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Can I have your full name, please?

My full name is 杨帅.

Do you have an English name?(不一定

Yes, my English name is John.
No, I don't have an English name.
Where are you from?
I'm from Beijing.

(I'm from Chengdu, a city in the southwest of China.

I'm from Xi'an, which is famous for Terra Cotta

Are you a student or do you have a job?

I have a job and I'm an English teacher.

I have a job and I have been working as an

accountant for five years.
Are you student or do you have a job?
I'm a student and I have been studying accounting for
three years.
I'm a student and I go to ...University. I major in

Do you live in a house or an apartment/a flat?

I live in a flat. It's not very spacious, but since it's only
me who lives there, it's big enough.

Part 1: 4-5 min, 8-10 questions, your basic

information+every day topics
Part 2: 3-4 min, 1 question, describe
something for 2 min
Part 3: 4-5 min, 4-5 questions, general
questions related to Part 2
fluency and coherence (流利度、连贯性)
lexical resource (词汇资源)
Grammatical range and accuracy (语法广度
pronunciation (发音)


• 最重要



because, cos
• 开头句

• I think=I suppose=I guess

• I believe
• in my opinion=in my view
• What I think is that ...

• Yes, I think so.

• No, I don't think so.


• Yeah, definitely.
• Yeah, absolutely.
• No, not really.

• Off the top of my head, ...

• The first reason/benefit/disadvantage that

comes/springs to mind is (that) ...
• 结尾句

– 可以不要结尾句(自信停下)

– (So) yeah, ...

• 具体-方案-1

– 时间
– 地点
– 人物
– 事件
– 感受

– 现在的事实: – 过去的事实:

• Do you like ...? • Did you like ...?

• Do you often ...? • When did you ...?
• Are you interested in • What was the last time
...? you ...?
• What do you often ...? • Have you ...?
• What do you like to ...?
• How often ...?

• 相同的内容不要过多


• I go to museums quite often.
• I do sports on a quite regular basis.
• I go shopping 3 or 4 times a month.
• I do some reading on a daily basis.
• I watch TV every single day.
• It’s vitally important that we have some me-time once in a
• I forget some important things from time to time.
• I drink coffee occasionally, only when I have to stay up late
to finish a report or something.
• I seldom go to museums because I think I can learn anything
on the internet.
• I hardly ever do any cooking. I just like to go and grab a bite
at a small restaurant near my home.
• There’s a newsstand quite close to where I live and I
buy a newspaper there every morning.
• There's a park within walking distance of my home.
• The nearest subway station is five minutes’ walk
from my home.
• It takes me about 30 minutes to get to that library by
• It's (located) in the center of the city.
• The National Museum is situated in the heart of
• It lies in the northwest of China.
• It's in the south of the town.

• I always go and sing karaoke with my folks/family

• I often eat out with my close friends and we like to
take photos of the food we eat.
• I enjoy hanging out with Lily, who is one of my
closest friends.
• John and I are pretty tight, so we practically do
everything together.
• I often go traveling alone/on my own.
• Listening to music is a great way to relax (and kill time).
• Swimming is one of the best ways to unwind.
• Reading news is pretty educational and I also see it as a
• I often go for a walk in the park and I find it pretty
• Shopping is my favorite pastime. I find it therapeutic.
• My friends like to come over to my apartment and hang out
with me. We always have a lot of fun together.
• My parents threw me a birthday party last month and we had
a blast.
• I went to Jay Chow’s concert and I was on cloud nine that
• I was quite excited/thrilled when my dad told me that he had
bought me a new mobile phone.
• Swimming helps me take my mind off things.
• Reading has a soothing effect on my nerves.
• I was not a fan of math at all. I found it super boring (mind-
• Writing letters is time-consuming.
Do you often read books?

Yes, definitely. Reading is super ( 感 受 / 原 因 )

relaxing I think. I like to read a book (时间)every
day (地点)on my way to and from work/school. It
helps me (感受)kill time.
Do you like listening to music?

Yeah, I'm crazy about it. I lke to listen to some R&B

music and ...also, I play the piano myself (时间)on
a daily basis. (地点)It's in my bedroom and I quite
enjoy the music I make. (感受)It has a soothing
effect on my nerves.
Do you like watching the sky?

Well, I guess so, of course, if it's beautiful up there. I

mean, (时间)in the autumn, it's usually not very
polluted in my hometown, so I just like to stand (地
点)on the balcony and watch the sky. (感受)It
helps me take my mind off things. I quite enjoy it.
What do you like to do on the weekend?

I quite like to go on a picnic (人物)with my friends

on the weekend. You know, (地点)we often go to
the Beihai Park, which is just behind the Forbidden
City. It's a wonderful place for a picnic and (感受)
we always have a blast.
How often do you go traveling?

Well, I go traveling about 2 or 3 times a year (原因)

because I'm quite fond of it. I think traveling is one of
the best ways for me to unwind. (地点)You know, I
quite like to go to seaside cities, the desert and the
grassland. (人物)Sometimes I go with my parents
but most of the time, I travel with my friends, or
perhaps just on my own.

Do you often go to parks?
Do you like doing housework?
How often do you watch movies?
Do you like doing sports?
Do you often go to museums?
Do you like going swimming?
Are you interested in the news?
How often do you go traveling?
What do you often do during a public holiday
When was the last time you went to the

Well, (时间)it was last month, on a Saturday.

(地点)I went to the best cinema in town (人物)
with my girlfriend. (事件)The film we saw was
Mr. Loser, a Chinese film. It was getting rave
reviews then, so we just chose to watch it. (感受)
It was indeed pretty good.
Have you ever planted a tree before?

Yes, I have. If I remember correctly, (时间)I

was 7 or 8 years old then. (人物)My parents
and I went to ( 地 点 ) a park close to our
apartment and planted a willow. ( 感 受 ) I
remember being really happy that day.
Have you ever been to a concert before?
When did you get your first mobile phone?
Have you learned to play a musical instrument?
Have you forgotten anything important?
When was the time you started reading newspapers?
Have you taken a course about stars?
Did you have a favorite teacher at school?
• 具体-方案-2

– 宽泛
– 具体
– 更具体
– 更更具体
– (...)
for example
for instance

such as/like
and so on, and so forth, so on and so forth
– 举例
– 现象/画面
• 所有题目

– 宽泛的概念一定要变成具体的概念
• 哪些是宽泛的概念?
How often do you use your mobile phone?

回答---Oh, I use it on a daily basis (原因)because I do so many

things with it.

举例---For instance, I use it to call my friends or text them. Also, I

can read news and listen to music and watch movies on my mobile.

总结---So yeah, it's an essential part of my life and I just can't live
without it.

many=a lot of=tons of=loads of

all kinds of, many kinds of, a big variety of
everything, anything, everywhere, anywhere ...
Which room in your apartment do you like
the best?

回答---Well, I suppose it's the living room (原因)because it's

where I hang out with my parents every day.

举例---We watch TV together, talk about our day and we play

Mahjong together from time to time.
Do you have a good memory?

回答---No, I suppose not. I'm a little forgetful, I'm afraid.

举例---I always forget some of my friends' names, which is

extremely embarrassing. Plus, I even forget my own phone
number sometimes. Oh, this is rather hard to believe. I forgot to
take off my shoes yesterday when I went to sleep ...
What are the differences between writing a
letter and writing an email?

回答---Well, it's quite obvious that writing and sending a letter

is pretty time-consuming whereas writing an email is really fast.

现象/画面---After you write a handwitten letter, you need to

wait for a few days before the person you're writing to receives
it. But once you've finished writing an email, you just click
"send", and the person on the other end will receive it in no
Is there anything you don't like about your

回答---Off the top of my head, I dislike the traffic the most.

现象---Every day during the rush hour, there are too many
vehicles on the road and you're always stuck in traffic for a
long time.
What's the most popular sport in China?

回答---I guess it's square dancing. It's a very special form of

dance in China and it's quite popular among elderly and
middle-aged people.

现象/画面---Every morning and every evening, if you go to a

park, you will see dozens or hundreds of people dance together
in big groups. They dance to really loud music. I don't know
why they like it. Personally, I find it pretty annoying.
•How often do you take the bus?
•Will you move to another city in the future?
•How often do you go to museums?
•What's your least favorite season?

•I take the bus occasionally.

•I will move to another city in the future in the future v. in the
past v. when I was a child
•there's a museum close to my university. close to v. far from
•I dislike winter the most because it's freezing cold in my
hometown. freezing cold v. scorching hot
• food, spicy food ...
• TV, entertainment programs, documentaries ...
• music, Jazz, her songs
• news, sports news ...
• sports
• don't like the climate, the weather is very changeable ...
• stay up late, get up early
• housework
• movies/films, actions movies/films, Jacky Chan movies/films ...
• maths
• fruit, vegetables
• swimming, swimming is quite popular in China ...
• take photos
• spend some time alone
• I didn't like reading when I was a child ...
• 更进一步——更具体、更更具体
– 应用:罗列型题目+其它

– especially
– (Among these/Out of these,) I particularly like/love/enjoy
– my favorite=I love ...the best
– The most popular ...

• 不一定非得说最喜欢...
• 三步可随便删减
What do people often do in parks?

宽泛:Well, people can do loads of things in a park-

具 体: -like jogging, dancing, walking their dogs,

playing Taichi and so on.
Tell me something about your

宽泛:Well, there are many things about my hometown that I

can talk about.

具体:I really love the food, the weather and also the people.

更具体:I think out of these, I particularly like the Local


更更具体:-especially Beijing duck. It's so tasty that even

thinking about it makes my mouth water.
In what situations do you take photos?

具体:I take photos when I see beautiful views, when I have fun
with my friends and also when I see something strange.

更具体: Among these, I guess I love capturing spectacular

views the most. I'm infatuated with traveling and every time I see
something gorgeous, I take photos of it.
What places do Chinese people like to go to relax?
What sports are popular in China?
What kinds of news are you most interested in?
What do you usually do when you hang out with
Are there many museums in your hometown?
What public holidays do you have in China?
What kinds of books are popular in your country?
What are the most popular tourist attractions in China?
Another way to answer these
• 平行扩展

• 回答+解释/具体(时间、地点、人物、事件、感受;举例

• Off the top of my head, ...

• The first ...that comes/springs to mind is that ...

• First of all=For starters=Firstly

• Also=Besides=Plus=In addition
• Another ...
• Um, what else?
What places do you like to go to relax?

1:Well, I quite like to go to a cafe near my home.

表现:I go there 2 or 3 times a week and I like to do some

reading or watch a film on my laptop there.

2:Plus, I go shopping with my friends quite often, so shopping

malls and some boutiques are also where I like to go to relax.
What public holidays do you have in

We have quite a few.

1:The most important one is definitely the Spring Festival Golden

Week holiday. By Golden Week I mean, we have seven days off.

现象:People go back to their hometowns and visit relatives, throw

parties and enjoy the time with their families. Some people choose to go
traveling during this holiday.

2:Another important one is the National Day holiday.

现象: Many people also go traveling then, so it's quite crowded

everywhere in the country.
What kinds of news are you most
interested in?

1:Well, my favorite is sports news cos I'm a big sports buff.

具体:I particularly love reading news about football matches

and transfers.

2:In addition, I sometimes read entertainment news too-

举例:-you know, like a singer breaking up with another or two

actors getting back together after being divorced for many years,
and stuff like that.
• 平行扩展更多应用——抽象类题目
– two or three

• Why are parks important?

• Are museums important?
• What are the benefits of reading?
• Should children learn to do housework?
• What are the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables?
• ...

– We'll talk more about them in Part 3



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