Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation Grade 11 St. Lorenzo

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 1- Contrastcutting

between two diferent

scenariosto highlight the contrast betwe
enthem.2- Parallelism connecting two
seemingly unrelatedscenes by cutting
between them and Focusing on parallel
2. Parallelism
connecting two seemingly
unrelatedscenes by cutting between
them and Focusing on parallel Features.

3. Symbolismintercutting
you mve from your mainscene to
something which creates asymbolic
connection for audience
4. Simultaneity
cutting between two simutaneouse
events as away of driving the suspense.

5. leit motif
reiteration of theme, involes, repeating
short or sequence at key moments as a
sort of code.
 Image Manipulation or Photo

 Involes transforming or altering a

photograph using various methods and
techniques to achieve desired results.

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