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Systemic effects of alcohol

?lcohol comes under a category of drugs

Used in therapeutics
1.? lation therapy
2.Trigeminal neuralgia
3.Methanol poisoning

Its potential to e the most a used drug has made it a topic for


The physical effects of alcohol will e dealt with



an episode of temporary anterograde amnesia, in which the

person forgets all or part of what occurred during a drinking evening
almost every person randed as an alcoholic has experienced atleast
one such event͙͙͙.

amount spent in REM sleep is reduced

alcohol acts as a pharyngeal muscle relaxant
common in elderly alcoholics
fatigue, headache, thirst and nausea

5- 15 % of chronic alcoholics develop peripheral neuropathy
predominantly small fi re neuropathy
painful peripheral neuropathy
distal and ilateral
affects vermis
gait distur ance and nystagmus
impaired judgement

predominant thiamine deficiency
ophthalmoparesis, ataxia, and encephalopathy
individuals with transketolase deficiency are predisposed


retrograde amnesia
confa ulation
&' ( )

corpus callosal degeneration
progressive pyramidal tract signs, stupor and coma
progressive dementia

!( ! 

acute proximal muscle weakness

CPK increased 50 fold
myoglo inuria and renal failure


increased frequency of trivial fall
can present with cognition a normality, hemiparesis,gait
distur ances


ÄERD, Mallory Weiss tear, hemorrhaghic gastritis


2 times more common than in non alcoholics

?cute and chronic pancretitis
usually acalculous
hemorrhaghic pancreatitis common
duration of alcohol does not matter much
common during acute inge drinking

1.Fatty liver
2.?lcoholic hepatitis
Fatty liver ʹ stage of reversi ility

?lcoholic hepatitis
Inflammation of liver cells
Mallory odies
Balloning degenaration of cells

Patient presents with

jaundice, fatigua ility, leeding tendency, tender hepatomegaly
Reversi le
? stinence is the est treatment
Other supportive management

15% of chronic alcoholics

micronodular and macronodular cirrhosis
all features of decompensated liver disease
?sscoiation with Hepatitis C virus common
This dreaded association has increased tendency to develop
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)

Incidence is increased two fold


a form of dilated cardiomyopathy
systolic dysfunction

sudden cardiac death due to arrythmia due to alcohol inge


six fold increase in chronic heavy drinkers

30 ʹ 40 % increase in cardiovascular mortality


Modest ethanol doses increase sexual drive
Decrease erectile capacity
Irreversi le testicular atrophy
shrinkage of the seminiferous tu ules,
decreases in ejaculate volume
lower sperm count

decrease in ovarian size
a sence of corpora lutea with associated infertility
increased risk of spontaneous a ortion.

Increase in red lood cell size MCV
folic acid deficiency
hypersegmented neutrophils,
hyperplastic one marrow

Decrease production of white lood cells,

decrease granulocyte mo ility and adherence,
impair delayed-hypersensitivity

Mild throm ocytopenia


increase in cortisol levels,

inhi ition of vasopressin secretion
reversi le decrease in serum thyroxine (T4)
decrease in serum triiodothyronine (T3).




Heavy drinking during pregnancy results in

rapid placental transfer of oth ethanol and acetaldehyde
serious consequences for fetal development.
?ny amount of alcohol can e hazardous
No trimester relation o served
Best way to prevent is ? 
  include :

1.? smooth philtrum Ͷ The divot or groove etween the nose and upper
lip flattens with increased prenatal alcohol exposure.
2.Thin vermilion Ͷ The upper lip thins with increased prenatal alcohol
3.Small palpe ral fissures Ͷ Eye width decreases with increased prenatal
alcohol exposure
  include :
facial changes with epicanthal eye folds
poorly formed ear concha
small teeth with faulty enamel
cardiac atrial or ventricular septal defects
an a errant palmar crease
limitation in joint movement
microcephaly with mental retardation

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