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Information System Design

“Student Registration
System Example”
Ms. Yosra Awad
Student registration system

We will go through the step by step

process for designing, and implementing
an information system for student
registration purposes.
The purpose of the Student Registration
system is to:
Record student personal data.
Record data about doctors.
Record data about courses.
Record the courses that each student has
registered in per semester, as well as the
Record the courses that each doctor has
taught in each semester.
Step 1: Produce ERD
• After the Analysis phase is complete, one
of its products is the Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD).
• The ERD models the data in an
Student Registration
Step 2: Mapping or
• The process of transforming the ERD into
a schema.
• This process involves transforming the
ERD entities into tables.
• and the ERD relationships into foreign
keys (informally speaking).
• The result of the mapping process is a




fk fk fk fk

fk fk fk fk
Step3: Coding
• Write the SQL code that would build the
tables and relationships present in the
• After the coding is complete, the database
would be finalized, and you would be
ready to start on your forms.
Create Student table

create table student

(student_reg number(4) primary key,
address varchar2(30),
date_of_birth date,
mobile_no number(12),
nationality character (20),
phone number (15),
student_name character (20));
Create Course table

create table course

(course_code number (5) primary key,
course_name character (30),
credit_hrs number (2),
description varchar2 (100));
Create Semester table &
primary key

create table semester

(semester_season character (12),
semester_year number (4));

alter table semester

add constraint sems_pk primary key
(semester_season, semester_year);
Create Doctor table

create table doctor

(doctor_no number (3) primary key,
doctor_name character(30),
qualification varchar2 (100));
Create Student_course table

create table student_course

(student_reg number (4),
semester_season character (12),
semester_year number (4),
course_code number (5),
grade number (3));
Create table Semester_course

create table semester_course

(semester_season character (12),
semester_year number (4),
doctor_no number (3),
course_code number (5));
Create the Fk & Pk constraints
on Student_course table
alter table student_course
add constraint st_reg_fk foreign key (student_reg)
references student (student_reg);

alter table student_course

add constraint sem_season_fk foreign key
(semester_season, semester_year)
references semester (semester_season, semester_year);

alter table student_course

add constraint course_fk foreign key (course_code)
references course (course_code);

alter table student_course

add constraint stu_crs_pk primary key (student_reg,
course_code, semester_season, semester_year);
Create the Fk & Pk constraints
on Semester_course table
alter table semester_course
add constraint doc_fk foreign key (doctor_no)
references doctor (doctor_no);

alter table semester_course

add constraint crs_fk foreign key (course_code)
references course (course_code);

alter table semester_course

add constraint sea_fk foreign key (semester_season,
references semester (semester_season,

alter table semester_course

add constraint sem_crs_pk primary key
(course_code, semester_season, semester_year,
Step3: Form design
• Design the forms needed to input data into
the different tables, according to the user
preferences and design guide lines.

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