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Reliability Concepts

& TTC Assessment

M Venkateswara Rao

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Power System Reliability
Reliability of a power system refers to the probability of its satisfactory operation
over the long run. It denotes the ability to supply adequate electric service on a
nearly continuous basis, with few interruptions over an extended time period
- IEEE Paper on Terms & Definitions, 2004


Adequacy Security

• Adequacy relates to the existence of sufficient facilities within the system to

satisfy the consumer load demand at all times.
• Security relates to the ability to withstand sudden disturbances

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Power System Reliability…
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) defines two
components of system reliability-
Adequacy-Having sufficient resources to provide customers with a continuous
supply of electricity at the proper voltage and frequency, virtually all of the time.
“Resources” refers to a combination of electricity generating and transmission
facilities, which produce and deliver electricity; and “demand-response” programs,
which reduce customer demand for electricity.
Security – The ability of the bulk power system to withstand sudden, unexpected
disturbances such as short circuits, or unanticipated loss of system elements due to
natural or man-made causes.

Power system is operated in a reliable and secure manner so that system stability
is not endangered.

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Planning and Operating Criteria

Planning Criteria of Indian Grid is defined in CEA Planning Criteria

2013 where N, N-1 and N-1-1 criteria are considered.

Operating Criteria of Indian Grid is defined in CEA Grid standard

2010 where various contingencies have been defined.
Reliability Criteria
• No Contingency-N-0- All parameters within normal limits
• N-1 Contingency- Steady state
• All the equipments shall remain within their normal operating ratings(Voltage, Angle, Loading)
for any one of the following single contingencies without load shedding/rescheduling of
 Outage of a 132kV or 110kV single circuit,
 Outage of a 220kV or 230kV single circuit,
 Outage of a 400kV single circuit,
 Outage of a 400kV single circuit with fixed series capacitor(FSC),
 Outage of an Inter-Connecting Transformer(ICT),
 Outage of a 765kV single circuit
 Outage of one pole of HVDC bipole.
(Angular Separation between Adjacent buses shall not exceed 30 degrees)
• N-1-1 Contingency- After suffering one contingency, grid is still vulnerable for second
contingency , wherein some elements would be loaded to emergency loading. Load shedding/
rescheduling of generation either manually or through automatic System protection schemes
(SPS) within one and half hours to bring the system to normal.
• Emergency Thermal Rating= 110% of the normal Thermal limits

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability Criteria
• N-1 Contingency- Transient state

• System to survive
 In case of 765kV and 400kV- A permanent three phase to ground fault or
single phase to ground fault close to the bus to be cleared within 100ms.
 In case of 220kV/132kV -A permanent three phase to ground fault or single
phase to ground fault close to the bus to be cleared within 160ms.
 HVDC -A fault in HVDC convertor station resulting in permanent outage of
one of the poles of HVDC Bipole.
 The Contingency of loss of single largest generating unit or critical generating
• N-1-1 Contingency
• In case of permanent fault, , system parameters shall not exceed emergency
limits, load shedding/rescheduling required to bring the system to normal
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
Power System Operation-Five Modes

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Regulations Applicable for Grid Reliability-
 Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC)-2010 & subsequent
 Measures to relieve congestion in real time operation-2009 &
subsequent Amendment dtd 01.04.2013.
 CEA Transmission Planning Criteria-2013
 Open Access in Inter-state Transmission-2008 & subsequent
 Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters-2014 &
subsequent Amendments
 Standards of Performance of inter-State transmission licensees
(SOPR) Regulations, Sep’12.

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability and Stability During Grid Operation-
 SLDCs/RLDCs and NLDC to designate Main and Alternate Reliability coordinators
(As per 4.6 of detailed congestion procedure dt 22.4.13)
 Two level reliability coordinators at WRLDC (Senior and Junior level).
 Outage Coordinator at WRLDC/SLDCs/Utilities
 Coordination between Outage & Reliability coordinators with Control room
 Study of outages in important corridor and D/c outages and preparation of
contingency action plan.
 Emergency outage coordination and action plan in real time.
 Real time Security desk operation at WRLDC/NLDC level for helping operator
with State Estimator/ PMU data/Simulation study.

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability Indices Daily/Weekly/Monthly-
System reliability indices are being monitored by RLDCs/NLDC on
daily/weekly/monthly basis and being published in website -KPI

Daily -
Weekly -
Monthly -

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability Indices Daily/Weekly/Monthly-

Sample Weekly Report

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Angular Separation Monitoring-
Angular Separation Monitoring-

Sample Daily Angle Report • Wide angle pair-

• Between two distinct nodes,
important corridors like
Vindhyachal-Asoj, Korba-
Kalwa, Korba-Raipur…
• Adjacent Angle Pair-
• Between two adjacent
nodes, like Korba-Raipur,

Reports are being published in

websites Daily/Weekly/Monthly

Reports can be seen

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability Indices Calculation for ISTS-

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

• TTC assessment required for reliable system operation and
to facilitate non-discriminatory open access in Transmission
as per CERC regulations on Open Access and Power

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Inter-Regional ATC/TTC- BY RLDCs/NLDC IN Website
TTC-4500MW TTC-1460MW
ATC-4200MW ATC-1415MW
TTC- 10050MW TTC-2000MW
ATC- 9550MW NR ATC-1800MW

TTC- 2500MW
ATC- 2000MW WR
TTC- 5150MW ATC-1325MW
ATC- 4650MW
SR TTC- 4350MW
ATC- 4100MW
5 Grids Synchronized
5 Frequencies
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
CERC Open Access Regulations 2004
Criteria for allowing transmission access-
ii) The short term access shall be allowed, if request can be
accommodated by utilising:
(a) Inherent design margins
(b) Margins available due to variation in power flows
(c) Margins available due to in-built spare transmission
capacity created to cater to future load growth

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

OA Theory & Practice FOR report, Nov’08
“For successful implementation of OA, the
assessment of available transfer capability (ATC) is
very important. A pessimistic approach in assessing
the ATC will lead to under utilisation of the
transmission system. Similarly, over assessment of
ATC will place the grid security in danger.”

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Power Flow
Is directional
 Does not recognize geographical boundaries, asset
 Does not check the map to determine the shortest route
 Flows are dictated purely by
 Impedances of the transmission lines
 Point of injection by generators
 Point of consumption loads

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Transfer Capability
Transfer capability is the measure of the ability of interconnected electric systems
to reliably move or transfer power from one area to another over all transmission
lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system conditions.
Transfer Capability vs Transmission Capacity
-Transfer capability is the transfer limits to maintain the reliability of the
interconnected transmission networks. It depends upon the generation, customer
demand, and transmission system conditions assumed during the time period
- Transmission capacity usually refers to the thermal limit or rating of a particular
transmission element or component. It is a function of the physical relationship of
that line to the other elements of the transmission network

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Transmission Capacity vs Transfer Capability
Transmission Capacity Transfer Capability
1 Is a physical property in isolation Is a collective behavior of a system
Depends on design, topology, system
2 Depends on design only
conditions, accuracy of assumptions
3 Deterministic Probabilistic
4 Constant under a set of conditions Always varying
5 Time independent Time dependent
6 Non-directional Directional

7 Determined directly by design Estimated indirectly using simulation models

8 Declared by designer/ manufacturer Declared by the Grid Operator

9 Understood by all Frequently misunderstood

10 Considered unambiguous & sacrosanct Subject to close scrutiny by all stakeholders

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Total Transfer Capability(TTC)- As per CERC
congestion regulations 2009
“Total Transfer Capability (TTC)” means the amount of electric
power that can be transferred reliably over the inter-control area
transmission system under a given set of operating conditions
considering the effect of occurrence of the worst credible
TTC depends on-
• System conditions
• Critical contingencies
• System limits
• Parallel path flows and
• Non-simultaneous and simultaneous transfers

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Available Transfer Capability (ATC)
“Available Transfer Capability (ATC)” means the transfer capability of
the inter-control area transmission system available for scheduling
commercial transactions (through long term access, medium term
open access and short term open access) in a specific direction, taking
into account the network security. Mathematically ATC is the Total
Transfer Capability less Transmission Reliability Margin.
Mathematically it can be expressed as-
TRM: Transmission Reliability Margin

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Reliability Margin
“Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM)” means the amount of margin kept in
the total transfer capability necessary to ensure that the interconnected
transmission network is secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in
system conditions.
Typical uncertainties:
 Aggregate Load forecast
 Load distribution uncertainty
 Forecast uncertainty in transmission system topology
 Allowances for parallel path and simultaneous path interactions
 Variations in generation dispatch
 Short-term System Operator response
 Reserve-sharing requirements
 Inertial response and frequency bias
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
TTC Declaration by RLDC/NLDC in website
Extract from the CERC approved procedure dated 23rd April 2013
4. Procedure for declaration of TTC, TRM, ATC and anticipated Constraints
• 4.2- Regional Load Despatch Centres shall assess TTC, TRM and ATC for the inter-
regional corridors at respective ends, intra regional corridors (group of control areas)
and for individual control areas within the region (if required) for a period of three
months in advance. During assessment of TTC, the RLDCs would duly consider the input
provided by the SLDCs. The TTC, TRM and ATC figures for the inter-regional corridors,
intra regional corridors (group of control areas) and for individual control areas within
the region (if required) along with all the input data considered shall be forwarded to
NLDC. The details of anticipated transmission constraints in the intra regional system
shall also be indicated separately.
• 4.3- National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) shall assess the TTC, TRM and ATC) of inter
and intra-regional links/ Corridors respectively for three months in advance for each
month up to the fourth month as inputs received from RLDCs & TTC/TRM/ATC
notified/considered by CTU for MTOA.

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

TTC assessment by SLDCs
Extract from the CERC approved procedure dated 23rd April 2013
4. Procedure for declaration of TTC, TRM, ATC and anticipated
• 4.1- State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) shall assess the Total
Transfer Capability (TTC), Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) and
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) on its inter-State transmission
corridor considering the meshed intra State corridors for exchange
(import/ export) of power with inter-State Transmission System
(ISTS). These figures along with the data considered for assessment
of TTC would be forwarded to the respective RLDC for assessment
of TTC at the regional level. The details of anticipated transmission
constraints in the intra State system shall also be indicated
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
TTC Assessment & Factors to be considered
Through computer simulations- load flow/stability studies.
Factors to be considered for simulation
Planning criteria
Operating Limits
Network Topology
Forecasted demand- peak/offpeak: LGBR
Generation despatch based on maintenance schedule- forecasted
hydro despatch
System configuration- Lines under outage
Base schedule transfer- intra regional transfers known in advance
Credible System contingencies
Reliability Margins

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Input Data and Source
S No. Input Data Suggested Source
1 Planning Criteria Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria issued by CEA
Existing network with full elements available
2 Network Topology Planned outages during the entire assessment period

3 Transmission line limits Minimum of thermal limit, stability limit and voltage limit
Load Generation Balance report, Maintenance schedule
4 Thermal unit availability

Ex bus after deducting the normative auxiliary consumption

5 Thermal despatch Output could be further discounted by the performance index of generating
units of a particular size as compiled by CEA

6 Gas based thermal despatch Past trend

Peak and off peak actual hydro generation on median consumption day of
7 Hydro despatch same month last year
The current inflow pattern to be duly accounted
8 Load Anticipated load
9 Credible contingencies Planning criteria + Operator experience

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Modelling of Load/Generation
 EHV transmission network normally modelled down to 132
 All generating units greater than 50 MW and connected at
132 kV and above are modelled
 Load is generally lumped at 132 kV or below
 Separate base cases are prepared for calculating the export
and import capability corresponding to both peak and off-
peak load

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Methodology to Assess TTC
Total Transfer Capability between two areas assessed by
increasing the load in the importing area and increasing
the generation in the exporting area or vice versa till the
constraints are hit for a credible contingency.
Credible contingencies shall be considered-
 Outage of single transmission element (N-1) in the transmission
corridor or connected system whose TTC is being determined as
defined in IEGC
 Outage of a largest unit in the importing control area Station.

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Methodology to Assess TTC…
During assessment of Total Transfer Capability it shall be ensured
that the conditions specified in CEA Manual on Transmission Planning
Criteria are met after credible n-1 and n-1-1 contingencies.
• Violation of grid voltage operating range or
• Violation of transmission element loading limit in n-1 contingency
case or
• Violation of emergency limit in the n-1 contingency case or
• Stability under n-1-1 contingency of a temporary single phase to
ground fault on a 765 kV line close to the bus or a permanent single
phase to ground fault on a 400 kV line close to the bus.
• Angular difference of 30 degrees between adjacent buses under n-1

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Total Transfer Capability: TTC
Thermal Limit
Voltage Limit

Stability Limit

Total Transfer Capability

Total Transfer Capability is the minimum of the
Thermal Limit, Voltage Limit and the Stability Limit
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
Line Loading & Voltage Limits
Normal & Emergency Loading Limits-
• The loading limit for a transmission line is its thermal loading limit.
• The loading limit for an ICT is its name plate rating.
• The emergency thermal limits for the purpose of planning shall be
110% of the normal thermal limits.
Voltage (kV RMS) as per IEGC/Planning Criteria
Nominal Maximum Minimum
765 800 728
400 420 380
220 245 198
132 145 122
8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India
Arriving at ATC
Transmission Reliability Margin(RM) to be considered-
Two percent (2%) of the total anticipated peak demand met
in MW of the control area/group of control area/region ( to
account for forecasting uncertainties)
Size of largest generating unit in the control area/ group of
control area/region


8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

TTC assessment block diagram
Planning Credible
CEA criteria contingencies
Network topology +
Capacity additions

LGBR Anticipated Simulation

Substation Load

Reports Anticipated
Ex bus Brainstorming TTC
Weather Thermal Generation

Last Anticipated Ex bus Stakeholders

Year Hydro generation Operating Operator
pattern limits experience

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Total/Available Transfer Capability
Reliability Margin (RM)

Short Term Open Access (STOA)/PX

Medium Term Open Access (MTOA) TTC

Long Term Open Access (LTA)


TTC/ATC of State control areas
TTC – 6611 MW
TTC - 8800 MW RM - 250 MW
RM - 300 MW ATC – 6361 MW
ATC - 8500 MW CG
TTC Declaration by SLDC MP in website YET TO BE DECLARED


8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

System Operator AND Electricity Markets
System operator – a facilitator for the efficient functioning of the
electricity market
Grid security comes before Economics
 No economic theory, no legislation, no regulation can repeal
the Laws of Physics
 Design of market rules not to compromise with the System
Operator’s responsibility regarding system security and
System Operation is
a ‘mission critical activity’ for uninterrupted, secure, reliable and
quality power supply in the country

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

The balance needs to be restored !

Grid Security

8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Thank You
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8-Aug-18 Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

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