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I. Affects Reproductive Patterns of
Streams affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) are highly
stressed ecosystems and occur worldwide. These streams
typically have low pH, high concentrations of dissolved metals,
and substrata coated with metal hydroxide precipitates. This
combination of chemical and physical stressors creates a
challenging environment for aquatic biota.
AMD affects the structure and function of algal, microbial,
invertebrate, and fish communities.
II. Acute and Chronic Toxicity

■ Water contaminated by AMD, often containing elevated concentrations of metals,

can be toxic to aquatic organisms, leaving receiving streams devoid of most living
■ Receiving waters may have pH as low as 2.0 to 4.5, levels
toxic to most forms of aquatic life
■ Interactions of pH, calcium, and aluminum may be
important to understanding the overall effects on fish
survival and productivity. Several reports indicate low pH
conditions alter gill membranes or change gill mucus
resulting in death due to hypoxia
Picture of the freshwater snail—
Lymnaea stagnalis—used in the
laboratory exposure tests to understand
uranium uptake and bioavailability.

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