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STUDY OF SOCIETY: the study of the

people in society and how individuals relate
to the one another and to the group
The study of human social behavior;
How people live in communities and
SOCIOLOGY the institutions and developments of
human society including the kinds of
group they form.

Deals with the study of the origin of

ANTHROPOLOGY human beings and their physical and
cultural developments

The study of the processes, principles

POLITICAL and structure of gov’t and political
SCIENCE institutions.
Deals with the study of the allocation
of scarce resources among unlimited
and competing uses to satisfy human
The study of the Earth’s physical
features; the study of all the physical
GEOGRAPHY features of the Earth’s surface, including
its climate and the distribution of plant,
animal and human life.

Branch of metaphysics that studies the

soul, the mind, and the relationship of
PHILOSOPHY life and mind to the functions of the
body. Also known as the love for

These are the significant records which

tell man’s progress from the past to the
HISTORY present time. It is an inventory of his
activities- the things he has done, how he
did them and how he had come to them

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