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Name ID
Apu Nath 1804
Md. Kabir Sheikh 1805

Naimul Isalm Noman 1807

Sahadat Hossain 1808

Md.Mehedi Hasan 1806

Performance Management Systems

1. Work towards common goal

2. To gain a clear understanding of job expectation4

3. Receive regular feedback

4. Documentation-to meet legal requirements

Performance Management Systems


1) Focuses on the individual

2) Focuses on the process

The Appraisal Process

Established performance standard with employees

Communicate expectations

Measure actual performance

Compare actual performance with standards

Discuss the appraisal with the employee

Initiate corrective action if necessary
The Appraisal Methods

The Three Appraisal Approaches



Absolute standards

 Critical incident appraisal: based on key behavior that

differentiate between doing a job effectively or ineffectively

 Checklist appraisal: appraiser checks off behaviors that apply

to the employee

 Graphic rating scale appraisal: lists traits and a range of

performance for each
Relative standards

 Group order ranking: employees are placed in a

classification reflecting their relative performance.

 Individual ranking: ranking employees performance from

highest to lowest.

 Paired comparison: each individual is compared to every

other final ranking is based on number of times the individual
preferred member in a pair.
Achieved outcomes

 Referred as Management by Objectives( MBO)

 Elements of MBO:
 Specific goals

 Participative decision makings

 Specific time period

 Performance feedback
Factors That Can Distort Appraisals

Inappropriate Leniency
substitutes error

pressures Distortion Halo error

Central Similarity
tendency error
Factors That Can Distort Appraisals

Leniency error: each evaluator has his own value

system; some evaluate high (positive) and others low

Halo error: evaluator lets an assessment of an

individual on one trait influence evaluation on all traits

Similarity error: evaluator rates others in the same

way that the evaluator perceives him or herself
Factors That Can Distort Appraisals

Central tendency: the reluctance to use to the

extremes of a rating scale and to adequately
distinguishing among employees being rated

Inflationary pressures: pressures for equality and

fear of retribution for low ratings leads to less
differentiation among rated employees

Inappropriate substitutes: effort, enthusiasm,

appearance, etc. are less relevant for some jobs than
Factors That Can Distort Appraisals
Crating more effective performance management system

For an effective performance appraisal meeting:

1. Prepare/ schedule meeting in advance

2. Create a supportive environment
3. Describe appraisal purpose
4. Involve employee in appraisal discussion
5. Focus on behavior, not employee
6. Cite specific examples
7. Give positive and negative feedback
8. Ensure employee understood appraisal
9. Generate a development plan

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