Synapse 7 Oct 2016

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• Communication - the major function of

nervous system
• term was first used by Sherrington
• On average, each neurons forms
about 2000 synapses

Dr. Ashok Solanki 1

Physiological classification:

• Chemical synapse:
just a potential space between two
• Electrical synapse: gap junctions or low
resistance bridges.
• Conjoint synapse: Synapses in which
transmission is both chemical and
Dr. Ashok Solanki 2
Dr. Ashok Solanki 3
Structure of synapse

Dr. Ashok Solanki 4


• Neurons transmit information in the form of

electrochemical changes (nerve impulses) to
other neurons and to cells outside of
nervous system
Dr. Ashok Solanki 5

Synapse consists of:

Presynaptic membrane

Synaptic cleft

Postsynaptic membrane

Dr. Ashok Solanki 6

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Synaptic Transmission

• NT release is rapid because many vesicles

form fusion-complexes at “docking site.”
• AP travels down axon to bouton.
• VG Ca2+ channels open.
– Ca2+ enters bouton down concentration gradient.
– Inward diffusion triggers rapid fusion of synaptic
vesicles and release of NTs.
• Ca2+ activates calmodulin, which activates
protein kinase.
• Protein kinase phosphorylates synapsins.
– Synapsins aid in the fusion of synaptic vesicles.
Dr. Ashok Solanki 9
Chemical Synapse

• Terminal bouton is separated

from postsynaptic cell by
synaptic cleft.
• NTs are released from
synaptic vesicles.
• Vesicles fuse with axon
membrane and NT released
by exocytosis.
• Amount of NTs released
depends upon frequency of

Dr. Ashok Solanki 10

Chemical Synaptic Transmission
•When AP reaches a neurons terminal
It stimulates neurotransmitter release.
•Output signal is graded, amount of NT
released is determined by the number and
frequency of the action potentials.
•After release, NT diffuses across the cleft
to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron.
Binding then results in the post-synaptic
cell generating a synaptic potential.

The sign of this synaptic potential

depends on the type of receptors.

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