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Chapter 1

Number System and Codes

Chapter Objectives
 Understand the number system used in Digital
 Understand the types of complements:
 1’s complement
 2’s complement
 9’s complement
 10’s complement
 Understand the types of codes in digital

Number System
 Number system is used to represent the
 The different types of number systems are:
 Decimal number
 Binary number
 Octal numbers
 Hexadecimal numbers

Decimal Number
 It uses digits from 0 to 9 for representing the
 It is represented with base 10.
 A decimal number can be represented using
positional weights.
 Example:
(198)10 = 1 X 102 + 9 X 101 + 8 X 100

Binary Number
 It consists of only two digits, 0 and 1.
 It is represented with base 2.
 A binary number can be represented using positional
 Example:
(198)10 = (11000110)2
= 1 X 27 + 1 X 2 6 + 0 X 25 + 0 X 2 4 + 0 X 23 + 1 X 2 2 + 1 X
21 + 0 X 20
= 128 + 64 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0
= 198

Octal Number
 It uses digits from 0 to 7 for representing the
 It is represented with base 8.
 An octal number can be represented using positional
 Example:
(237)8 = 2 X 82 + 3 X 81 + 7 X 80
= 2 X 64 + 3 X 8 + 7 X 1
= 128 + 24 + 7
= (159)10

Hexadecimal Number
 It uses 16 symbols, 0 to 9 and A to F for representing
the numbers.
 It is represented with base 16.
 A hexadecimal number can be represented by using
positional weights.
 Example:
A3BH = (A3B)16 = A X 162 + 3 X 161 + B X 160
= 10 X 162 + 3 X 161 + 11 X 160
= 2560 + 48 + 11
= (2619)10

Arithmetic Operations
 Arithmetic operations are performed in
arithmetic unit of the digital systems by using
binary numbers.
 The various types of arithmetic operations are:
 Binary addition
 Binary subtraction
 Binary multiplication
 Binary division

 Complements are the binary representation of
negative numbers in digital systems.
 The various types of complements are:
 1’s complement: It is obtained by changing all 0’s to 1’s
and all 1’s to 0’s, of a binary number.
 2’s complement: It is obtained by adding 1 to the 1’s
 9’s complement: It is obtained by subtracting each digit in
the number by 9.
 10’s complement: It is obtained by adding 1 to the 9’s

Binary Coded Decimal
 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is the
combination of four digits, 8241, which
represent the binary numbers.
 Example:
 BCD equivalent of 1 is 0001
 BCD equivalent of 2 is 0010
 BCD equivalent of 5 is 0101
 BCD equivalent of 9 is 1001

 Code is the symbolic representation of discrete
information, which can be represented in the form of
numbers and letters.
 Codes are classified in five groups:
 Weighted binary codes: These codes follow the positional
weighting principle in which the position of the numbers
represent the weight. The different types of weighted codes
 8421 code
 2421 code
 Reflective code
 Sequential code

Codes (contd..)
 Non-weighted codes: These codes are not positionally
weighted. Each position within the binary number is not
assigned a fixed value. The different types of non-weighted
codes are:
 Excess-3 code
 Gray code
 Error detecting codes: These codes are used to detect errors
in the decimal numbers. The different types of error
detecting codes are:
 Check sum
 Parity check

Codes (contd..)
 Error correcting codes: These codes are used to
correct the errors in the decimal numbers. The
different types of error correcting codes are:
 Hamming codes
 Alphanumeric codes: These codes represent
numbers, letters and special symbols. The different
types of alphanumeric codes are:
 ASCII codes
 EBCDIC code

 Hollerith code

Boolean Algebra
 Mathematician George Boole defined Boolean
algebra as the technique, which provides the rules for
carrying out the logical operations.
 The logical operations available in Boolean algebra
 Logical AND operation: It is given as Y = A.B for two
Boolean variables A and B. The values of AND operation
for different values of A and B are:
 If A=0,B=0 then A.B = 0
 If A=1,B=0 then A.B = 0
 If A=0,B=1 then A.B = 0
 If A=1,B=1 then A.B = 1

Boolean Algebra
 Mathematician George Boole defined Boolean
algebra as the technique, which provides the rules for
carrying out the logical operations.
 The logical operations available in Boolean algebra
 Logical AND operation: It is given as Y = A.B for two
Boolean variables A and B. The values of AND operation
for different values of A and B are:
 If A=0,B=0 then A.B = 0
 If A=1,B=0 then A.B = 0
 If A=0,B=1 then A.B = 0
 If A=1,B=1 then A.B = 1

Boolean Algebra(contd..)
 Logical OR operation: It is given as Y=A+B. The values of
OR operation for different values of A and B are:
 If A=0, B=0 then A+B = 0
 If A=1, B=0 then A+B = 1
 If A=0, B=1 then A+B = 1
 If A=1, B=1 then A+B = 1
 Logical complementation operation: It is also known as the
NOT operation and it converts the logical 1 to 0 and logical
0 to 1.
 If A is a Boolean variable, then the complement of A is represented
by A* or A′.
 Alternatively, a bar over the variable is used to represent the
complement of the variable.

Basic Laws of Boolean Algebra
 The basic laws of Boolean algebra are used to provide
mathematical expressions for logical operations.
 The Boolean rules define only two variables, binary 1
and binary 0. The basic rules of Boolean algebra are:
 Boolean addition  Boolean multiplication
 0+0=0  0.0 = 0

 0+1=1  0.1 = 0

 1+0=1  1.0 = 0

 1+1=1  1.1 = 1

Properties of Boolean Algebra
 The properties of Boolean algebra depend on the
following operators:
 Two binary operators denoted by the symbols ‘+’ and ‘.’
 One unary operator denoted by either the bar (¯) symbol or
prime (') symbol
 The various properties of Boolean algebra are:
 Commutative property: The order of a Boolean operation
conducted on the variables makes no difference on the
result. For example:
 Boolean addition is commutative, i.e. A+B = B+A
 Boolean multiplication is commutative, i.e. A.B = B.A

Properties of Boolean Algebra
 Associative property: A Boolean operation conducted on
several variables provides the same result irrespective of
their grouping. For example:
 Boolean addition is associative. It is represented as:
A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C
 Boolean multiplication is associative. It is represented as:
A.(B.C) = (A.B).C
 Distributive Property: Boolean algebra is distributive for
both addition and multiplication operations.
 Boolean addition is distributive over the Boolean multiplication. It
is represented as:
A+B.C= (A+B).(A+C)
 Boolean multiplication is distributive over the Boolean addition. It
is represented as:
A.(B+C)= A.B+A.C

DeMorgan’s Theorems
 According to DeMorgan’s first theorem, the
complement of the product of two binary variables is
equal to the sum of the complements of two binary
 It can be stated as:
(AB)* = A* + B*
 According to DeMorgan’s second theorem, the
complement of the sum of the two binary variables is
equal to the product of the complements of two
binary variables.
 It can be stated as:
(A + B)*= A*.B*

Sum of Products and Product of Sums
 Sum of Products (SOP) and Product of Sums (POS)
are the logical variables that are used to express
logical functions.
 SOP: It is the logical sum of two or more logical product
term. Basically, it is an OR operation of AND operated
variables. For example:
 Y = AB+BC+AC
 POS: It is the logical product of two or more logical sum
terms. Basically, it is an AND operation of OR operated
variables. For example:
 Y = (A+B)(B+C)(A+C)

Karnaugh Map
 Karnaugh map is a systematic method for simplifying
and manipulating switching expressions.
 It is used to represent the information contained in a
truth table or the information available in the form of
POS or SOP. The characteristics of a K-map are:
 In an n-variable K-map, there are 2n cells and each cell
matched to one combination of n variables.
 In an n-variable K-map, a collection of 2m cells and each
adjacent to m cells is known as a group.This group can be
expressed by a product containing n-m variables where n is
the number of variables in the K-map.

Types of Logic Gates
 The following are the types of the logic gates
used in logic circuits:
 Basic logic gates
 OR gate
 AND gate

 NOT gate

 Universal logic gates

 NAND gate
 NOR gate

OR Gate
 The OR gate is used to represent the addition
operation between the two inputs A and B.
 Output of the operation is represented by

 Output of the OR Gate is always:

 High or 1 if any of the input is High or 1
 Low or 0 if BOTH the inputs are Low or 0
AND Gate
 The AND gate is used to represent the logical
multiplication operation between the two
inputs A and B.
 Output of AND operation is represented by Y
= A .B A
Y=A . B

 Output of the AND Gate is always:

 High or 1 if both the inputs are High or 1
 Low or 0 if any of the input is Low or 0
Not Gate
 The NOT gate is used to represent the logical
complementation operation.
 If A is the input to NOT gate then Y i.e. output
of NOT gate is represented by Y = A* where
A* is the complement of A.
 Output of the NOT gate is always:
 High or 1 if the input is Low or 0
 Low or 0 if the input is High or 1
 The NAND gate is used to represent the
contraction of NOT-AND gates.
 If A and B are two inputs then its output is
represented by Y = (A. B)*

 Output of the NAND Gate is always:

 High or 1 if one or both of the inputs are low or 0
 Low or 0 if BOTH the inputs are high or 1
NOR Gate
 NOR gate is used to represent the contraction
of NOT-OR gates.
 If NOR gate has two inputs A and B then its
output is represented by Y = (A+B)*

 Output of the NOR gate is always:

 High or 1 if both the inputs are low or 0
 Low or 0 if any one or both the inputs are high or 1
Universal Gates
 The NAND or NOR gates are known as universal
gates. These gates are used to implement any gate
like AND,OR and NOT gates.
 The following two gates are also used in logic
 Exclusive-OR (Ex-OR) gate: In Ex-OR gate, the output is
high if only one input is in high state or 1. If both the inputs
are same, then the output is low.
 Exclusive-NOR (Ex-NOR) gate: In Ex-NOR gate, the
output is high if both the inputs are same, otherwise the
output is low.
Mixed Logic
 In mixed logic circuits, the values of the inputs
are not fixed as compared to positive and
negative logic.
 In positive logic, the high is represented as
+5V or TRUE and low is represented as 0V or
FALSE. In negative logic, the high is
represented as 0V or FALSE and low is
represented as +5V or TRUE.
 In mixed logic, the user can assign any value
of the inputs to the logic circuits. 30

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