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• One of the most common

independent nursing action

1. Vasodilation

2. Muscle Relaxation
• Increases blood circulation & oxygenation
• Increases supply of nutrients to the area
• Reduces swelling (prevents venous congestion)
• Accelerates inflammatory response,
thus promoting healing
• Improves elimination of waste
• Dissipates heat from the body
•Reduces muscle tension
•Relieves muscle spasm
•Relieves joint stiffness
•Relieves pain
Dry Heat Application

Moist Heat Application

Dry Heat Application
1. Direct Application

• Hot Water Bag

• Electric heating
pad /
aquatherma pad
• Disposable Heat
Dry Heat Application
2. Indirect Application
• Heat Lamp
• Heat Cradle
1. To dilate blood vessels in the area
2. To encourage suppuration
3. To dry weeping or draining wounds
4. To reduces swelling or pain
5. To increase joint flexibility
6. To promote healing
1. Read the physician’s orders for
specific instructions
(frequency, type of therapy, body area,
length of time)
2. Gather equipments:
Hot Water Bag
Absorbent cloth
Filling the water bag:
• Fill the hot water bag with hot tap water
to warm the bag
•Then empty it to detect any leaks
•Check temp of water with thermometer
( 46˚C or 115°F to 125°F)
or test on your inner wrist
•Fill the bag with one-half to 2/3 full
of water
•Squeeze the bag until water reaches
the neck
•Fasten the top and cover bag with
absorbent cloth
3. Identify patient and explain

4. Assess condition of the skin

where heat is to be applied
(rash, irritation, excoriation)

5. perform hand hygiene
6. close door, curtains. Bed in
comfortable height
7. assist to a comfy position to access
the area to be treated. Expose
area and drape patient.
Put water proof pad under
wound to protect the bed.
8. apply the hot water bag
9. assess the condition of the skin
and the patients response to the
heat at frequent intervals (5 minutes).
Do not exceed the prescribed
length of time for the application
10. remove after the prescribed
amount of time
11. hand hygiene
12. document the procedure,
the patient’s response, and
your assessment of the area
before and after the
Moist Heat Application
a.Compresses – moist dressing or washcloth
applied to a small body area & changed
frequently during the designated
application time
b.Pack – moist dressing or towel applied to
a large body area
Moist Heat Application
c. Soak – a warm or hot solution of tap
water, normal saline or prescribed
medication, in which a body part is
- a sterile /unsterile gauze
dressing saturated with solution
in which a body part is
d. Sitz bath – used to soak a patient’s
perineal area
1. To relieve pain and enhance client comfort
2. To promote healing, softens exudates
3. To clean the wound of tissue debris or
4. To apply medication to large skin areas
5. To relax muscles
Procedure in Moist Heat Compress
or Packs Application
1. review the doctors order
(frequency, type of therapy, body area
to be treated, length of time)
2. gather supplies: basin, prescribed
solution, clean towel or washcloth,
bath blanket
3. identify patient and explain procedure
4. assess condition of skin to be treated
Procedure in Moist Heat Compress
or Packs Application
5. Place a waterproof pad under patient to
protect linen from spillage
6. Use sterile technique if patient has an
open wound
7. If using clean technique, place a clean
towel or wash cloth in warm solution
8. Don gloves to remove dressings; discard
dressings and gloves
Procedure in Moist Heat Compress
or Packs Application

9. Don sterile gloves if necessary; wring out

hot compress with forceps; wring out
a warm clean towel/washcloth by hand
10. Apply the towel, washcloth over the
affected area for several seconds;
check skin for redness
Procedure in Moist Heat Compress
or Packs Application

11. Maintain treatment for 15-20 minutes

or as ordered
12. Remove warm applications, dry the
patient’s skin and apply dressings
as necessary, using sterile technique
if patient has an open wound
Sitz Bath
Procedure in Sitz Bath Application
1. Read the physician’s order for
specific instructions
2. Explain procedure to patient
3. Hand hygiene, don gloves
4. Gather equipments and supplies:
sitz bath tub, clean disposable
gloves, bath blanket
Procedure in Sitz Bath Application
5. Raise lid of toilet. Place bowl of
sitz bath with drainage ports
to rear and infusion port in
front. Fill bowl sitz bath
about half way full with tepid
to warm water ( 37C to 46C).
Procedure in Sitz Bath Application
6. Clamp tubing on bag. Fill bag
with same temp of water as
above. Hang bag above
patient’s shoulder height on
hook or IV pole
7. Assist patient to sit on toilet.
Insert tubing into infusion port.
Slowly unclamp tubing and allow
sitz bath to fill
Procedure in Sitz Bath Application
8. Clamp tubing once sitz bath is full.
Instruct patient to open
clamp when water in bowl
becomes cool. Instruct
patient to call if she feels
light headed,“spacy”, or
dizzy or has any problems.
Instruct patient not to
try standing without
Procedure in Sitz Bath Application
9. When finished, help patient stand
and gently pat bottom dry.
Assist patient to bed or chair
10. Empty and disinfect sitz bath bowl.
Remove gloves, hand hygiene
11. Document sitz bath (water temp,
length of bath, how patient
tolerated the bath)
Things to Watch Out for
during Sitz Bath
• Patient complains of feeling
light headed or dizzy
(stop sitz bath. Do not let
patient ambulate by self. Let
patient sit on toilet with face up
until feeling subsides or help
arrives to assist patient back to
Things to Watch Out for
during Sitz Bath
• Temperature of water is
(clamp tubing, disconnect
water bag, refill with water that
is comfortable for patient)
1. Vasoconstriction
2. Reduces nerve transmission
1.Dry Cold – ice bag, ice collar,
ice glove, disposable cold packs
2.Moist Cold – cold compress,
packs, cooling sponge,
tub baths using: water (ideal)
sponge bath 29ºC - 32ºC
water and ice
1. To reduce acute local inflammation
or edema
2. To decrease or prevent bleeding
3. To reduce or relieve muscle pain or spasm
4. To relieve headache
caused by
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
1. Review the doctors order
(frequency, type of therapy, body
area to be treated, length of time)
2. Gather supplies: ice bag/collar/glove/
cold pack, towel, bath blanket
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
3. Identify patient and explain
4. assess condition of skin
where ice is to be
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
5. hand hygiene
6. close door, curtains, bed in
comfortable height
7. assist to a comfy position to access
the area to be treated. Expose
area and drape patient.
Put water proof pad under wound
to protect the bed.
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
8. fill the bag about ¾ full with ice.
Remove excess ice from device.
Securely fasten the end of the bag
9. cover the device with a towel
or washcloth
10. put on gloves. Remove and dispose
any dressings at the site
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
11. place the device lightly against area.
Remove ice and assess the site for
redness after 30 seconds. Ask
patient about the presence of
burning sensations
12. replace the device snugly against
the site if no problems are evident.
Secure it in place with gauze wrap
or tape.
Procedure in Dry Cold Application
13. reassess the treatment area
every 5 minutes
14. after 20 minutes, remove
the ice and dry the skin
15. apply new dressing to site
16. hand hygiene
17. document procedure, patients
response, and assessment of area
before and after
1.To reduce marked elevations
in body temperature
2.To relieve local swelling
and pain the doctors order (frequency,
type of therapy, body area to be
treated, length of time)
2.Assemble equipment and supplies: ice,
water, wash cloth for compress, bath
blanket, basin
3. Explain procedure to patient,
provide privacy for the patient
4. Place water and ice into a clean basin
5. Immerse wash cloth
6.Wring a compress or
pack thoroughly, and
apply it to the affected
7. Continue treatment for 20 minutes
8. Do after care. Record patient
Patients At Risk for Burns or
Tissue Injury from
Heat or Cold Therapy
1.Elderly patients/ clients
2.Pediatric patients
Patients At Risk for Burns or
Tissue Injury from
Heat or Cold Therapy

3. Patients with open wounds, stomas,

or broken skin
4. Patients with peripheral vascular
problems (ex. Diabetes)

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