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JCS High School Academy

We Foster Students Who PROSPER…

■ have a Passion for learning that moves them to achieve
■ develop Responsibility by taking ownership of their
■ explore Opportunities for personal growth in leadership,
athletics and the arts.
■ Support others through teamwork and community service.
■ Are Prepared for life long learning and success.
■ Strive for Excellence in character and academics.
■ Respect themselves and others.
JCS HSA students have a passion
for learning that moves them to achieve more.
■ Highly qualified teachers in their subject area
■ Small class sizes to differentiate learning so students are likely to be
passionate and motivated
■ Project choice offered to accommodate students’ strengths and
■ Flexibility to pursue outside-of-school passions
■ Option to concurrently enroll in Community College classes
■ May enroll in Work Experience Education
JCS HSA students develop responsibility
by taking ownership of their education.
■ Knowledgeable about University Prep vs Community College Prep
■ Freshmen Foundations Class
■ Communication with teachers
■ Continuous monitoring of TeacherEase
■ Academic Counselor availability
JCS HSA students explore opportunities
for personal growth in leadership, athletics and the arts.
■ PULSE (People Uniting through Leadership & Student Events)
■ Yearbook
■ Peer Assistants
■ Co-Ed Intramural Sports
■ Sports & Conditioning Class

■ Visual & Performing Arts Classes and Clubs

JCS HSA students support
others through teamwork and community service.
■ Intramural Sports, PULSE, Yearbook
■ Model this with our PATS (Parents Assisting Teachers & Students)
■ Community Service Projects
■ Teacher Assistants
■ Peer Tutoring
■ In-class and out-of-class peer collaboration
– Labs
– Projects
– Peer editing
– Google docs
– Presentations
– Socratic Seminars
JCS HSA students are prepared
for lifelong learning and success.
■ Assist in recognizing different learning styles.
■ Opportunity to continually learn from mistakes
– Test retakes
– Revising essays
– Tutoring
■ Senior Projects
■ Communication techniques
■ Use of technology
– TeacherEase
– Chrome Books & Ipads
– Google Drive
– Data Based Resources
– Creation of websites, screen casts, videos, etc.
JCS HSA students strive for excellence
in character and academics.
■ Strive for at least a 2.5 Grade Point Average (GPA)
■ Uphold good character – enforced by staff
■ Teachers believe all students can achieve excellence with support,
hard work and dedication.
■ Red Cards
■ Academy Awards
JCS HSA students respect
themselves and others.
■ Digital Footprint
■ Respect differences and welcome them
■ Staff enforces high standard of behavior and citizenship
■ Teachers model respect, friendship and collaboration
■ “Nice place” ☺ - A “second family” atmosphere

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