increasing the size of the

database and the range of the pose and
illumination conditions which the
system can handle.
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