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Rizki A 121 13 041

I Gede Yogi Riski A 121 15 077
Azizah Agni A 121 17 143
Hasriyanti A 121 17 161
language in social context is focussed on a language
acquisition and language learning, significance of language and
society. The language acquisition is differentiated from the
language learning. The former is unconsciously conducted by a
language user, whereas the letter is consciously conducted by a
language user. The significance of language in a community is
viewed from the viewpoint of its importance in a community, and it
is discussed in relation to the three inseparable elements in a
community, human being, community, and language. In the social
context, language is not only a means of communication but also it
is a means of creating and maintaining social relationship among
speakers of the language.
Social distinction will often show up in linguistic distinctions
when we look at the connections between these distinctions we are
looking at the variation theory, or variationist sociolinguistics.
we come across variable which are that can be produced
in more than one way. For example, the “th” sound in “brother”
can be pronounced “brudder”, “bruvver” or “bro’er”. Social
factors will affect these variations such as the speaker’s age, sex
or degree of education.
The oldest branch of sociolinguistics is dialectology, the study of
regional difference of language. This type of study looks at the
settlement patterns of settlers years ago. This can help you explain the
regional differences in language in North America. For example,
people from East Anglia Settled in the New England area. People who
settled along the coast came from the South of England. These people
brought speech patterns of their home areas with them.
Lexical items show differences by region as well. Soda is called
“tonic” in eastern New England, “pop” in the Northwest and “Soda pop”
in parts of southern Midland. We will notice regional differences in
phonology too, especially in the pronunciation of vowels. The vowels {e}
and {a} following an {r} can be pronounced similiarity making words
like “merry”, “mary”, and “marry” all sound the same.
differences in morphology and syntax can arise in different
regions as well. For example “you” is often pronounced “y” all in the
Contact with speakers of other languages or other varieties is
called language contact. New experiences can occur when speakers of
different language meet and move towards bilingualism.
Code switching and borrowing
• Code switching is when people use two or more languages to
communicate. Speakers who code switch are often fluent in both of
their languages monolinguals think it happens because the speaker is
not competent in one of his or her languages.
• Borrowing occur when a single language is dominant but single word
from a second language will be inserted. If the borrowed word is
used enough, it will eventually be corrected by the users and used
correctly in the dominant language .
Contact languages : mixed languages, lingua francas,
pidgins, and croles.
Mix languages occur when there is heavy code switching occurring
in a language. This is rare and many linguist argue it does not
exist. Lingua francas occur when people from two different
languages, who communicate often, choose a language to
consistently use to communicate. This is an attempt to level the
playing field for both groups. A pidgin is an undeveloped
language with few grammatical rules and limited complexity. It is
often used as a lingua francas and does not have native speakers.
When a pidgin’s lexical items and grammatical rule increase, it
can transform into a creole.
Such as:
• Class
• Ethnicity
• Gender
• Situation specific factors
• Societies can approach language as a social objects. For
example, one variety of English may be considered the
standard over another. Some societies even have academies
established to maintain the purity of a language. The belief in
the correctness of a language variety can have social impacts
regarding education or employment opportunities.
• Some governments may declare an official language. The
official language will often benefit the political and economic
power of the ethnic group that speaks that language. This may
occur by majority groups perceiving itself as having increased
power over a minority group, such as groups attempting to
make English the official language in the united states.

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