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 My favorite place is the city where I live:

Villavicencio located in the departament
Meta and what is its capital, located on the
foothills of the eastern cordillera, with a
completely warm climate and its main
pillars of the economy are livestock and
mining It is a city with many tourist
attractions such as:
Park the Malokas

Where different events

take place such as coleus,
livestock and agricultural
fairs and concerts during
the realization of different
Bioparque the ocarros

There are variety of wildlife

nuestos eastern plains, it has
guides to give information on
each species.
Park founders
Full of gardens,
parkland and fountains
that give freshness to
the place here Site
artistic activities take
place in the weekend.
Park liberators

 Located in the center of Villavicencio, opposite the cathedral, in the center

we find a giant Samán that shades almost all of the square. A source of water
and a tour desk.
Ilove my city and my favorite for
the warmth of its people for its
great tourist atractivs, and that
has allowed me to develop as a
person instead.

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