Labview Machine Vision and Image Processing Course Day Two: National Instruments Confidential

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LabVIEW Machine Vision and Image

Processing Course
Day Two

National Instruments Confidential

Lesson 5
Creating and Processing Binary Images

Collecting image information with histograms
Performing a threshold
Primary binary morphology functions in IMAQ Vision
Particle measurements

National Instruments Confidential

Using Histograms and Thresholds

• Histograms
– Provide a quantitative distribution of pixels in an image
– Indicate the number of pixels at each gray level
– Limit subjectivity
• Thresholds
– Convert all pixel values in an image to 0 or 1,
according to the value of the original pixel
– Help extract significant structures in an image

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Histograms vs. Thresholds

Original Threshold


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What Is a Binary Image?
• An image segmented into two regions during the
thresholding process
– Particle region (pixels equal to 1)
– Background region (pixels equal to 0)

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Histograms vs. Histographs
• Histogram • Histograph

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Setting Up Your Threshold Filter
• You can set an upper and lower limit for pixel values
in your image
• Pixels inside the bounds of the limit are set to a value
of 1, and pixels outside the bounds of the limit are
set to a value of 0.
• Two types of threshold filters:
– Binarizing threshold filter: If a pixel falls within the bounds, the
filter converts the pixel value to 1; all other pixels are converted
to 0, creating a binary image.
– Bandpass threshold filter: If a pixel falls within the bounds, the
pixel retains its current value; all other pixels are converted to 0

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Exercise 5.1

Histogram Grab VI

Time to complete: 10 min.

To create a histogram from a live image acquisition.


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Exercise 5.2

Histogram and Threshold Grab VI

Time to complete: 15 min.

To apply a threshold to a live image acquisition.


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Exercise 5.3

Threshold in IMAQ Vision Assistant

Time to complete: 10 min.

To use histograms and thresholds in IMAQ Vision



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• Morphological functions remove unwanted
information caused by the thresholding process:
– Noise particles
– Particles touching the border of an image
– Particles touching each other
– Particles with uneven borders
• Binary morphological functions extract and alter
the structure of particles in a binary image

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Primary Morphology Functions
• The primary morphology functions are erosions
and dilations
• A single IMAQ Vision VI (IMAQ Morphology)
performs all primary morphology operations:
– Erosions
– Dilations
– Openings
– Closings

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Advanced Morphology Functions
• Advanced morphological functions are combinations of
multiple VIs, each of which is responsible for a single
• These functions execute the following tasks:
– Separate particles
– Remove small or large particles
– Keep or remove particles identified by morphological parameters
– Fill holes
– Remove particles from an image border
– Create an outline of particles

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Particles and Connectivity
• Particle in a binary image
– Typically, a group of connected white pixels in a black
• Connectivity
– Defines whether 2 adjacent pixels are “connected”
– Connectivity-4
– Connectivity-8

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How Connectivity Affects a Particle
• How many particles with
• How many particles with

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• Alters the structure of particles

• Typically used on binary images
• Cleans up noisy images

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• Decreases the size of objects in an image
– Removes a layer of pixels along the boundary of the particle
– Eliminates pixels isolated in the background and removes
narrow peninsulas
• Use Erode to:
– Separate particles for counting
– Eliminate one-pixel particles that constitute noise

National Instruments Confidential

• Increases the size of objects in an image
– Adds a layer of pixels around the boundary of an object
(including the inside boundary for objects with holes)
– Eliminates tiny holes in objects
– Removes gaps or bays of insufficient width
• Use Dilate to:
– Fill in small holes in a particle
– Calculate the area by counting pixels in a neighborhood

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Dilating and Eroding Particles



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Erode vs. Dilate



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• An erosion followed by a dilation

• Removes small particles and smoothes
• Does not significantly alter the size or shape
of particles
– Erosion and dilation are dual transformations
– Borders removed by the erosion process are replaced
by the dilation process

National Instruments Confidential


• A dilation followed by an erosion

• Fills tiny holes and smoothes boundaries
• Does not significantly alter the size or shape
of particles
– Erosion and dilation are morphological complements
– Borders expanded by the dilation process are reduced
by the erosion process

National Instruments Confidential

Making Particle Measurements
• Use these VIs to make particle measurements on a
binary image:
– IMAQ Particle Analysis Report – Returns the number of
particles in an image and a report containing general
measurements, such as area, number of holes, center of
mass, dimensions, etc
– IMAQ Particle Analysis – Returns the number of particles
and a user selectable report containing the most commonly
used measurements

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 5.4

Morphology in Vision Assistant

Time to complete: 20 min.

To apply a threshold and various morphology techniques


in Vision Assistant.

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 5.5

Particle Analysis in Vision Assistant

Time to complete: 10 min.

To apply particle analysis techniques in Vision Assistant


and use Vision Assistant’s Create LabVIEW VI feature.

National Instruments Confidential

Lesson 6
Spatial Calibration

Reasons for spatial calibration
The calibration process
Common calibration misconceptions

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Spatial Calibration
• Many machine vision applications require reliable real-
world measurements based on an image
• These measurements are based on the relationship
between the image and the real world
• Accounts for possible errors by constructing mappings for
• Corrects perspective or nonlinear distortion errors for
image display and shape measurements
• Translates pixels to real world units so you can make
accurate measurements

National Instruments Confidential


• Accounts for errors due to:

lens distortion


known orientation offset

• Transforms image coordinates to real-world

coordinates and back again

National Instruments Confidential

Calibrating Your Image Setup
• Follow these steps to calibrate your imaging setup:
1. Create a calibration template appropriate for your field of view.
2. Acquire an image of the calibration template using your current imaging setup.
3. Input the acquired image, the distances between the dots on the template, and the
location and orientation of the coordinate system to the IMAQ Learn Calibration
Template VI. This VI produces a calibrated image.
4. Acquire an image of the object of interest without the calibration template.
5. Apply the calibration information to the acquired image by copying it from the
calibrated image.
6. Use IMAQ Vision VIs to apply the calibration information to the pixel

National Instruments Confidential

Calibration Grid

• Image a calibration template with known real-

world distances between the dots
• Learn the calibration (mapping information)

original template image of the template

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IMAQ Vision Calibration Functions
• Use these IMAQ Vision VIs to calibrate your image:
– IMAQ Set Simple Calibration
– IMAQ Learn Calibration Template
– IMAQ Convert Real World To Pixel
– IMAQ Convert Pixel To Real World
– IMAQ Correct Calibrated Image
– IMAQ Set Calibration Info

National Instruments Confidential

Common Calibration Misconceptions

• Calibration “fixes” any measurement to arbitrary


• Calibrated images always need to be corrected

• Calibration can compensate for poor lighting or

unstable conditions

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Exercise 6.1


Time to complete: 10 min.

To use IMAQ Vision calibration tools to solve a


perspective or lens distortion problem.

National Instruments Confidential

Lesson 7
Using Machine Vision Techniques

Edge detection
Regions of interest
Pattern Matching

National Instruments Confidential

Programming with IMAQ Vision’s Machine
Vision VIs


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Machine Vision Sub-palettes
IMAQ Vision’s machine vision VIs are divided into the
following sub-palettes:
– Select Region of Interest
– Coordinate System
– Count and Measure Objects, Measure Intensities,
– Measure Distances
– Locate Edges
– Searching and Matching
– Caliper
– Analytic Geometry
– Instrument Readers

National Instruments Confidential

Edge Detection

• Finds locations of significant intensity

changes within an image
• Works on line profiles
• Detects boundaries of objects quickly
line profile

edge points

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What Is an Edge?
• Contrast—A change in pixel value
• Width—The mean pixel value near an edge
• Steepness—The slope of an edge
Edge located


Width Steepness Width

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Sub-Pixel Accuracy
• Returns edge detection or pattern matching
information in fractions of a pixel
• Uses interpolation and fitting techniques to estimate
sub-pixel accuracy
• Returns with accuracy of one-fourth of a pixel under
optimal imaging conditions

National Instruments Confidential

Edge Detectors
 Low-level VIs based on the high-level IMAQ Simple
Edge VI
 Rake, Spoke, Concentric Rake edge detectors for
curved search areas
 Configurable search directions, sub-sampling ratios,
and display settings

National Instruments Confidential

Edge Detector VIs

Find Horizontal Edge Find Circular Edge

Find Vertical Edge Find Concentric Edge

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Common Machine Vision Applications

Gauge Count

Detect Locate

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• Searches for the first and last edges
along a rake
• Locates the closest edge from each
• Computes the two lines passing
through these points and
perpendicular to the search area
• Computes the distance between the
first and last edges

National Instruments Confidential

Clamping VIs

Clamp Horizontal Max Clamp Vertical Max

Clamp Horizontal Min Clamp Vertical Min

National Instruments Confidential

• Make critical dimensional measurements such as lengths,
distance, and diameter to determine if your part is
manufactured correctly
• Use visual inline gauging inspections to verify assembly
and packaging routines
• Use offline gauging to judge product quality according to a
sample of the product extracted from the production line

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 7.1

Edge Detection and Gauging

Time to complete: 15 min.

To use Vision Assistant to perform edge detection and


use the Caliper function for gauging jumper switches

without any programming.

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 7.2

Machine Vision Tools Exercise

Time to complete: 15 min.

To measure the circularity, the distance between the


centers of two holes, and the distance between two

vertical edges.

National Instruments Confidential

Regions of Interest
• An area of an image in which you want to focus your
image analysis
• Define your ROI interactively or using one of the following
– Construct an ROI in an image window
– Construct an ROI with an image window
– Extract an ROI associated with an image window
– Erase the current ROI from an image window
– Transform an ROI into an image mask
– Transform an image mask into an ROI

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 7.3

Region of Interest Exercise

Time to complete: 15 min.

To program a machine vision application that can snap


an image and perform a useful measurement.

National Instruments Confidential

How Pattern Matching Works
• Locates regions of a
grayscale image that match
a predefined template
– Calculates a score for each
matching region
– Score indicates quality of match
• Locates key components in
a part
– Measures distance or angle
between components in
reference to a predefined
tolerance range

National Instruments Confidential

Creating Good Template Images
• Symmetry • Positional Information

• Feature Details • Background Information

National Instruments Confidential

Two Parts of Pattern Matching

• Learning
– Time-intensive depending on type of match
– Available offline
• Matching
– The VI returns position, rotation, and match score
– Match patterns inside an ROI

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How Robust is Pattern Matching?
• Resists changes in
– Pattern orientation
– Ambient lighting conditions
– Blur and noise conditions
• Searches for
– Patterns that may be partially occluded
– Multiple patterns
– Multiple instances of the same pattern

National Instruments Confidential

Improving Match Speed
IMAQ Vision’s pattern matching tool contains two
parameters that you can adjust to influence your
match speed during pattern matching
• Specify a minimum contrast
– If you are searching for a template with high contrast, eliminate
low contrast areas of your image to increase match speed
• Specify a smaller rotation angle range
– If you know that your template is limited to a certain range of
rotation, limit your search to that range

National Instruments Confidential

Pattern Matching Applications
• You can use pattern matching in these general
– Alignment – Determines the position and orientation of a
known object by locating features. The features are used as
points of reference on the object.
– Inspection – Detects simple flaws, such as missing parts on
illegible printing
– Gauging – Measures lengths, diameters, angles, and other
critical dimensions to determine manufacturing quality

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 7.4

Pattern Matching in Vision Assistant

Time to complete: 15 min.

To apply pattern matching techniques in Vision



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Exercise 7.5

Find Pattern Application in LabVIEW

Time to complete: 15 min.

To build Find Pattern Application in LabVIEW.


National Instruments Confidential

Lesson 8
Using Color Tools

Basics of color image representation
Color Matching
Color Location
Color Pattern Matching

National Instruments Confidential

About Color
• Color is the wavelength of light we receive in our
eye when we look at an object
• White light is a combination of all colors at once
– You can represent a white light by selecting a few reference
colors and weighting them appropriately
– The most common way to represent white light is with the
RGB primaries (red, green, and blue)
• Color perception depends on hue, saturation,
luminance, and intensity

National Instruments Confidential

Color Matching
• Use color matching for
applications such as:
– Color identification
– Color inspection
– Color object location
– Other applications that
require color comparison
to make decisions

National Instruments Confidential

How Color Matching Works
• Learning color distribution
– IMAQ Vision learns a color distribution by generating a color spectrum
– You provide an image or regions in an image that contain the color
information you want to use as reference
– IMAQ Vision then generates a color spectrum
• Comparing color distributions
– The color spectrum from the object under test is compared to the
reference spectrum
– A match score ranging from 0 to 1000 is computed based on the
similarity between the spectrums
– A score of 0 indicates no similarity between the spectrums, and a
score of 1000 indicates a perfect match

National Instruments Confidential

Color Pattern Matching
• Use color pattern matching if:
– The object you want to locate contains color information very
different from that of the background
– You must find the precise location of the object
– The object you want to locate has grayscale properties that
are difficult to characterize or distinguish from the
– The object is similar to others in the image except for color

National Instruments Confidential

Color Location
• Use color location to quickly locate known color regions in
an image
• Use color location in applications with the following
– Requires the location and number of regions in an image with their
specific color information
– Relies on the cumulative color information in the region, instead of
how the colors are arranged
– Does not require the orientation of the region
– Does not require the location with sub-pixel accuracy

National Instruments Confidential

How Color Location Works
• Create a template that represents the colors you
are searching
• Your machine vision application searches for the
template in each acquired image, and calculates a
score for each match.
• The score indicates how closely the color
information in the template matches the color
information in the found regions.

National Instruments Confidential

What To Expect From Your
Color Pattern Matching Tool
The color pattern matching tools in IMAQ Vision
can locate reference patterns with accurate results
under these conditions:
– Pattern orientation and multiple instances
– Ambient lighting conditions
– Blur and noise conditions

National Instruments Confidential

Color Tools VIs
• IMAQ Setup Learn Color Pattern
– Sets the parameters that are used during the color learning stage
• IMAQ Learn Color Pattern
– Creates a description of the color template image you are going to
search for during the color pattern matching stage
• IMAQ Setup Match Color Pattern
– Sets the parameters that are used during the color matching stage
• IMAQ Match Color Pattern
– Searches for a color pattern, or color template image, in the image
under inspection

National Instruments Confidential

Exercise 8.1

Color Pattern Matching Exercise

Time to complete: 20 min.

To use color pattern matching to search for a defined


pattern in an image.

National Instruments Confidential

Lesson 9
Coordinate Systems

Reasons for using a coordinate system
How to set up a coordinate system

National Instruments Confidential

Coordinate Systems
• Allow you to define search
Origin of local
areas that can shift and
coordinate system
rotate with the object you are
• Defined by a reference point
(origin) and a reference angle
within the image or by the
lines that make up its axes 2 points are
• Based on a characteristic ambiguous
feature of the object under
inspection that is used as a
reference for the

National Instruments Confidential

Defining A Coordinate System
1. Define a reference coordinate system.
– Locate an easy-to-find reference feature
– Define a search area that encompasses the reference feature you
want to base your coordinate system on
– IMAQ Vision builds a coordinate system based on these
2. Set up measurement areas within the reference image in
which you want to make your measurements.

National Instruments Confidential

Defining A Coordinate System
3. Acquire an image of the object you are inspecting.
4. Update the coordinate system.
– IMAQ Vision computes the difference between the reference
coordinate system and the new coordinate system
– Based on this difference, IMAQ Vision moves the new
measurement areas with respect to the new coordinate system
5. Make measurements within the updated measurement

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Coordinate System Functions
• IMAQ Find CoordSys (Rect)
Computes a coordinate system based on the position of an object in a
search area of an image
• IMAQ Find CoordSys (2 Rects)
Computes a coordinate system based on the position of an object in
two search areas of an image
• IMAQ Find CoordSys (Pattern)
Searches for a template image in a rectangular search area of an

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Exercise 9.1

Coordinate System Exercise

Time to complete: 20 min.

To define a coordinate system and use it to inspect parts


that may change orientation during inspection.

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Where do you go from here?
• Example programs
• Other NI courses
• Web resources at
– NI Developer Zone
– Application Notes
– Knowledge Base
• Alliance members
• NI Week 2004

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Technical Support Options
• Web:
– KnowledgeBase
– Application Notes
– Product Manuals
– Much more…
• E-mail:
• Phone (800) 433-3488

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Please complete the course evaluation.

Thank you for attending.

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