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Context-Free Grammars

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 1

Formal Definitions

Grammar: G  V ,T , S , P 

Set of
Set of Start Set of
terminal variable productions

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 2

Context-Free Grammar: G  (V , T , S , P)

All productions in P are of the form

A s
Variable String of
variables and

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 3

Example of Context-Free Grammar
S  aSb |  productions
P  {S  aSb, S  }

G  V ,T , S , P 

V  {S}
T  {a, b} start variable
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 4
Language of a Grammar:

For a grammar G with start variable S

L(G )  {w : S  w, w  T *}

String of terminals or 

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 5

context-free grammar G : S  aSb | 

L(G )  {a b : n  0}
n n

Since, there is derivation

S a b n n
for any n 0
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 6
Context-Free Language:
A language L is context-free
if there is a context-free grammar G
with L  L(G )

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 7

L  {a b : n  0 }
n n

is a context-free language
since context-free grammar G :
S  aSb | 

generates L(G )  L

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 8

Another Example

Context-free grammar G :
S  aSa |bSb | 
Example derivations:
S  aSa  abSba  abba
S  aSa  abSba  abaSaba  abaaba

L(G )  {ww : w {a, b}*}


Palindromes of even length

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 9
Another Example
Context-free grammar G :
S  aSb | SS | 
Example derivations:
S  SS  aSbS  abS  ab
S  SS  aSbS  abS  abaSb  abab

L(G )  {w : na ( w)  nb ( w),
and na (v)  nb (v)
in any prefix v}
parentheses: () ((( ))) (( )) a  (, b )
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 10
Derivation Order
Derivation Trees

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 11

Derivation Order

Consider the following example grammar

with 5 productions:

1. S  AB 2. A  aaA 4. B  Bb
3. A   5. B  

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 12

1. S  AB 2. A  aaA 4. B  Bb
3. A   5. B  
Leftmost derivation order of string aab :

1 2 3 4 5
S  AB  aaAB  aaB  aaBb  aab

At each step, we substitute the

leftmost variable
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 13
1. S  AB 2. A  aaA 4. B  Bb
3. A   5. B  

Rightmost derivation order of string aab :

1 4 5 2 3
S  AB  ABb  Ab  aaAb  aab
At each step, we substitute the
rightmost variable
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 14
1. S  AB 2. A  aaA 4. B  Bb
3. A   5. B  
Leftmost derivation of aab :
1 2 3 4 5
S  AB  aaAB  aaB  aaBb  aab

Rightmost derivation of aab :

1 4 5 2 3
S  AB  ABb  Ab  aaAb  aab
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 15
Derivation Trees
Consider the same example grammar:

S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 

And a derivation of aab :

S  AB  aaAB  aaABb  aaBb  aab

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 16

S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 
S  AB


yield AB

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 17

S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 
S  AB  aaAB


yield aaAB
a a A

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 18

S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 
S  AB  aaAB  aaABb


a a A B b

yield aaABb
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 19
S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 
S  AB  aaAB  aaABb  aaBb


a a A B b

 aaBb  aaBb
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 20
S  AB A  aaA |  B  Bb | 
S  AB  aaAB  aaABb  aaBb  aab
Derivation Tree S
(parse tree)

a a A B b
  aab  aab
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 21
Sometimes, derivation order doesn’t
Leftmost derivation:
S  AB  aaAB  aaB  aaBb  aab
Rightmost derivation:
S  AB  ABb  Ab  aaAb  aab

Give same
derivation tree
a a A B b


Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University
 22

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 23

Grammar for mathematical expressions
E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a

Example strings:
(a  a )  a  (a  a  (a  a ))

Denotes any number

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 24

E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a

E  E  E  a E  a EE
 a  a E  a  a*a
E  E
A leftmost derivation
for a  a  a
a E  E

a a
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 25
E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a

E  EE  E  EE  a EE

 a  aE  a  aa
E  E
leftmost derivation
for a  a  a E  E a

a a
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 26
E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a

Two derivation trees

for a  a  a

E  E E  E

a E  E E  E a

a a a a
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 27
take a2

a  a a  2  22

E  E E  E

2 E  E E  E 2

2 2 2 2
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 28
Good Tree Bad Tree
2  22  6 2  22  8
6 Compute expression result 8
E using the tree E
2 4 4 2
E  E E  E
2 2 2 2
2 E  E E  E 2

2 2 2 2
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 29
Two different derivation trees
may cause problems in applications which
use the derivation trees:

• Evaluating expressions

• In general, in compilers
for programming languages

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 30

Ambiguous Grammar:
A context-free grammar G is ambiguous
if there is a string w L(G ) which has:

two different derivation trees

two leftmost derivations

(Two different derivation trees give two

different leftmost derivations and vice-versa)
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 31
Example: E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a
this grammar is ambiguous since
string a  a  a has two derivation trees

E  E E  E

a E  E E  E a

a a a a
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 32
E  E  E | E  E | (E) | a
this grammar is ambiguous also because
string a  a  a has two leftmost derivations
E  E  E  a E  a EE
 a  a E  a  a*a

E  EE  E  EE  a EE

 a  aE  a  aa
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 33
Another ambiguous grammar:
| if EXPR then STMT else STMT

Variables Terminals

Very common piece of grammar

in programming languages
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 34
If expr1 then if expr2 then stmt1 else stmt2

if expr1 then STMT

if expr2 then stmt1 else stmt2

Two derivation trees


if expr1 then STMT else stmt2

if expr2 then stmt1

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 35
In general, ambiguity is bad
and we want to remove it

Sometimes it is possible to find

a non-ambiguous grammar for a language

But, in general we cannot do so

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 36

A successful example:
E E E
E  E T |T
E  E E
T T  F | F
E  (E )
E a F  (E ) | a
generates the same
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 37
E  E T T T  F T  a T  a T F
 a  F F  a  aF  a  aa
E  E T |T
E  T
T T F | F
F  (E) | a T T  F

Unique F F a
derivation tree
for a  a  a a a
FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 38
An un-successful example:

L  {a b c }  {a b c }
n n m n m m

n, m  0

L is inherently ambiguous:

every grammar that generates this

language is ambiguous

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 39

Example (ambiguous) grammar for

L  {a b c }  {a b c }
n n m n m m

S  S1 | S2 S1  S1c | A S2  aS2 | B
A  aAb |  B  bBc | 

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 40

The string a b c  L
n n n

has always two different derivation trees

(for any grammar)
For example

S1 S2

S1 c a S2

FLAT Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 41

• Context Free Grammar
– Derivations
– Derivation Trees
• Ambiguous Grammars

Formal Languages and

Automata Theory Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 42

Formal Languages and

Automata Theory Dept. of CSE, VFSTR University 43

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