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PCI 6th Edition

Lateral Component Design

Presentation Outline

• Architectural Components
– Earthquake Loading
• Shear Wall Systems
– Distribution of lateral loads
– Load bearing shear wall analysis
– Rigid diaphragm analysis
Architectural Components

• Must resist seismic forces and be

attached to the SFRS
• Exceptions
– Seismic Design Category A
– Seismic Design Category B with I=1.0
(other than parapets supported by bearing
or shear walls).
Seismic Design Force, Fp
0.4ap SDS Wp  z
Fp =  1+2 
Rp  h

0.3SDS Wp  Fp  1.6SDS Wp

ap = component
amplification factor
from Figure 3.10.10
Seismic Design Force, Fp
0.4ap SDS Wp  z
Fp =  1+2 
Rp  h

0.3SDS Wp  Fp  1.6SDS Wp

Rp = component response
modification factor from
Figure 3.10.10
Seismic Design Force, Fp
0.4ap SDS Wp  z
Fp =  1+2 
Rp  h

0.3SDS Wp  Fp  1.6SDS Wp
h = average roof height of structure
SDS= Design, 5% damped, spectral
response acceleration at short periods
Wp = component weight
z= height in structure at attachment point < h
Cladding Seismic Load Example

• Given:
– A hospital building in Memphis, TN
– Cladding panels are 7 ft tall by 28 ft long. A 6 ft
high window is attached to the top of the panel,
and an 8 ft high window is attached to the bottom.
– Window weight = 10 psf
– Site Class C
Cladding Seismic Load Example

– Determine the seismic forces on the panel
• Assumptions
– Connections only resist load in direction assumed
– Vertical load resistance at bearing is 71/2” from exterior
face of panel
– Lateral Load (x-direction) resistance is 41/2” from
exterior face of the panel
– Element being consider is at top of building, z/h=1.0
Solution Steps

Step 1 – Determine Component Factors

Step 2 – Calculate Design Spectral Response
Step 3 – Calculate Seismic Force in terms of panel
Step 4 – Check limits
Step 5 – Calculate panel loading
Step 6 – Determine connection forces
Step 7 – Summarize connection forces
Step 1 – Determine ap and Rp

• Figure 3.10.10

ap Rp
Step 2 – Calculate the 5%-Damped Design
Spectral Response Acceleration
 2
SDS =   SMS
 3
Ss = 1.5 From maps found in IBC 2003
Fa = 1.0 From figure 3.10.7

SDS =1.0
Step 3 – Calculate Fp in Terms of Wp

Wall Element:
  
0.4 1.0 1.0 Wp

1+2 1.0 0.48W p

Body of Connections:
  
0.4 1.0 1.0 Wp

1+2 1.0 0.48W p

  
0.4 1.25 1.0 Wp

1+2 1.0 1.5W p
Step 4 – Check Fp Limits

   
0.3 1.0 Wp  Fp  1.6 1.0 Wp

Wall Element:
0.3Wp  0.48Wp  1.6Wp

Body of Connections:
0.3Wp  0.48Wp  1.6Wp

0.3Wp  1.5Wp  1.6Wp
Step 5 – Panel Loading

• Gravity Loading

• Seismic Loading Parallel to

Panel Face

• Seismic or Wind Loading

Perpendicular to Panel Face
Step 5 – Panel Loading

• Panel Weight
Area = 465.75 in2

Panel wt=
 
150  485
Wp=485(28)=13,580 lb

• Seismic Design Force

Fp=0.48(13580)=6518 lb
Step 5 – Panel Loading

• Upper Window Weight

Height =6 ft
Wwindow=6(28)(10)=1680 lb
• Seismic Design Force
– Inward or Outward
– Consider ½ of Window
Wp=3.0(10)=30 plf
Fp=0.48(30)=14.4 plf
14.4(28)=403 lb
– Wp=485(28)=13,580 lb
• Seismic Design Force
– Fp=0.48(13580)=6518 lb
Step 5 – Panel Loading

• Lower Window Weight

– No weight on panel
• Seismic Design Force
– Inward or outward
– Consider ½ of window
height=8 ft
Wp=4.0(10)=40 plf
Fp=0.48(30)=19.2 plf
19.2(28)=538 lb
Step 5
Loads to Connections

Dead Load Summary

Wp z Wpz
(lb) (in) (lb-in)
Panel 13,580 4.5 61,110
1,680 2.0 2,230
0 22.0 0
Total 15,260 64,470
Step 6
Loads to Connections

• Equivalent Load Eccentricity

z=64,470/15,260=4.2 in
• Dead Load to Connections
– Vertical
=15,260/2=7630 lb
– Horizontal
= 7630 (7.5-4.2)/32.5
=774.7/2=387 lb
Step 6 – Loads to Connections

Seismic Load Summary

Fp y Fpy
(lb) (in) (lb-in)
Panel 6,518 34.5 224,871

Window 403 84.0 33,852

Window 538 0.0 0.0

Total 7,459 258,723

Step 6 – Loads to Connections

Seismic Load Summary

Fp z Fpz
(lb) (in) (lb-in)
Panel 6,518 4.5 29,331

Window 403 2.0 806

Window 538 22.0 11,836

Total 7,459 41,973

Step 6 – Loads to Connections

• Center of equivalent seismic

load from lower left
y=34.7 in

z=5.6 in
Step 6 – Seismic In-Out Loads

• Equivalent Seismic Load

y=34.7 in
Fp=7459 lb
• Moments about Rb
Rt=7459(34.7 -27.5)/32.5
Rt=1652 lb
• Force equilibrium
Rb=5807 lb
Step 6 – Wind Outward Loads

Outward Wind Load Summary

Fp y Fpy
(lb) (in) (lb-in)

Panel 3,430 42.0 144,060

Window 1,470 84.0 123,480

Window 1,960 0.0 0.0

Total 6,860 267,540

Step 6 – Wind Outward Loads

• Center of equivalent wind

load from lower left
y=39.0 in Fp
• Outward Wind Load
Fp=6,860 lb
Step 6 – Wind Outward Loads

• Moments about Rb
Rt=7459(39.0 -27.5)/32.5
Rt=2427 lb
• Force equilibrium
Rb=4433 lb
Step 6 – Wind Inward Loads

• Outward Wind Reactions

Rt=2427 lb
Rb=4433 lb
• Inward Wind Loads
– Proportional to pressure
Rt=(11.3/12.9)2427 lb
Rt=2126 lb
Rb=(11.3/12.9)4433 lb
Rb=3883 lb
Step 6 – Seismic Loads Normal to Surface

• Load distribution (Based on Continuous Beam Model)

– Center connections = .58 (Load)
– End connections = 0.21 (Load)
Step 6 – Seismic Loads Parallel to Face

• Parallel load
=+ 7459 lb
Step 6 – Seismic Loads Parallel to Face

• Up-down load

7459 27.5+32.5-34.7   605 lb
 
2 156
Step 6 – Seismic Loads Parallel to Face

• In-out load

7459 5.6-4.5  26 lb
2 156 
Step 7 – Summary of Factored Loads

1. Load Factor of 1.2 Applied

2. Load Factor of 1.0 Applied
3. Load Factor of 1.6 Applied
Distribution of Lateral Loads
Shear Wall Systems

• For Rigid diaphragms

– Lateral Load Distributed based on total
rigidity, r

 r=1/D
D=sum of flexural and shear deflections
Distribution of Lateral Loads
Shear Wall Systems

• Neglect Flexural Stiffness Provided:

– Rectangular walls
– Consistent materials
– Height to length ratio < 0.3

Distribution based on
Cross-Sectional Area
Distribution of Lateral Loads
Shear Wall Systems

• Neglect Shear Stiffness Provided:

– Rectangular walls
– Consistent materials
– Height to length ratio > 3.0

Distribution based on
Moment of Inertia
Distribution of Lateral Loads
Shear Wall Systems

• Symmetrical Shear Walls

 k 
 
  r
Fi 

Fi = Force Resisted by individual shear wall
ki=rigidity of wall i
r=sum of all wall rigidities
Vx=total lateral load
Distribution of Lateral Loads
“Polar Moment of Stiffness Method”

• Unsymmetrical Shear Walls

Vy  K y TV  x  K y
Fy   y

K y  y
K  x 2
  x
K  y 2

Force in the y-direction is distributed to a given wall

at a given level due to an applied force in the y-
direction at that level
Distribution of Lateral Loads
“Polar Moment of Stiffness Method”

• Unsymmetrical Shear Walls

Vy  K y TV  x  K y
Fy   y

K y K y
 x2   K x  y2

Vy = lateral force at level being considered
Kx,Ky = rigidity in x and y directions of wall
Kx, Ky = summation of rigidities of all walls
T = Torsional Moment
x = wall x-distance from the center of stiffness
y = wall y-distance from the center of stiffness
Distribution of Lateral Loads
“Polar Moment of Stiffness Method”

• Unsymmetrical Shear Walls

TV  y  K x
Fx  y

 y
K  x 2
  x
K  y 2

Force in the x-direction is distributed to a given wall

at a given level due to an applied force in the y-
direction at that level.
Distribution of Lateral Loads
“Polar Moment of Stiffness Method”

• Unsymmetrical Shear Walls

TV  y  K x
Fx  y

K y
 x2   K x  y2
Vy=lateral force at level being considered
Kx,Ky=rigidity in x and y directions of wall
Kx, Ky=summation of rigidities of all walls
T=Torsional Moment
x=wall x-distance from the center of stiffness
y=wall y-distance from the center of stiffness
Unsymmetrical Shear Wall Example


– Walls are 8 ft high and 8 in thick

Unsymmetrical Shear Wall Example

– Determine the shear in each wall due to the wind load, w

• Assumptions:
– Floors and roofs are rigid diaphragms
– Walls D and E are not connected to Wall B

• Solution Method:
– Neglect flexural stiffness h/L < 0.3
– Distribute load in proportion to wall length
Solution Steps

Step 1 – Determine lateral diaphragm torsion

Step 2 – Determine shear wall stiffness
Step 3 – Determine wall forces
Step 1 – Determine Lateral Diaphragm Torsion

• Total Lateral Load

Vx=0.20 x 200 = 40 kips
Step 1 – Determine Lateral Diaphragm Torsion

• Center of Rigidity from left

   
40 75  30 140  40 180   130.9 ft
40  30  40
Step 1 – Determine Lateral Diaphragm Torsion

• Center of Rigidity
y=center of building
Step 1 – Determine Lateral Diaphragm Torsion

• Center of Lateral Load from left

xload=200/2=100 ft

• Torsional Moment
MT=40(130.9-100)=1236 kip-ft
Step 2 – Determine Shear Wall Stiffness

• Polar Moment of Stiffness

Ip  I xx  I yy
I xx   l y 2
of east-west walls

       6750 ft
2 2
I xx  15 15  15 15
I yy   l x 2
of north-south walls

       ...
2 2
I yy  40 130.9  75  30 140  130.9

40180  130.9   223, 909 ft


Ip  6750  223, 909  230, 659 ft 3

Step 3 – Determine Wall Forces

• Shear in North-South Walls

Vx l MT  x  l
F 
l Ip

Wall A 
4040 
  
1236  130.9  75  40

40  30  40 230, 659

Wall A  14.5  12.0  26.5 kips

Step 3 – Determine Wall Forces

• Shear in North-South Walls

Vx l MT  x  l
F 
l Ip

Wall B 
4030 
  
1236  130.9  140  30

40  30  40 230, 659

Wall B  10.91  1.46  9.45 kips

Step 3 – Determine Wall Forces

• Shear in North-South Walls

Vx l MT  x  l
F 
l Ip

Wall C 
4040 
  
1236  130.9  180  40

40  30  40 230, 659

Wall C  14.5  10.5  4.0 kips

Step 3 – Determine Wall Forces

• Shear in East-West Walls

MT  y  l

Wall D and E 
     1.21 kips
1236  15  15
230, 659
Load Bearing Shear Wall Example

Load Bearing Shear Wall Example

Given Continued:
– Three level parking structure
– Seismic Design Controls
– Symmetrically placed shear walls
– Corner Stairwells are not part of the SFRS
Seismic Lateral Force
Level Cvx Fx
3 0.500 471
2 0.333 313
1 0.167 157
Total 941
Load Bearing Shear Wall Example

– Determine the tension steel requirements for
the load bearing shear walls in the north-south
direction required to resist seismic loading
Load Bearing Shear Wall Example

• Solution Method:
– Accidental torsion must be included in
the analysis
– The torsion is assumed to be resisted
by the walls perpendicular to the
direction of the applied lateral force
Solution Steps

Step 1 – Calculate force on wall

Step 2 – Calculate overturning moment
Step 3 – Calculate dead load
Step 4 – Calculate net tension force
Step 5 – Calculate steel requirements
Step 1 – Calculate Force in Shear Wall

• Accidental Eccentricity=0.05(264)=13.2 ft
• Force in two walls
Seismic Lateral Force
941180 / 2  13.2  Distribution
F2w 
180 Level Cvx Fx
F2w  540 kips
3 0.500 471
F1w  540 / 2  270 kips
2 0.333 313
1 0.167 157
Step 1 – Calculate Force in Shear Wall

• Force at each level

Level 3 F1W=0.500(270)=135 kips
Level 2 F1W=0.333(270)= 90 kips
Level 1 F1W=0.167(270)= 45 kips
Seismic Lateral Force Distribution
Level Cvx Fx
3 0.500 471
2 0.333 313
1 0.167 157
Total 941
Step 2 – Calculate Overturning Moment

• Force at each level

Level 3 F1W=0.500(270)=135 kips

Level 2 F1W=0.333(270)= 90 kips

Level 1 F1W=0.167(270)= 45 kips

• Overturning moment, MOT
MOT=6615 kip-ft
Step 3 – Calculate Dead Load

• Load on each Wall

– Dead Load = .110 ksf (all components)
– Supported Area = (60)(21)=1260 ft2
Wwall=1260(.110)=138.6 kips
• Total Load
Wtotal=3(138.6)=415.8~416 kips
Step 4 – Calculate Tension Force

• Governing load Combination

U=[0.9-0.2(0.24)]D+1.0E Eq.
• Tension Force
Tu 
  
6615  0.85 416 10
Tu  171 kips
Step 5 – Reinforcement Requirements

• Tension Steel, As
Tu 171
As    3.17 in2
 fy  
0.9 60

• Reinforcement Details
– Use 4 - #8 bars = 3.17 in2
– Locate 2 ft from each end
Rigid Diaphragm Analysis Example

Rigid Diaphragm Analysis Example

Given Continued:
– Three level parking structure (ramp at middle bay)
– Seismic Design Controls
– Seismic Design Category C
– Corner Stairwells are not part of the SFRS
Seismic Lateral Force
Level Cvx Fx
3 0.500 471
2 0.333 313
1 0.167 157
Total 941
Rigid Diaphragm Analysis Example

– Part A
Determine diaphragm reinforcement required
for moment design
– Part B
Determine the diaphragm reinforcement
required for shear design
Solution Steps

Step 1 – Determine diaphragm force

Step 2 – Determine force distribution
Step 3 – Determine statics model
Step 4 – Determine design forces
Step 5 – Diaphragm moment design
Step 6 – Diaphragm shear design
Step 1 – Diaphragm Force, Fp

• Fp, Eq.

Fp = 0.2·IE·SDS·Wp + Vpx

but not less than any force in the

lateral force distribution table
Step 1 – Diaphragm Force, Fp

• Fp, Eq.

Fp =(1.0)(0.24)(5227)+0.0=251 kips

• Seismic Lateral Force

Level Cvx Fx
Fp=471 kips
3 0.500 471
2 0.333 313
1 0.167 157
Total 941
Step 2 – Diaphragm Force, Fp, Distribution

• Assume the forces are uniformly distributed

– Total Uniform Load, w
w  1.784 kips / ft

• Distribute the force equally to the three bays

w1  w 3   0.59 kips / ft
Step 3 – Diaphragm Model

• Ramp Model
Step 3 – Diaphragm Model

• Flat Area
Step 3 – Diaphragm Model

• Flat Area Model

– Half of the load of the center bay is assumed to be
taken by each of the north and south bays
w2=0.59+0.59/2=0.89 kip/ft

– Stress reduction due to cantilevers is neglected.

– Positive Moment design is based on ramp moment
Step 4 – Design Forces

• Ultimate Positive Moment, +Mu

   0.59 180  2390 kip  ft
2 2
w1 180
Mu 
8 8

• Ultimate Negative Moment

     785 kip  ft
2 2
w2 42 0.89 42
Mu 
2 2

• Ultimate Shear
Vu 
   0.59 180  53 kips
w1 180
2 2
Step 5 – Diaphragm Moment Design

• Assuming a 58 ft moment arm

Tu=2390/58=41 kips
• Required Reinforcement, As
Tu 41
As    0.98 in2
 fy  
0.7 60

– Tensile force may be resisted by:

• Field placed reinforcing bars
• Welding erection material to embedded plates
Step 6 – Diaphragm Shear Design

• Force to be transferred to each wall

Vu  53 
Vwall  o  2.5    66.25 kips
2  2

– Each wall is connected to the diaphragm, 10 ft

Shear/ft=Vwall/10=66.625/10=6.625 klf

– Providing connections at 5 ft centers

Vconnection=6.625(5)=33.125 kips/connection
Step 6 – Diaphragm Shear Design

• Force to be transferred between Tees

– For the first interior Tee
Vtransfer=Vu-(10)0.59=47.1 kips
Shear/ft=Vtransfer/60=47.1/60=0.79 klf

– Providing Connections at 5 ft centers

Vconnection=0.79(5)=4 kips

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