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Software Crisis and

Software Development
Scenario A

• Railways reservation software was delivered to the

customer and was installed in one (1) of the metro stations
at 12:00 AM as per the plan. The system worked quite fine
till the next day 12:00 PM. The system crashed at 12:00 PM
and the railways authorities could not continue using
software for reservation till 2:00 PM. It took 2 hours to fix
the defect in the software.
The proponents models possible to use:

• Spiral model
• Waterfall model
• Prototype model
• Iterative Enhancement model
• The software was very inefficient or unreliable.
Prototype model is the one that the proponents might have
possibly used because prototype model can be developed
when technical solutions are unclear to the development
team. A developed prototype can help engineers to critically
examine the technical issues associated with the product
development. Often, major design decisions depend on
issues like the response time of a hardware controller, or the
efficiency of a sorting algorithm, etc. In such circumstances,
a prototype may be the best or the only way to resolve the
technical issues. Furthermore, since in this methodology a
working model of the system is provided, the users get a
better understanding of the system being developed and
errors can be detected much earlier leading to better
Scenario B

• A polar satellite launch vehicle was scheduled for the

launch on August 15th. The design and development of
the software for the auto-pilot more effort because of
which the auto-pilot was delivered for the integration on
June 15th (delayed by a month). The rocket was launched
on September 15th (delayed by month).
The proponents models possible to use:

• Waterfall model
• Iterative Enhancement model
• Spiral model
• RAD(Rapid application Development model)

• Delayed Delivery/Not delivered on time

RAD models can be very successful when a quick delivery of
a product is needed for a customer. It is also the best model
to choose when there are going to be changes made to the
prototype throughout the process before the final product is
completed because every model is tested individually so
that components can quickly be identified and switched in
order to create the most effective product. By this point in
the RAD model, most of the components have already been
examined, so major problems with the prototype are not
likely encountered.
Scenario C

• Software for financial systems was delivered to the

customer. Customer informed the development team
about a malfunction in the system. As the software was
huge and complex, the development team could not
identify the defect in the software.
The proponents models possible to use:

• RAD(Rapid application Development model)

• Iterative Enhancement model
• Spiral model
• Prototype Model

• Impossible to manage and maintain.

The possible model that the proponents will choose is
Spiral Model because important issues are discovered
earlier because of prototyping and prototyping is used as
a risk reduction mechanism for resolving different issues and
errors in the early stage of development. By planning each
and every stage of a project, the developers reduces the
potential for technical issues and other mishaps.
Scenario D

• Due to the defect in the software for the baggage

handling system. There was also of 2M of revenues for
the airport authorities.
The proponents models possible to use:

• Evolutionary Development model

• RAD(Rapid Application Development Model)
• Spiral model
• Iterative Enhancement model

• Exceeding budget cost

Spiral model is the model that would likely to be chosen
by the proponents because spiral model does a lot of
planning and greatly reduces errors because of
prototyping. Furthermore, spiral model has a high
amount of risk analysis hence, avoidance of risk is
enhanced and alternate solutions for the problems are
highly induced.
Scenario E
• “ABC” is a new enterprise recently started by a few young
entrepreneurs, intended to develop robotic systems using
IT based solution. “TENZ” is a well-established automobile
manufacturing plant, interested in automating some of the
operations of the plant. As the first step towards
automation, TENZ has decided to deploy a robotic arm to
pick and place large number of bolts from one tray of a
conveyer belt to another tray of a different conveyer belt.
Moving one bolt at a time. TENZ has asked ABC for
demonstration of the robotic arm for the said purposes as a
proof of concept. This is the first project being executed by
ABC. TENZ would like to have a first experience of the
robotic arm before signing the MOU (Memorandum of
Understanding) with ABC. After MOU sign-off, TENZ would
provide the complete set of requirement of the robot.
The proponents models possible to use:

• Spiral model
• Evolutionary Development model
• RAD(Rapid Application model)
• Prototype Model

The proponents would likely choose the spiral model

because as the very first project of ours, we would like to
ensure that everything will go smooth and well. Planning
everything and reducing minimal errors will greatly
improve the developing schedule, flow and productivity
hence leading to our successful development of the
Scenario F

• NEW YORK (AP) – A programming error has been

identified as the cause of alarm failures that might have
contributed to the scope of last summer’s Northeast
blackout, industry officials said Thursday. The failures
occurred when multiple systems trying to access the
same information at once got the equivalent of busy
signals, he said. The software should have given one
system precedent.
The proponents models possible to use:

• Prototype model
• Evolutionary model
• Iterative Enhancement model
• Spiral model

• Performing at an inadequate level

The proponents model that will be possibly used is
Iterative enhancement model because risks are identified
and resolved during iteration; and each iteration is an
easily managed milestone therefore, with every
increment, operational product is delivered. Furthermore,
issues and risks identified from each increment can be
utilized/applied to the next increment.

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