Cardinal Numbers 0-100

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The Numbers 0–100

(Los números del 0 al 100)

The Numbers 0–100
0 cero
1 uno 6 seis 11 once
2 dos 7 siete 12 doce
3 tres 8 ocho 13 trece
4 cuatro 9 nueve 14 catorce
5 cinco 10 diez 15 quince
The Numbers 0–100
Formerly, these numbers could be
The numbers from 16 to 19 (and written as three words, and may be
from 21 to 29) are normally encountered in this format in older
written as one word. publications:

16 dieciséis diez y seis

17 diecisiete diez y siete
18 dieciocho diez y ocho
19 diecinueve diez y nueve
20 veinte
When written as one word, dieciséis
must bear a written accent as shown.
The Numbers 0–100
21 veintiuno (veinte y uno)
22 veintidós (veinte y dos)
23 veintitrés (veinte y tres)
24 veinticuatro (veinte y cuatro)
25 veinticinco (veinte y cinco)
26 veintiséis (veinte y seis)
27 veintisiete (veinte y siete)
28 veintiocho (veinte y ocho)
29 veintinueve (veinte y nueve)
30 treinta Veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis must
also bear a written accent as shown.
The Numbers 0–100
31 treinta y uno ¿treintiuno?
32 treinta y dos

40 cuarenta We do not condense

41 cuarenta y uno the numbers to one
etc. word after 30.
The Multiples of Ten
(Los múltiplos de diez)

10 diez 60 sesenta
20 veinte 70 setenta
30 treinta 80 ochenta
40 cuarenta 90 noventa
50 cincuenta 100 cien
Cien and ciento
cien = 100 even
cien → ciento
100 cien with any number
over 100 even
101 ciento uno
Notice that “y” (and) is
not used between the
110 ciento diez hundreds’ and tens’
115 ciento quince, etc.
Uno, un and una
The counting number uno becomes un before a
masculine singular noun . . .
un libro → one book
un profesor → one professor (male)
. . . and una before a feminine singular noun.
una mesa → one table
una profesora → one professor (female)
In compound numbers, -uno becomes -ún before a
masculine noun and -una before a feminine noun.
veintiún libros → twenty-one books
veintiuna profesoras → twenty-one professors

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