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° Most early computers used some kind of

central clock.
° Exceptions included:
ORDVAC built at the University of Illinois.
IAS built by John von Neumann's group at the
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton
Both these machines were first operational in

° Synchronous Systems
All state changes occur on the clock edge.
Verification need only ensure timing met between
Requires that all registers see the clock at the
same time (or a close approximation thereof).
CMOS gates burns a lot of power when switching.
The clock tree therefore consumes a lot of power.

°  It is a common misconception to view

asynchronous design as a single alternative
to synchronous design. It is more accurate to
view synchronous design as a special case
representing a single point in a multi-
dimensional asynchronous design space.´

° However there are some binary choices

within asynchronous design:
Dual rail encoding vs. data bundling.
Level vs. transition encoding.
Speed-independent vs. delay-insensitive design.

In dual rail encoded data, each Boolean is

implemented as two wires.
This allows the value and the timing information to
be communicated for each data bit.
Bundled data, on the other hand, has one wire for
each data bit and a separate wire to indicate the

° Level sensitive circuits typically represent a

logic one by a high voltage and a logic zero
by a low voltage.
° Transition signaling uses a change in the
signal level to convey information.
° A speed independent design is tolerant to
variations in gate speeds but not to
propagation delays in wires.
° A delay insensitive circuit is tolerant to
variations in wire delays as well.

° Micropipelines were proposed by Michael

Sutherland in the 1980s.
° Uses separate wires to indicate requests and
acknowledgements for data.
° Data carried on a bundled bus.

° The timing of a micropipeline is as give here:

° Note that request and ack are transition sensitive.


° Sender prepares data

° Sender issues Request
° Receiver accepts data
° Receiver issues Acknowledge
° Sender may remove data at will.

° A micropipeline architecture can be constructed

using standard CMOS circuits. We saw similar
functionality in our handshaking adder.

° Null Convention Logic (NCL) is a logic library

that can be used to construct delay
insensitive asynchronous circuits.
° The request and ack signals are merged into
the data. It forms a symbolically complete
logic system.
° Introduces a 3rd logic term denoted NULL.
This indicated that the value is invalid.

° Adding a NULL element results in the following truth

tables for an AND, OR and NOT gate.

° Only when the input(s) are valid can the output be


° However now we have 3 value logic (T,F and N).

° Consider the following combinatorial circuit.

° Assume that initially it is in the all NULL state and

input A becomes valid.

° When will the outputs (U and V) be non-NULL?

° The can only occur when all their inputs are valid. The
transition from NULL to non-NULL only occurs when the
output is valid.
° The transition from NULL to non-NULL propagates through
the circuit like a wave front.
!! !!

° Note that the transition from NULL to non-

NULL (Data) indicates the completion of an
evaluation of valid inputs.
° This is therefore equivalent to an
acknowledgement signal.
° By setting at least one input to NULL upon an
acknowledgement we ensure a NULL at the
outputs sometime later. However not all nets
in the circuit will become NULL.

° How can we ensure all inputs have been reset to


° Two solutions:
An additional term.
A feedback element.

° Add another term to our logic. We denote this intermediate.

Out truth table becomes

° Now our outputs will only be reset to NULL when all inputs
are NULL.
° Outputs will therefore cycle through N->I*->(T or F)->I*->N.

° An alternative is to introduce feedback to NCL gates. E.g.
AND gate.

° Output can only transition from N to T (or F) when inputs are

both valid.
° Output can only transition from T (or F) to N when ^  inputs
are NULL. This is equivalent to Intermediate Signal.

° However with the feedback term we must

take care.
° If the inputs can change before the feedback
term is fed-back an error can occur.
° Example: What happens when R=N, A=T and
B transitions from N->T->N faster than the
° Therefore the circuit as a whole is no longer
delay insensitive. However practically we can
ensure feedback << propagation time.

° So how do we convey these Boolean values

in digital circuits?
° One method is to use two wires and encode
the NULL onto both. The complementary
value indicates DATA. TRUE for one wire
and FALSE for the other.
° However what if both wires indicate DATA?
Then they contradict one another.

° How NCL gets around the problem of two valid

DATAs is perhaps best illustrated by an example.
Consider a Half-Adder.
! "| 
"!| #  

° The NCL gates are

majority gates.
° Only one of X_0 and
X_1 can be DATA.
° If N or more inputs are
not-NULL then output is
set to DATA.
° E.g. C_1 is only DATA
iff A_1 and B_1 are
DATA. Else it is NULL.   

° However the circuit discussed before is not


° The outputs can all be NULL even when some of the

inputs are DATA.
° NCL uses the feedback solution in its majority gates.
! $ %  

° NCL gates use a weighted feedback.

° E.g.

° Also ensure feedback = N-1 (N= number in box).

! $   

° Now NCL gate behaves are follows:

° Bold indicates DATA. Output only returns to NULL

when all inputs are NULL.

° Now outputs only return to NULL when all inputs are


° By adding one more NCL gate we can detect faults.

° If 3 or 4 outputs are DATA then FAULT is asserted.

° FAULT is cleared when all inputs are NULL.
 |  —

° In order to store values we need an asynchronous

storage element.
Must acknowledge DATA.
Must store previous value until new inputs settle.
 |  —

° The register can be

implemented as a bank
of NCL gates.
° The four bit register is
shown on the right.
° When 4 input wires are
VALID an ACK is sent
back to previous stage.
|  —
|  —

° Assume circuit begins

in all NULL state.
° Both current and next
watcher will be
requesting DATA.
° When four inputs
become VALID first
watcher transitions to
° VALID data propagates
to current register.
|  —

° 2nd Watcher then

transitions to NULL
which feedback to
° Forces all previous
NCL gates to NULL.
| #

° The registers do not

need to be organized in
a pipeline.
° Here they form a fan-in.
° The right-most register
does not trigger an
acknowledgement until
all three inputs are

R      !"#$%$ &'()(  ' R  


° Offers a non-clocked alternative.

° Potential for:
Lower power.
Less routing (less area).
° However need to overcome concerns with
testability and reliability.
° In and out of fashion.

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