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Egyptian Costume

Anju kumari
Roll no -2
Nift Kolkata
:- The Egyptian clothed figure exhibits two typical figures. The first is an
extreme scantiness of simple, undraped garments that reveal the figure even
when the garment covers the whole body. Egyptians concentrated on
draping material across the body and center they folds on the front of the
body. When they did this it would show the out line of the back.

:-Egyptian garments are always simple in their construction and cut. The
major changes that the garments went through as time passed on and the
Empire took control was that they were more ample in their material. This
gave the them more cloth to drape gracefully across the body. The clothes of
men and women were fundamentally alike.
:- Men wore little clothes, however clothing in the Egyptian period was influenced by
two things: the first the position of the wearer and then the second its adaptation to the
convince of the wearer. Men wore their hair In a Bob or thick and abundant in a long
style. They wore headdresses and fillets that wrapped around their curly locks of hair.
Women wore fillets and headdresses too. Their tunics were like the men's but belted
higher and the clothing was short-waisted with the material confined to the breast and
radiated from them.
Crinoline Costume Elements
 Schenti
 Shendoh
 Kalisiris
 Pectoral
 Khat/klaft
 Postiche
 Fillet
 Girdle
 Kohl
 Henna
 Red Crown
 White Crown
 Pschent
Schenti - a loincloth; a rectangular piece tied in front in a
knot and made of linen.
Shendoh—Loin cloth for the Pharaoh.
Kalisiris - Gown
like wrap often from
under the bust
Pectoral—A trapezoidal-shaped piece of decorative
metal and gemstones worn about the neck by nobility.
Khat/klaft—A kerchief, usually striped horizontally, which
wrapped around the front of the head and fastened at the back of
the neck, usually striped horizontally. Later it was cut away so that
it fit over the shoulders and was decorated heavily with beads.

Postiche—False beard, made of leather, felt, or metal.

Reserved for the Pharaoh.
Fillet—A piece of metal, 
leather or ribbon that wrapped
around the head to hold the
hair in place. It was worn as a
headpiece by men and women.
Girdle—A piece of leather,
ribbon or fabric that would
wrap around the body at the
waist or the hips to smooth
out the clothing of the wearer
and to create folds that were
popular to wear.
Kohl—A black cosmetic
substance, comprised of ground
Galena (a black mineral)
sulphur and animal fat ,used in
Egyptian makeup for the eyes
and eyebrows.  It was know to
have alleviated eye
inflammations and protected
the eyes from the sun
and nail dye, from a
shrub or tree whose
leaves gave a red-
orange dye.
Red Crown
Red Crown—The
crown worn by the
Pharaoh of lower
Egypt.  It is in the
shape of a chair
with a coil
protruding from
the front.
White Crown
White Crown—The crown of upper Egyp
Pschent—The red crown of lower Egypt, worn on the
white crown when the two kingdoms of Egypt were
Thanking You
Anju Kumari
Roll No -2

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