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Grade six 6
What is Euphemism?

Euphemism is one of
the figures of speech. It
makes rude or harsh
sound soft
and polite.
Euphemism for politeness Euphemism to soften
Euphemism Expression/Concept Euphemism Expression/Concept

Adult beverages Beer or liquor Passed away died

Domestic engineer maid Correctional facility jail

Vertically-challenged short departed die

Sanitation engineer Garbage collector On the streets homeless

Between jobs unemployed Put to sleep euthanize

Economical with the liar Letting someone go Firing someone


Chronologically- late Differently-abled Handicapped or

challenged disabled
Identifies Speaker’s
Tone & Mood
in Narratives.
and MOOD
is the voice or the
narrator of the poem.
The speaker could
be the author, or any
entity in the poem.
TONE is the writer’s or
speaker’s attitude towards
the poetry’s subject, material
or audience. The tone of a
poem evokes emotions of
the reader and creates the
Examples of tone include: serious, comical, & depressing.
TONE is the writer’s or
speaker’s attitude towards
the poetry’s subject, material
or audience. The tone of a
poem evokes emotions of
the reader and creates the
Examples of tone include: serious, comical, & depressing.
Skill: Analyzes Speaker’s Tone and Mood in Literary Texts.
Directions: Circle the response that fits best with each given scenario.
1. walk
You You into
rooma room
filled filled with round
with round dinnerdinner
tablestables topped3.with
topped Thecrystal
sun was bright and
glasses. The the sky wasisclear.
silverware Joan the
real silver,
dishware is real
with crystal china, and
glasses. the napkinsis are
The silverware realsilk. Women
silver, the are dressedjogged down the
in evening pathand
attire, withmen
at her side and
dressed in black suits
dishware is real china, and the napkins are silk. Women and are smiled about last night's victory. The tone of this
bow ties.
dressed in evening attire, and men are dressed in black suits excerpt can be best described as _____.
a. Which word best describes the attitude the event
and bow ties. A. planner
Cheerfulhad towards this evening (tone)?
A. PlayfulB. Gloomy
1. Which word best describes the attitude the event planner B. Formal C. Formal
ad towards this evening (tone)? C. Casual D. None of the Above
A. Playful D. Sarcastic
B. Formal 4. Why is it important for an author to be able to
C. Casual use mood effectively?
D. b.Sarcastic
Which word best describes the atmosphere/feelings you feel as a result of walking into this room (mood)?
A. Scarya. control the feelings that their work evokes in the reader.
2. Which word best describes the atmosphere/ Sad b. has a clear sense of what the author thinks about
feel as a result of walking into this room (mood)? C. Elegant the characters.
A. Scary D. Trashyc. has a clear sense of what the author thinks about
B. Sad the entire piece.
C. Elegant d. control the mental images that their work evokes
D. Trashy in the reader.

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