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Part C
2.4 Simplify combinational Logic
Circuits using:
a. Boolean Laws
( Already Discuss in Part B notes)
b. Karnough Map
Review:Boolean Simplification
Question: Using Boolean Rules/Laws/De Morgan
Theorem, simplify the expression below:

a. Y = AC (A B D) + A B C D + A B C (5m)

b. Y = ABC (BD + CDE) + AC (5m)

 Provides a systematic method for
simplifying a Boolean expression or a
truth table function
 The K-map is a table consisting of N = 2n
cells, where n is the number of input
 The table format is such that there is a
single variable change between any
adjacent cells
Two variables K-map with
assume A and B as variable

Three variable K-map with

assume A, B and C as variable
 Looping
1. Looping of PAIR/TWO
 Looping a PAIR of adjacent 1s in a K-map
eliminates the variable that appears in
complemented and uncomplemented form
2. Looping group of FOUR/QUAD
 Looping a QUAD of adjacent 1s eliminate the two
variables that appear in both complemented and
uncomplemented form
3. Looping group of EIGHT/OCTET
 Looping an OCTET of adjacent 1s eliminates the
three variables that appear in the both
complemented and uncomplemented form
 Examples
Simplify this Boolean equation by using K-maps
F = X Y Z+ X Y Z + X Y Z
 Examples
Find out the equation based on the given
 Solution
More Exercises in K-Map
Use a K-map to minimize the following SOP
Boolean Expression

a. A B C + A B C + A B C + A B C + A B C

b. A B C D + A B C D + A B C D + A B C D + A B C D +

c. C ( A B + B ) + A B C + A B
 Discuss the answer with your lecturer.
 Do exercises in Tutorials.


1. "Digital Systems Principles And Application"

Sixth Editon, Ronald J. Tocci.

2. "Digital Systems Fundamentals"

P.W Chandana Prasad, Lau Siong Hoe,
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Muhammad Suryanata.

Download Tutorials Chapter 2: Boolean Operations


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