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Suplementasi Gizi

pada Bayi
Dr. JC.Susanto, Sp.AK
Jumat 28 April 2017
Hotel Aston, Semarang

• Un-hygiene
• Reccurent infections
• Drink contaminated Growth
water faltering
• Expose smoke polutions Loss of
• Food containing fungal growth
& bacterial toxin
• Insufficient diet during
convalescence period
after sick

• The number & percentage stunting  in Global,

Latin America, Carribean, Asia
• Increase in Africa & Indonesia
(Riskesdas: 2007-2013 (36,8%  37,2%)
Gambar 4. Angka stunting pada anak usia <5 tahun dan Gross Domestic Product
tiap Pertumbuhan perkapita dari 2005-2010

Sumber: Hou X. Stagnant Stunting Rate despite Rapid Economic Growth—An Analysis of Cross
Sectional Survey Data of Undernutrition among Children under Five in Papua New Guinea. AIMS Public
Health. 2016. Volume 3, Issue 1, 25-39
Hambatan pertumbuhan BB diikuti hambatan
pertumbuhan PB
Growth faltering in HEIGHT is following growth faltering in WEIGHT
International reccomendations VS Indonesian

• WHO 2003 :  INDONESIA 2014:

• Adult  fat <30%  LOW FAT in all ages
• Children 2-18 yo  fat (including infants &
30-35% children
Important characteristic of diet appropriate
children with moderate malnutrition

High content of micronutrients, especially growth

(type II) nutrients
High energy density
Adequate fat content
Appropriate fat quality, especially n-3 / n-6 PUFA
Content of some animal source foods
Low content of anti nutrients
Low risk of contamination
Acceptable taste and texture
Culturally acceptable
Easy to prepare
Affordable and available

(Michaelson KF., 2009)

Linear Growth Retardation (Stunting) and Nutrition, Uauy, 2008
10 %
Stunted and brain development
90 %
Optimum fetal and child nutrition & development

Sumber: Black et al. Maternal and child nutrition. Lancet. 2013

1000 HPK tumbuh cepat
0 24 mo fisik dan otot

500 I HPK
Sangat tergantung suplai
-9 0 6 mo makanan dari ibu

500 II HPK
6 mo 24 mo pemberian MPASI
dan kesehatan
-9 0 12 24

0 3 9,6 12
9 11,5

-9 0 12 24

0 50 + 24 cm + 12 cm

-9 0 6 12 24

Pendek 20% 20% 50% 10%

Length for age
Length for age for boys

Length for age for girls

< 48 cm
Zinc 5 mg
3 bln

Sirup zinc tiap botol 100 ml  20 hari  4,5 botol

Sasaran : - bayi yang lahir di RS Ketileng
- bayi sehat
- ibu sehat
- panjang badan lahir < 48 cm

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