1726 Uniform Justicial System

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1726 Uniform Judicial system

Royal Courts

• The company started corporations three
presidency towns of Calcutta, Madras and
• Increasing population
• trading activities,
• administrative responsibilities and
• legal issues between servants and company.
• Courts under direct Royal authority

• Mayor
• 9 Aldermen
• ( 7 natural born subjects of crown+ 2
subjects of any prince or state in amity)
• Sheriff

Judicial system
• The Mayor and the Aldermen were to constitute
the Mayor’s Court
• The quorum of the court was to be three
• The court was to have authority to hear and try all
civil suits arising with the town and its subordinate
• The First appeal from the court lay within
fourteen day to the Governor and Council.
• Further appeal could be lodged within fourteen
days with the King-in-Council

• Sheriff:
• A sheriff have jurisdiction within the presidency
town and for ten miles around, was to be chosen
annually by the Governor and Council

• Criminal jurisdiction
• Governor and five council members
• three justice of peace collectively were to
form a court record.

Legislative powers
• The charter empowered the Governor and Council
of each presidency town make bye-laws, rules and
ordinance for the good government and regulation
of corporation and the inhabitants of the

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