Movie Pitch: Josh Cuncarr Katie Evans Hannah Bray

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Movie pitch

Josh cuncarr
Katie evans
Hannah bray
• The title for the film could be one of the following

• Memoria – (because she is haunted by her memories)

• Conscience- (because she has a guilty conscience which is

why its happening)

• The following (because she is being followed by her past)

• The tagline for all of these will however be along the lines
of, “you cant escape your past” or “your past will find you”
• The protagonist is in a chemistry class when a
boy (portrayed as unpopular) is tripped up by
a bully/jockish type, whilst gathering his books
our protagonist leans over the desk to pass a
letter to a friend when a beaker of
concentrated hydrochloric acid is spilled (this
may later be shown using makeup possibly
liquid latex) he is admitted to hospital and
days later dies from severe acid burns
• Ridden with guilt for what she had done, our
protagonist drops out of college and moves to a
London, to be surrounded by the noise of the city to
distract herself from the problem, years later she
forgets this, moves on and gets married.
• For years she has had a job in fashion and before her
big promotion her boss advises her to see a
psychiatrist to make sure she has a clean bill of health,
the sessions force her to remember what happens and
for a few weeks she is again haunted by the memories,
not physically, just sleepless nights and such, the
psychiatrist advises that she goes back to the town
where she grew up, where it happened.
• She takes the advice and moves in with her best
friend/brother or some other relation, (this
serves as a control group as he is of clean mental
health and is not ridden by guilt) after moving
back she visits her old friends, all of whom seem
happy to see her, things seem fine apart from
when the accident is mentioned, it is treated as a
taboo of sorts and has never been spoken about
since it happened, her first experience with the
“ghost” happens when she wakes up from a
nightmare in the middle of the night and sees the
apparition or “ghost” for a short second, she
feels uneasy but dismisses it.
• From here, these events become more frequent,
but when she asks anybody, they have no idea
what she’s talking about, they don’t see anything,
don’t hear the odd noises she hears and this
creates the idea that she is completely isolated
because nobody believes her, from the outside
she appears to be having a mental breakdown,
she even visits a local priest, but what’s actually
happening is that she is being tormented by her
guilt and past memories and is seeing the boy she
killed everywhere, however it is just a
manifestation of her own subconscious and guilt,
in lamens terms her mind is playing tricks on her
making her think that he’s come back to punish
• The story is eventually resolved when she feels that she has
nothing left, her friends and husband don’t believe her, she
cant sleep through fear, and has had enough, so she takes
advice from a local priest, who gives her a vague answer
such as “you know that the answer is inside you” she
dismisses this and the “ghost” appears to become violent,
because without noticing she is injuring herself and
thinking it is the ghost, things such as a cut on the ankle
whilst trying to run from what she’s seeing ect, eventually
she is cornered and realises what the priest meant and
therefore confronts the manifestation and gives a short
speech to show she is no longer afraid and the ghost fades.
The film ends with her going back to London and meeting
her husband, the movie ends with the two of them
embracing a long hug, the man however has a look of
horror on his face, the reaction shot then shows the boy
facing the man, this leaves the audience wondering if he
was involved with the murder and leaves room for a sequel
• Our ideal target audience would be teenagers
from aged 18 onwards because it is a relative
confusing psychological movie therefore a
younger audience would not be able to
comprehend or understand the plot.
• Our unique selling point i would say is that
rather than a killer or supenatural creature, we
have decided to make out villain or killer a
figment of the protagonists guilty conscience
whereas she is unknowingly harming herself. So
this film makes the viewer think as opposed to
having a simple straightforward storyline.

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