Emotion & Stress: Book Authors: R.H. Ettinger

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Emotion & Stress

Book authors:
R.H. Ettinger

Chapter 8
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What and Why of Emotions

 Emotions
– A feeling state involving physiological arousal, a
cognitive appraisal of the situation arousing the
state, and an outward expression of the state
 Explaining the components of emotions
– Typically, psychologists have studied emotions in
terms of three components-the physical, the
cognitive, and the behavioral
– The physical component is the physiological arousal
that accompanies the emotion

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What and Why of Emotions

 Explaining the components of emotions

– The cognitive component determines the specific
emotion we feel
– The behavioral component of emotions is the
outward expression of the emotions

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What and Why of Emotions

 Theories of emotion
– James-Lange theory of emotion
 The theory that emotional feelings result when an
individual becomes aware of a physiological response to
an emotion-provoking stimulus
– Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
 The theory that an emotion-provoking stimulus is
transmitted simultaneously to the cortex, providing the
feeling of emotion, and to the sympathetic nervous system,
causing the physiological arousal
– Schachter-Singer theory of emotion
 A two-stage theory stating that for an emotion to occur,
there must be (1) physiological arousal and (2) an
explanation for the arousal
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What and Why of Emotions

 Theories of emotion (continued)

– Lazarus theory of emotion
 The theory that an emotion-provoking stimulus triggers a
cognitive appraisal, which is followed by the emotion and
the physiological arousal

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What and Why of Emotions

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What and Why of Emotions

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What and Why of Emotions

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What and Why of Emotions

 Emotion and the brain

– The brain structure most closely associated with
fear is the amygdala
– When the emotion of fear first materializes, much of
the brain’s processing is nonconscious

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What and Why of Emotions

 Emotion and the brain (continued)

– Researchers using electroencephalographs to track
mood changes have found that reductions in both
anxiety and depression are associated with a shift in
electrical activity from the left to the right side of the
 Polygraph test
– A device designed to detect changes in heart rate,
blood pressure, respiration rate, and the skin
conductance response that typically accompany the
anxiety that occurs when a person lies
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What and Why of Emotions

 Polygraph test (continued)

– Assumption behind the polygraph examination is
that lying causes changes in these physiological
function s that can be accurately measured and
recorded by the device
– However, a polygraph is not really a lie detector; it
cannot distinguish lying from fear, sexual arousal,
anxiety, anger, or general emotional arousal
– Lykken
 Found that increasing arousal by tensing muscles and
thinking about something exciting during neutral questions
could also alter the results
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To Tell the Truth

 How to detect deception

– Hand gestures decrease
– Hand to face gestures increase
 Mouth guard
 Nose touching
 Rubbing eye
 Neck scratch
 Ear rub
– Body shifts increase
– Less eye contact
– More foot movement
– More speech errors
– Pitch of voice increases (goes higher)
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“To Tell the Truth”
It is your job to detect who is not telling the truth. Now that you know
what to look for with regard to nonverbal cues of deception listen to
your classmates answer the following questions. Have them lie on
tow of the questions and try to determine which two they are lying.

1. In what month is your birthday?

2. How many siblings do you have?
3. What is the last digit of your student I.D. number?
4. What is your middle name?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What is your father’s first name?
7. To which political party do you subscribe?
8. What were you born?
9. How old are you?
10. What is your shoe size?
11. Have you ever been given a speeding ticket?
12. How well do you play tennis?
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Expression of Emotion

 Range of emotion
– Paul Ekman and Carroll Izard
 Insist that there are a limited number of basic emotions
– Basic emotions
 Emotions that are found in all cultures, that are reflected in
the same facial expressions across cultures, and that
emerge in children according to their biological timetable
– Ekman
 Suggested considering emotions as families
 Anger family might range form annoyed to irritated, angry,
livid, and finally enraged
 If perceived as a family, anger should also include various
forms of its expression
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Expression of Emotion

 Range of emotion (continued)

– Ekaman and Friesen
 Claim there are subtle distinctions in the facial expression
of a single emotion that convey its intensity
 Development of facial expressions
– Like the motor skills of crawling and walking, facial
expressions of emotions develop according to a
biological timetable of maturation
– Consistency of emotional development across
individual infants and across cultures supports the
idea that emotional expression is inborn
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Expression of Emotion

 Universality of facial expressions

– Charles Darwin
 First to study the relationship between emotions and facial
 Believed that the facial expression of emotion was an aid to
survival, because it enabled people to communicate their
internal states and react to emergencies before they
developed language
 Maintained that most emotions, and the facial expressions
that convey them, are genetically inherited and
characteristic of the entire human species
 Concluded that facial expressions were similar across
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Expression of Emotion

 Universality of facial expressions (continued)

– Scherer and Wallbott
 Found very extensive overlap in the patterns of emotional
experiences reported across cultures in 37 different
counties on 5 continents
 Also found important cultural differences in the ways
emotions are elicited and regulated and in how they are
shared socially
– Researchers found that Caucasian Americans more
quickly identified the facial expressions of other
Caucasian Americans than did Caucasian
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Expression of Emotion

 Cultural rules for displaying emotion

– Display rule
 Cultural rules that dictate how emotions should be
expressed, and when and where their expression is
– Often a society’s display rules require people to give
evidence of certain emotions that they may not
actually feel or to disguise their true feelings
– Cole
 Found that 3-year-old girls, when given an unattractive gift,
smiled nevertheless
 They had already learned a display rule and signaled an
emotion they very likely did not feel
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Expression of Emotion

 Cultural rules for displaying emotion

– Davis
 Found that among first to third graders, girls were better
able to hide disappointment than boys were
– Not only can emotions be displayed by not felt, they
can also be felt but not displayed
– Most of us learn to display rules very early and
abide by them most of the time

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Expression of Emotion

 Emotion as a form of communication

– Katherine Bridges
 Observed emotional expression in Canadian infants over a
period of months
 Reported that the first emotional expression to appear is
that of distress
– Researchers have found that mothers in many
cultures attempt to regulate the moods of their
babies through facial communication of emotions

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Expression of Emotion

 Emotion as a form of communication

– In a study involving some 200 male and female
university students, women admitted that they flirted
with, smiled at, and played up to men, leading them
on when they had no romantic interest in the men or
any intention of having sex with them
– Men admitted intentionally deceiving women about
the depth of their emotional commitment

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Experiencing Emotion

 Facial-feedback hypothesis
– Sylvan Tomkins
 Claimed that the facial expression itself-that is, the
movement of the facial muscles producing the expression-
triggers both the physiological arousal and the conscious
feeling associated with the emotion
– Facial-feedback hypothesis
 The idea that the muscular movements involved in certain
facial expressions trigger the corresponding emotions

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Experiencing Emotion

 Facial-feedback hypothesis (continued)

– Ekman and colleagues
 Documented the effects of facial expressions on
physiological indicators of emotion using 16 participants
 Reported that a distinctive physiological response pattern
emerged for the emotions of fear, sadness, anger, and
disgust, whether the participants relived one of their
emotional experiences or simply made the corresponding
facial expression
 Researcher found that both anger and fear accelerate hear
rate, but fear produces colder fingers than does anger

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Experiencing Emotion

 Facial-feedback hypothesis (continued)

– Izard
 Believes that learning to self-regulate emotional expression
can help in controlling emotions
 Proposes that this approach to the regulation of emotion
might be a useful adjunct to psychotherapy
 Gender differences in experiencing emotion
– David Buss
 Has reported that women are far more likely to feel anger
when their partner is sexually aggressive
 Men experience grater anger than women when their
partner withholds sex
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Experiencing Emotion

 Gender differences in experiencing emotion

– Research by evolutionary psychologists also
suggests clear and consistent differences between
the sexes concerning feelings of jealousy
– Men, more than women, experience jealousy over
evidence or suspicions of sexual infidelity
– A women is more likely than a man to be jealous of
her partner’s emotional attachment and commitment
to another and over the attention, time, and
resources diverted from the relationship
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Experiencing Emotion

 Emotion and cognition

– Emotion allows us to detect risk more quickly than
we could with rational though alone
– It is possible that the anger-optimism link arises
from confidence, whether justified or not, in concrete
measures directed towards people who are
perceived as potentially threatening

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Experiencing Emotion

 Love
– Triangular theory of love
 Robert Sternberg’s theory that three components-intimacy,
passion, and decision/commitment-singly and in various
combinations produce sever different kinds of love
– Liking
– Infatuated love
– Empty love
– Romantic love
– Fatuous love
– Companionate love
– Consummate love
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