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By: Ms. Shampa Nandi

Assistant Professor

Those activities of mankind are studied which are concerned with

earnings and spending of money.

For the successful handling of these activities certain laws and rules are
formulated which are known as various theories of economics.

Use of these rules & tools provided for analysing business conditions and
applying them for arriving at various economic decision is known as
business economics.
MicroEconomics & MacroEconomics

Microeconomics Macroeconomics
Derived from the greek word mikros Derived from the greek word makros
meaning “Small”. meaning “Large”

Microeconomics studies economic Macroeconomics studies economic

relationship or economic problems at relationships or economic problems at
the level of an individual- an individual the level of the economy as a whole.
firm, an individual household or an E.g. Study of Unemployment, inflation,
individual consumer. Per capita income.
E.g. Study of TISCO

It is basically concerned with It is basically concerned with

determination of output and price for determination of aggregate output and
an individual firm or industry. general price level in the economy as
a whole.
Positive and Normative Economics

Positive Economics Normative Economics

When we are studying a problem and When we are offering suggestions to
its related issues which are subject to solve the problem (which are not
verification, like the extent of poverty subject to verification, like for e.g. the
and unemployment we are referring to suggestion of reservation in jobs to
positive economic. solve the problem of poverty) we are
referring to normative economics.

The positive statement describe what Normative statements describe what

was, what is and what would be ought to be. Its objective is to
under the given set of circumstances. determine norms or aims.
All these statements are capable of These are opinions relating to right or
empirical verification. On the basis of wrong of a particular policy matter, and
which degree of truth can be found. are always a matter of debate.
Meaning & Definition of Business Economics

• According to Spencer and Siegelman, “ Business Economics may be

defined as the integration of economic theory with business practice for
the purpose of facilitating decision making and forward planning by

• Decision Making: Means selecting one out of a set of two or more

alternatives or in other words, making a choice.
• Planning: Means planning for the business activities to be undertaken for

( The problem of selection arises because the supply of factors of production

(land, labour, capital and enterprise) is scarce or limited.)

Business Economics helps management in making right decisions and

planning for the future under the condition of uncertainty.
Other Definitions of Business Economics

• According to McNair and Meriam, “ Business Economics consists

of the use of economic modes of thought to analyse business

• According to Joel Dean, “The purpose of managerial economics is

to show how economic analysis can be used in formulating business

• In the words of Joseph L. Messy, “ Business Economics is the use

of economic theories by the management in making business
After the study of various definitions it can be
concluded that:

Business Economics is that branch of knowledge in which theories

of economic analysis are used for solving business
management problems and determination of business policies.

Business Economics serves as a bridge between Economics and

Business Management.
Characteristics of Business Economics

1) Micro- economic in Nature: The problem of a particular firm is studied in it

and not the whole economy.

2) Theory of Firm or Economics of Firm: All the economic theories,

concepts and economic models known as “Theory of Firm” or “Economics
of Firm” are studied in Business economics.

3) Importance of Macro Economics too : Macro economics helps to

understand the overall environment in which a firm operates its activities.
The knowledge of Macro economics enables the managers to co-ordinate
and adjust their business in the best possible way with environmental forces
with which they have no control. E.g. Fiscal policy, industrial policy,exim

4) Applied Approach: Business economist analyses good or bad effects of

various decisions on the firm. So BE is not a theoretical subject but a
subject of practical utility.
Characteristics of Business Economics
5) Perspective nature: It indicates what should be done and what not.

6) Decision making at Managerial level: BE is a practical subject and its main

object and function is to help the management in formulating suitable business

7) Co-ordinating Nature: Business economics provides the business managers

practical and theoretical solutions of their business problems.

8) Both Science and Art: Business economics is used as a systematic

knowledge, therefore, it is a science. It provides methods to reach the most
beneficial decision to the business requiring various skills hence it is an art too.

9) As a complementary subject: In business economics, helps are sought from

various disciplines like statistics, mathematics, operation research in order to
understand the business situation and arrive at their solution by using tools
provided by these discipline.
Importance of Application of Economics in
Business Management

1) Helpful in Organizing: Business managers can learn through the study of

Business Economics what to produce, how to produce, for whom to
produce and when to produce. This helps them to organize well.

2) Helpful in Planning: Managers with the use of business economics can

plan to mobilise and use resources effectively.

3) Helpful in Decision making: Business manager can decide on the basisi

of their knowledge of Business Economics number of relevant things such
as what kind of production should be undertaken, what should be the
technique etc. so as to get the maximum profit.

4) Helpful in co ordination: Business economics helps to establish co

ordination between traditional theoretical concepts of economics and actual
business practices.
Importance of Application of Economics in
Business Management

5) Helpful in Formulating Business Policies: Business Economics helps in

deciding its policies for the real objectives and certain business situation of
the firm.

6) Helpful in Cost Control

7) Helpful in Demand Forecasting: Business economics provides the use of

economic concepts for estimating economic relations among various
variables for managerial decisions.

8) Minimizing Uncertainties:

9) Helpful in Understanding External Environment: Business Economics

helps the business managers in understanding the external environment in
which the firm has to function and shows him the way to co-ordinate his
business with it.
Scope of Business Economics

1) Demand Analysis and Forecasting: Demand analysis and forecasting of

demand facilitates the decision making and forward planning. If demand
forecasting of a firm is correct, the firm earns more profit and if they are
wrong it suffers losses.

2) Production Planning and Management: Every firm is engaged in certain

production, hence it has to plan and manage the production. Firm has to
make profitable decisions keeping its factors of production and the product in

3) Cost Analysis: One of the important responsibilities of business managers

is to analyze and control costs in order to maximize the profit. It can be done
only by the proper investigation and research about the respective costs.

4) Pricing Policies and Practices: Deciding the price is one of the important
subject of business economics. The success of a firm depends upon
decisions regarding prices.
Scope of Business Economics

5) Profit Management: Business economics helps in analysis of profit

measurement and control.

6) Capital Management: Capital management in business economics

includes cost of capital, profitability of the capital and the selection of
suitable project or projects out of various projects.

7) Decision Theory under Uncertainty: Uncertainties are many fold such as

uncertainty of demand, uncertainty of cost, uncertainty of capital etc. Many
statistical methods are developed for taking decision under condition of
such uncertainties.
Business Economics Vs Economics

Business Economics Economics

It deals with the application of Economics deals with the body of
economic principles and theories to principles and theories itself.
the problems of business firms.

Nature of business economics is Micro Nature of economics is both Micro

economics. economics and Macro economics.

Business economics is micro in Economics has a wider scope.

character but it deals with the
problems of business firms only and it
does not study problems of individuals.

The main focus of study in business Under economics all the distribution
economics is profit theory. theories like rent, wages and interest
are studied along with the theory of
Business Economics Vs Economics

Business Economics Economics

It adopts, modifies or reformulates Economic theory makes assumption
existing economic models to suit the and hypotheses, economic
specific conditions and to serve relationships and generates economic
specific problems of a business firm. models.
Business economics is applied in Economic theory avoid complexities
nature. and makes simplified assumptions to
solve complicated theoretical issues.
Concepts and models developed in Theories and principles of economics
business economics have their are away from practical realities and
practical utility in solving problems of are based on a number of unrealistic
the business firm. assumption.

Business economics is new subject Economics is much older subject.

which came in existence only after
second world war.

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