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Omar F.

Professor: Scott Wakefield
 # Setup for Cadence tool set cdk_dir =
/projects/cadlab/cadence/local setenv CDS_SITE $cdk_dir
#set cdk_dir = /projects/cadlab/cadence/ic #setenv CDS_SITE
$cdk_dir setenv CDS /projects/cadlab/cadence setenv INSTDIR
/projects/cadlab/cadence/ic setenv TOOLSDIR
$INSTDIR/tools setenv ALGROPATH $TOOLSDIR/pcb/bin
$TOOLSDIR/specctra/bin setenv DFIIPATH
$TOOLSDIR/dfII/bin setenv CAD_ROOT
/projects/cadlab/cadence setenv XL_ROOT /projects/fpmcm/
setenv cds_root /projects/cadlab/cadence #setenv
CDS_INST_DIR /projects/cadlab/cadence/ic setenv
USE_NCSU_CDK set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ic/tools.sun4v/bin) set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ic/tools.sun4v/dfII/bin) set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ic/tools/dracula/bin) set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ldv/tools/bin) set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ldv/tools/verilog/bin) set path = ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/dsm_se53/tools.sun4v/dsm/bin) set path
= ( ${path}
${CAD_ROOT}/ambit/BuildGates/v3.0.30/bin) set
path = ( ${path} ${XL_ROOT}/msp/bin) set path = (
$FETPATH $DFIIPATH $path ) # For LDV #setenv
e/l#dv/tools/lib setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
/cadence/ic/tools/lib setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE
/projects/cadlab/cadence/license.809a3775 setenv
/projects/cadlab/cadence/license.809a3775 alias
sedsm 'sedsm -m=200 &'
$gtar zcvf <filename>.tgz.
 source cadence.rc before running Silicon
ensembling (SE)
Create a directory called for example
“hw5” and two subdirectory \hw5\work
and hw5\tech
Unzip all the files in the technology
Make sure you are inside directory the
hw5 when you run seultra (executable).
Placement and Routing
We are going to use SE from cadence to do the Placement and
Routing, the command to start the tool is "seultra".
 Importing lef file:
 select file->import->LEF, specify the lef file name

Placement and Routing
The Import LEF (Library Exchange Format) form
lets you specify one or more LEF files when
creating or updating the library information in
your design. You must complete this form;
without loading and verifying a library database,
you can not work on your design.
Filter - controls which file names will be
displayed in the Directory and File List field. By
default, the pattern is ''*.lef''.
Directory and File List - lets you search for the
LEF file you want to import.
Selection - displays the currently selected path.
If you know the complete path, you can type it in.
Placement and Routing
 Report File - specifies the name of the report file. The software
will check the library for potential problems and mark them as
infos. These are listed in the report. If errors are found, you
must correct them before you can load your netlist. The default
report file name is .importlef.rpt. The browse button lets you
change the directory in which the system will put the report.
 Options - lets you specify features that affect importing LEF.
 Clear Existing Design Data - deletes the current LEF database
and replaces it with the data entered on this form. The default
is off.
 Case Sensitive Names - makes a file unimportable to LEF, if its
case (upper or lower case) is different than the one stated. For
example, if the file name stated is and this option was on, the
file would not be imported. The default is off.
 Variables Button - opens the Environment Variables form that
contains variables affecting the behavior of the Import LEF
Import Verilog:
 You will need import all your design files
and the tsmc25.v. Specify the top level
module name.
 Change the vdd! to VDD, gnd! to VSS


Importing Verilog Files
Reads in a Verilog netlist, compares it to the
existing layout, and changes the layout where
there are differences.
Verilog Source Files - specifies one or more UNIX
file names containing a textual Verilog netlist that
has been changed. Each Verilog module defined in
the given files is analyzed, compiled into binary
format, and saved into the specified output library.
The files can also be selected from the file
browser. Click the [...] button to open the file
Example: ~/myVlogDesign/*.v
Verilog Top Module - specifies the top module
name of a Verilog
13 design hierarchy
Importing Verilog Files
Compiled Verilog Reference Libraries - specifies one
or more library names. These libraries contain
previously compiled Verilog modules that may be
referenced or used in another part of the given
design. Note that each library name must be
separated from other library names by a space, as
seen in the example.
The paths to these libraries must be specified in the
cds.lib file. If the cds.lib file exists in the directory
where you started the software, the libraries defined
in that cds.lib will be listed as default, else the same
default as the output library is used.
 Ground pins of the cells. Ground pins of the cells are identified
by their USE GROUND attribute defined in LEF. After the ground
pin is identified, the pin is then connected to the ground net
with the same name as the pin. If none of the names match,
use the first one specified in this list.
 Logic 1 Net - specifies the net name to be used in the layout to
represent logic/constant ''1'' found in the Verilog netlist. Note
that this net name must also be one of the power nets listed in
the Power Nets field on this form. The default is ''vdd!''
 Logic 0 Net - specifies the net name to be used in the layout to
represent logic/constant ''0'' found in the Verilog netlist. Note
that the logic 0 net must be one of the ground nets listed in the
Ground Nets field on this form. The default is ''gnd!''
 Special Nets - specifies one or more net names to be created as
DEF's SPECIAL NETS. Names must be separated by either a
comma or a space. If none (leaving this field blank) are
specified, only those nets listed as power and ground nets will
be created as SPECIAL NETS.

 Design Data To Keep - lets you choose features that you want to
keep. Choose to keep distribution cells, nets, original placements,
EEQ models, and LEQ models.
 Distribution Cells - specifies that you want to retain a cell added
to the database, even though it does not appear in the ECO list.
In your DEF file, distribution cells have an attribute of ''+DIST.''
 Distribution Nets - specifies that you want to keep nets added to
the database, even if they do not appear in the ECO netlist. In
your DEF file, distribution nets have an attribute of ''+DIST.''
 Original Placements - specifies that the ECO replaces the new
model of the existing component at the original placement
 EEQ Models - specifies that you want ECO to treat EEQ model
substitutions as non-ECO operations. If you do not choose this
option, ECO may substitute EEQ models for models specified in
the new netlist.

 LEQ Models - specifies that you want ECO to treat LEQ model
substitutions as non-ECO operations. If this is not selected, ECO
may substitute LEQ models for models specified in the new netlist.
 Timing Cells & Nets - lets you specify whether or not you want to
retain a cell/net added to the database using the QPOPT, PBOPT,
or CT-GEN command, even if they do not appear in the ECO list.
These cells are called ''timing cells/nets'' and have the attribute +
SOURCE TIMING in the DEF file. The default is to retain the timing
 Constraints - lets you specify whether or not you want to retain
the constraints (SBC or path-based) in the database. You should
only retain the constraints if they are still valid after the ECO. If
the ECO deletes cells appearing in the constraints, then this option
should not be used. The default is not to retain the constraints.
 Checkpoint Name - designates a reference point in the design for
tracking netlist changes to the next ECO. The name must be
unique. The default will automatically generate a checkpoint
based on the design name.
 Variables Button - opens the Environment Variables form
containing variables affecting the behavior of the Import Verilog
ECO form.

Floor Planning:
Click the floorplan-> initialize
Set the pin to core distance to
20.00 and row fill ratio.
Remember to set the "flip every
other row".
You can estimate the result by
clicking "calculate".


Allows you to control the die size and aspect ratio of
your design, as well as letting you create core and
I/O rows with either vertical or horizontal
orientation. INITIALIZE FLOORPLAN does not place
any cells.
Design Statistics - displays the specifications of your
design Statistics shown are number of cells, IO pads,
corner pads, blocks, IO pins, and nets. The area (in
square microns) is shown for cells, blocks, IOs, and
corner cells.
Die Size Constraint - lets you to control the die size
of your design. Specify one of the following: aspect
ratio, height, width, or fixed size. When one of the
first 3 choices (aspect ratio, height, and width) is
selected, height and/or width will be derived by Init
FP. 21
Aspect Ratio - sets the desired width to height
ratio for the design. The default is 1.
Width - lets you set the width you want for the
chip. Init FP will then determine the height.
Height - lets you set the height you want for the
chip. Init FP will then determine the width.
Fixed Size - sets both the width and the height for
the chip.
I/O To Core Distance - specifies the distance
between IO rows and the core area.
Left/Right - specifies the distance you want
between the IO rows and the core area on the left
and right side of your design.
Top/Bottom - specifies the distance you want
between the IO rows and the core area on the top
and bottom of your design.
 Core Area Parameters - lets you to control the core area of
your design.
 Row Utilization (%) - specifies the target value for
utilization of the core row. This is the ratio of the sum of the
width of all cells to the effective sum of the length of all core
rows, with the latter explained with this simple formula:
 -(block+halo area) / (row height+row spacing)]= effective
sum of the length of all core rows
 Row Spacing - sets the amount of space between rows in
the design.
 Block Halo Per Side - sets the amount of space between the
blocks and rows necessary for the routing of pins around
blocks. You can set the value in microns or tracks.
 Flip Every Other Row - lets you to flip every other core row
in the design

Abut Rows - eliminates space between
adjacent core rows.
Calculate - gives you feedback on the die
size and row utilization resulting from the
values you enter on this form, but doesn't
commit you to creating the actual floorplan.
Calculations displayed include the aspect
ratio, core row utilization, chip area, IO to
core distance, and the number of standard
Variables Button - opens the Environment
Variables form that contains variables
relating only to the Initialize Floorplan form.
Click Placement -> cells, set the pin
placement option and click place.

 Placement - lets you choose the orientation for the added cell.
Note that flipped orientations first turn the model over along its
vertical axis and then rotate it. The default is that all
orientations are allowed. Choose Preendcap or Postendcap and,
in descending order of preference, choose North, East, South,
West, Flipped North, Flipped East, Flipped South, or Flipped
 Pin - specifies the pin name to connect.
 Net - specifies the net that the pins are connected to.
 Special Pin - specifies the special pins to connect.
 Special Net - specifies the special nets that the pins are
connected to.
 Area - lets you pick the area where you want to add cells. To
select, click the Area button and then click the part of the
design you want to add cells to. The coordinates of that area
will appear in the X1,X2, Y1, and Y2 fields on the form.



This how it suppose to look like after

29 Placement
 Use the Place Optimization form to resolve
timing, signal and design integrity, and scan
chain violations after placement or clock tree
generation. The form lets you specify the
optimization operations allowed and the
violations to be repaired without leaving the
Envisia place-and-route environment. To
optimize concurrently with placement, choose
Place - Cells from the Envisia place-and-route
menu and open the Place Optimization
Options form.
 Optimize: Timing - allows you to repair timing
violations. During timing optimization, the
software calls the Affirma® Pearl® timing
analyzer to generate constraints.
Optimize: Signal Integrity -
allows you to analyze and repair
signal and design integrity

Optimize: Scan Chains - allows

you to detach the scan chain nets
before each global placement pass
and reconnect them afterward to
minimize wirelength.
Resolve Violations - lets you specify the
violations to be resolved during optimization and
the operations to use to resolve them. If you select
more than one of the Optimize options above, the
software optimizes for all violations concurrently to
ensure that it does not repair one kind of violation
by creating another.

Setup - refers to the time before a clock edge

when the data input must remain constant. It is
defined in the TLF file. Setup-type checks involve
upper bounds on signal arrival times. If you select
setup, the software finds and corrects violations if
the data input changes during the setup time.
Hold - refers to the time after a clock edge when the data
input must remain constant. It is defined in the TLF file.
Hold-type checks involve lower bounds on signal arrival
times.If you select hold, the software finds and corrects
violations if the data input changes during the hold time.
- Max Load - (maximum load) on a pin is the sum of the
capacitances of all the pins on the net plus the capacitance
of the net interconnect. It is defined in the TLF file. If you
select max load, and the load on the pin is greater than the
maximum load defined in the TLF, the software finds and
corrects maximum load violations.
- Max Transition - (maximum transition) is the time limit for
an input or output pin to change from high to low or low to
high. It is defined in the TLF file. If you select max
transition, the software finds and corrects maximum
transition violations when the time a pin takes to change
exceeds the time33
limit defined in the TLF.
Hot electron - effect (also called hot carrier
damage) is also a reliability problem. It refers
to the damage high-velocity electrons can
inflict on the gate/drain interface or the gate
oxide interface, which can change the
threshold and mobility of devices. To alleviate
effects from hot electrons, the placer resizes
drivers or inserts buffers.
Allowed Operations: - lets you specify the
optimization operations allowed.
Insert buffers - allows buffers to be added to
fix violations. Inserting buffers changes the
netlist for the design.
Delete buffers - allows buffers to be removed to fix
violations. Deleting buffers changes the netlist for the
Upsize cells - and downsize cells allow a core
component to be replaced with a logically equivalent
(LEQ) driver with a stronger or weaker drive
strength. Two components are LEQ if they compute
the same function, but have differing electrical
characteristics, such as drive strengths, intrinsic
delays, and so on. Pin geometries, obstructions, size,
foreign references, orientation, power/grid
connections, and site requirements can all differ
among LEQ drivers. When a component is upsized or
downsized, its model name is changed in the DEF file.
Optimization Report File - sets the name for the
report generated by optimization. The default value
for the name is design_name.qpopt.rpt.

Report File - shows the name of the
timing analysis report. The default value
for the filename is design_name.path. If
you change the filename, keep the .path
extension, because that is the extension
other timing-related commands search
for. Sets the Timing.

Variables - opens the Environment

Variables form, which describes
environment variables that relate to the
Place Optimization form.
Adding Filler
Select Placement -> Filler -> cell, specify the
Filler cell name as "FILL16", or "FILL8", and so
on, clear the "surfix" option. Keep adding cells till
"FILL1". ** Un-button all east&west placement
options **

Adding Filler
The PRoute Add Filler Cells form lets you add filler
cells to your entire design or to a specified area,
during special routing. New cells will have their pins
assigned to the specified nets in the order you
Model - specifies the name of the cell model to add.
You must give a model name.
Prefix - sets the prefix of the set of cells you want to
add initially, the cells to append to the existing
placement, or the cells to delete.
Note that, if you want to add cells with new names,
you must first specify a prefix. Then, a unique name
using your prefix, a dash, and a number is created.
Do not use a dash in your prefix. To append to
previously added calls, you must specify a prefix that
is different from existing cells. This prevents you
from deleting the cells.
Adding Filler
Area - lets you pick the area where
you want to add cells. To select, click
the Area button and then click the part
of the design you want to add cells to.
The coordinates of that area will
appear in the X1,X2, Y1, and Y2 fields
on the form.
Variables Button - opens the
Environment Variables form that
contains only Add Filler Cells variables.
Adding Filler

Exporting Files
You will need to export two files, DEF and GDSII In
exporting GDSII file, set up the layer map file and the
top level module name and the 'units' to 'thousands'.

There are
three steps
here, First is
Plan power, at
the pop up
window, select
add ring, set
ring width 5.0
and place ring
on IO side.
Step Two:
Close the pop-up window, and click
on connect rings to finish the power
Step Three:
Click on route in the routing menu,
set options as "search and repair".
In option, select "minimize wire
length". Click route to start the
routing, this will take couple


The Power Planner (PP) Toolbox lets you
select the forms available within the new
Power Planner. Click the name of the form
you want to open. NOTE: When you are in the
Power Planner tool, many other menus on the
user interface (such as entries under the File
menu) may be greyed out. To access a greyed
menu selection (re-enable it), exit the Power
Planner area of the tool by clicking the Close
button on this form.
Power Planner (PP) Add Rings - lets you put
rings of wires around the core area and blocks
in your design.
Power Planner (PP) Add Stripes - lets you
add power stripes in designated clusters of
your design or throughout the entire chip.
Power Planner (PP) Delete Stripes - allows you to
delete all stripes in your design or stripes in a
specified cluster.
Power Planner (PP) Add Ring Wire - lets you add a
ring wire.
Power Planner (PP) Change Ring Wire - lets you edit
the location, width, and spacing of a ring wire in your
Power Planner (PP) Delete Ring Wire - lets you
delete a ring wire from your design.
Power Planner (PP) Delete Power Path - lets you
delete a power path. This form should be used
BEFORE you run the PP Add Rings form.
Power Planner (PP) Query Power Path - lets you get
information about the nets and wires of a specified
power path.


The Connect Ring form lets you connect the power
pins to the rings in your design. It will first try to
connect to the closest Core Ring. If the command
cannot do this, it then tries to connect the pins to
the closest block ring. Failing that, the command
will then try to connect the pins to the closest
macro ring.
Nets - specifies the name of the nets.
Type - specifies what you want to connect in the
Stripe - connects two ends of stripes to the closest
Block - connects pins to the closest rings.

 All Ports - connects all ports of the pins to the closest rings.
 Maximum Width - specifies the maximum wire width to
 Selected Blocks - lest you select specific blocks for connection
to rings. The default value is OFF.
 IO Pad - connects the pins from the pad cells to the closest
 IO RIng - runs SROUTE FOLLOWPIN for the I/O Rows.
 Pin Width - connects only the Abutment/Feedthru pins with
the width specified. By default, all connections are made.
 Follow Pins - runs SROUTE FOLLOWPIN on the standard cell
rows. The Pin Width field lets you specify the width of the
 Variables Button - opens the Environment Variables form
containing only Connect Ring variables.


The Search and Repair (part of FRoute) form fixes
shorts and design rule violations from the Final
Router for your signal nets.
Delete Preroutes (Randomize) - removes existing
routing. If you select this, you give FRoute more
flexibility when fixing the wrongly routed wires.
Time Limits - sets the time to be allotted for repair.
Set the time per SBox or the total time to spend
repairing each SBox in the design.
Per SBox - lets you specify how much time will be
allotted for repair in each SBox.
Total - sets the overall time to repair all SBoxes.
SBox Size - sets the group of GCells to repair.

Auto Size SBoxes - lets Search and Repair
automatically size SBoxes in your design.
X - specifies the X location of the group of GCells
that you want repaired.
Y - specifies the Y location of the group of GCells
that you want repaired.
Area - defines the area where you want FRoute to
repair wrongly routed wires. If no area is set, the
default is to repair the entire chip. To select an
area, click the Area button and click the point in the
design that you want FRoute to repair. The selected
coordinates appear in the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 fields
on the form.
Nets To Route - specifies the net or nets to repair.
Choose to repair all nets or just selected nets.

All - repairs all the nets.
By name - repairs nets you name in the
space provided.
Options - opens the Search and Repair
Options form that contains fields like Access
Offgrid Pins, Final Cleanup, and Follow
GRoute Exactly.
Variables Button - opens the Environment
Variables form that contains only Search and
Repair variables.

You will need to
export two files,
exporting GDSII
file, set up the
layer map file and
the top level
module name and
the 'units' to

Creates a GDSII Stream file version of the current
GDSII File - specifies the name of the GDSII output
file in which you want to store the file version. Use
the browser button to find the directory and/or file
you want.
Map File - names the file that specifies the layer
mapping between the system and GDSII. Use the
browser button to find the file you want.
Report File - specifies what you want the report
journal file called. Use the browser button to find the
name you want to use.
Structure Name - specifies the superstructure name
that consists of all geometries.
Library Name - specifies the library that you want to
convert to GDSII format.
Nets To Remove - specifies the nets from
which you want geometries removed.
Units - selects the resolution for values in
the GDSII file. Choose hundredths or
Variables Button - opens the Environmental
Variables form that contains only Export
GDSII variables.

Creates a DEF file from the design data in the
current database.
DEF File Name - specifies the name of the DEF file
in which to store the information. Use the browser
button to find the directory and/or file you want.
All - puts both logical and physical data into the
DEF file.
Logical - puts only logical data into the DEF file.
Physical - puts only physical data into the DEF file.
Cells - creates a component-based netlist for the
Nets - includes the nets section in the DEF file. The
net section includes regular wiring.
Special Nets - includes the special nets section.
The special net section includes special wiring.

Vias - includes vias for the design.
Groups - includes the groups section of the design.
History - writes the design history to the DEF file.
Modifications - reports cells and nets modified by
SRoute, CRoute, or Move Cell.
Constraints - includes the design's constraints
External Pins - includes a list of external pins.
Scan Chain - lists scan chains in the design.
Layout Modifications - reports any design layout
Aliases - includes aliases in the DEF file.
Variables Button - opens the Environment Variables
form containing a list of variables that affect the
behavior of the Export DEF form.
Finally, Placement & Routing
Looks Like This !


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