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The EMPOWERMENT women in



Development health aims for increase awareness,

will, and ability life healthy for every people to
materialized level health community that highest, as
investation for development source power human
that productive in social and economical, (Article 2 of
Law 36/2009)
Problem that there is time this
1. BATTERY and AKB still high in Indonesia
2. Indonesia be on rankings 49 from 51 country that support administration breastfeeding
3. Right baby for get breastfeeding exclusive not yet reached as what listed in Law KesNo. 36
th.2009psl 129
4. mother work right leave no there is finally replace breastfeeding with milk formula, honey
banana etc
5. Culture , knowledge community about colostrum in throw away,
6. ImplementationPP N0. 33 / th.2013
7. PHBs on order RT (ASI exclusive 38.7%)
8. Child into investation SDM for time front nation and country not yet in knowing community
9. supposition on service health constitute obligation not needs
10. Supervision that loose milk formula, genjar promotion, value /moral officer that weak
11. Not yet all the place work provide time and amenities suckle
12. Problem facilitators/ counselor breastfeeding exclusive not yet available equally
13. Comparison cadre active with that no active more a little (Service Health Sleman, 2015).
14. Advocacy related to exclusive breastfeeding programs already exist but have not be perceived
15. participation of the KP-breastfeeding and KP-mother remains uneven and function
Human Menurut Al qur'an

Creation creature that named human after creatures

more in narrated in Alqur'an Al-KArim in clear be
accompanied dengan aim creation human that own in
advance earth, even including inside it disagreement
makhluk previous (Angel) because trend human for
behave bad than with Angel (QS. Al Baqarah 30).

Perkemba hasil
ngan interaksi
manusia kehidupan
kehidupan manusia
manusia dengan
Welfare for all

SDG's 17 program already covered in formulation 1945 paragraph to

4 read:
" protect all nation Indonesia and all spill blood Indonesia, and for advance welfare general,
educate life nation, and follow doing ketertuiban world that by independence, peace timeless and
justice social... "
1. Study theory development
Development Study In Development

PEmbangunan human cover:

1. Kpoor living conditions Health (size Longevity) Problem HAM
2. PEducation as (size knowledge) and
3. Tingkat income real (size living standart).

Durkheim (1968) declare development happen as result

presence change structure social,l in form division work
Redfield (1947) (in Mardikanto, 2010) declare development
happen because presence change community traditional
toward community urban
Development For improvement Welfare

WELFARE not just fulfillment needs principal that

consist food, clothing and housing or

3 value that be contained (Todaro, 1981)

1. reach self-supporting
2. Enhancement price self
3. in obtain it atmosphere freedom

PEmbangunan be expected could produce individuals that

always have sensitivity : circumstances, problem, and
alternatives that held
Human Development Paradigm

paradigm development human, review from aim pembagunan is create

something environment that enable community for enjoy life that
creative, healthy, and aged long,
Moeljarto Tjokrowinoto characteristic- characteristic development that centered on
people (human) as following:
1. Initiative and process taking decision for meet needs community stage by stage
must placed on community own
2. Focus primary is increase ability community for manage and mobilize source that
there in community for meet needs they
3. Approach this tolerate variation local and therefore, nature flexibel adjust with
condition local
4. In doing development, approach this emphasize process secial learning inside it
there interaction collaborative between bureaucracy and community start from
process plan to evaluation project with base self each other learn
5. Networking between bureaucracy and institute Governmental community (LSM).
2.Teori promotion health and empowerment
community field health

promotion health empowerment community field health

refer on Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
by conference international health (WHO,
Tribs strategy principal
1. advocacy
2. building atmosphere
and Pemberdayaan community that is something
3. empowerment effort for grow and increase knowledge, will,
and ability individual family and community for
prevent disease, increase health, create
Third strategy environment healthy and acts active in
management every effort health (MoH RI,
mentioned held in 2011a).
form actions

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