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Green funding

sinduja a
Green fund

A mutual fund or other investment vehicle-
invest in companies that are deemed
socially conscious in their business dealings
or directly promote environmental
Forms of green fund

focused investment vehicle for companies
engaged in environmentally supportive
 alternative energy,
 green transport,
 water and waste management, and
 sustainable living.
Green fund strategy:

 based on avoiding negative company
criteria (businesses such as guns, alcohol,
gambling, animal testing, etc.)

choosing positive company criteria
(environmental programs, energy
conservation, fair trade, etc.), or

a combination of both strategies. 

To support the environmental sustainability,
governments of various countries are
funding environmental projects and green
Mode of funding

The funding is made available through
government bodies: central government,
regional government , local government,
government offices, and regional local
development agencies.
Green initiatives

Major industrial private sector firms have
formed an Alliance for Energy Efficient
Economy (AEEE )

The Central Leather Research Institute -
quality of leather as well as reduce
environmental pollution.

National environmental policy(2006)-
formed for promoting clean technology.
Government funding

Government funding for environmental
management practices - allotted as a
percentage of the 'economic stimulus

The stimulus package consists of the
government funding for various economic
and social activities, and includes tax
Green funding- examples

Infosys-> a carbonneutral company by
 involves investing in projects that remove

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and

those for nullifying the effects of carbon
dioxide emissions generated by the
company’s normal business operations. 

The South Korean government plans to invest
$193 million for the development of
alternative sources of energy.

Central government- investing in waste
minimization in small and medium industries.

 Sustainable Urban Transport Project -promote
environmentally sustainable urban transport
in India & usage of environment friendly
transport modes through demonstration
projects in selected cities.
Focused areas

energy efficient infrastructure;

usage expansion of renewable source of

reduction in green house gases and carbon

development of low carbon vehicles, clean
technologies, and green infrastructure for
waterways, roadways, and railways; and

conservation of water resources.
thank you

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