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Algebra 1 Tutorials Mrs.

Chrishele Baker
Monday-Friday 3:00-3:45
Room A306 Conference Period : 1st
Remind Hello, nice to meet you!
text @cbakeralg Hi! I’m Mrs. Baker and this will be my 9th year
to 81010 teaching mathematics and my 3nd year at Alvin ISD.
Supplies I am married and am a proud kitty mommy to my 4
furbabies: Esmarelda, Winthorpe, Sir Isaac Newton,
· Folder for handouts
· Spiral or and Lucinda.
composition notebook
for notes and I’m very excited to get to know you and I hope you
foldables are ready to learn, work hard, and succeed!
· Pencils, pencils,
pencils! Student Expectations
· Highlighters, colored
pencils, or colored As an Algebra 1 student, I expect that you will be
pens prepared for class everyday. I expect and
· Box of Kleenex for encourage you to ask questions when you don’t
the classroom understand, to think about “why” and “how” and not
just “what”. I do not expect you to know everything
or be an expert already, but I do expect you to put
in 100% effort. You will be required to think on your
own, take initiative, and TRY.
Daily grades – 50%
Grading Policies Major grades – 50%
All graded homework and classwork must be turned in before the
end of the grading period.
Major projects will have specific late penalties detailed on the rubric.

Make Up Work Student Responsibilities

All hand outs and You are now in high school! It’s exciting. You have more
returned papers freedom, but you also have more responsibility.
will be in the “I was Advocate for yourself. I love talking to parents and
Absent” folder keeping them informed, but it is YOUR JOB to know
hanging in the front what’s going on in class. It’s YOUR JOB to ask me
of the classroom about an incorrect grade in the gradebook or about
for students to get making upMake
a test. Use your school email address or
Up Work
when they return remind to communicate with me outside of class.
to class. Parents, please work with me to help teach
responsibility and communication skills to your student.
Make up work
should be
completed within 2
If a student does not master the concepts that are
days of the
tested, a recovery option will be given. Students will
have until the end of the grading period to complete

Students must attend a tutorial session in order to

be eligible for a recovery option.

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