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Antianxiety Agents

• also known as axiolytics or minor tranquilizers

• Benzodiazepines & Nonbenzodiazepines

• Antidepressants
• Psychological treatment
Con’t (2)

A. Benzodiazpines
- have a short, intermediate or long onset & duration
of action
- short-acting agents are good hypnotic (sleep
inducer) but have a higher potential for abuse
than longer acting agents
- commonly cause sedation
- tolerance & dependence may occur with chronic
Con’t (3)

Agent Duration of Action

Lorazepam short
Alprazolam intermediate
Chlordiazepoxide long
Clonazepam long
Diazepam long
Con’t (4)

B. Nonbenzodiazepines
- Buspirone, an azaspirodecanedione, is not related
to the benzodiazepines
a. non sedating
b. not associated with dependence, abuse or
withdrawal problems
c. primarily to treat conditions causing chronic
anxiety (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder)
d. takes up to 2 weeks to work
- Zolpidem tartrate  insomnia
Con’t (5)

C. -blockers
- such as propanolol
- used to control autonomic symptoms (tachycardia)
- particularly for anxiety about performing in public
or taking an examintaion
Con’t (6)

D. Antidepressants

MAOIs & especially SSRIs are the most effective long-

term (maintenance) therapy for panic disorder & OCD
Con’t (7)

E. Psychological treatment

a. systematic desensitization
reciprocal inhibition & cognitive therapy
b. behavioral therapies
flooding & implosion
c. support groups

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