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In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of Master

Of science in Information technology(2008-2009)

Submitted to Submitted by
Miss.Sheenu Arvind kaur sem
13-april-2009 1

 What is Artificial intelligence

 Alan Turing and the Origins of AI
 Goals of AI
 Application of AI
 Techniques of Artificial intelligence
 Expert Systems in AI Field
 Advantages of AI
 Disadvantages of AI

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What is AI?
AI is the branch of computer science concerened with the study
& creation of computer system

 AI Means to develop some forms of

 Systems that can learn new concept & task
 System that can reason & draw about the
world around us
 System that can understand natural
language & comprehends a visual seen
That perform other types of feats(functions)
that require human type of intelligence

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Vision Learning
systems systems

Expert systems

Neural networks
Natural language

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Alan turing test

Alan Turing is a brilliant innovative mathematical was an

integral part of project. The successful British effort to break
German code enigma's a part of his project, Turing help
designed one of the important computer ever build
Turing begin the article with position “ I
proposed to considered the question” he begin thinking that
can machine think”. Turing suggested a test in a form of game
that could help to decide the issue.

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Why do AI?
 Two main goals of AI:

 To understand human intelligence better. We test

theories of human intelligence by writing programs
which emulate it.
 To create useful “smart” programs able to do tasks
that would normally require a human expert.
 The AI learning to read and create games of the
content would be the first step toward intelligence

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Application of Artificial intelligence
 Expert system:- An expert system is the set of programs that
manipulate a encoded knowledge to solve programs in a specialized
domain that normally require human expertise.

 Natural Language Processing:-The goal of Natural Language

Processing is to enable people & computer to communicate in a
natural language.

 Robotics:- A Robotics is an electrons mechanical device that can be

program to perform an manual task.Robotics is that intelligent
connection of preception to actions.
Preception:- Preception involves interpreting sights,sounds small &
Actions:-Action includes ability to navigate through world &
manipulate objects.

 Computer Vision:-Accurate machine vision opens up a new criteria

of computer application. These application include Mobiles Robot
navigation, Complex manufacturing tasks, Analysis of satellite
images & medical images processing
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 Travelling Sales of problem:- This problem involves n cities
with path connnecting the cities a tour is any path which any path
it begins with same starting city visit each of the other cities
exactly one’s of return to the starting city.

 Planning & Decision support:-Programming refers to the

process of computing several steps of a problem solving procedure
before executing any of them .The realization of complex of
detailed & format plan.

 Automatic Programming:- In simple terms a programming is

to prococess of telling the computer actually what we want to do
developing a program require a big amount of time. Entire system
,must be designed ,written, tested & debugged as these are the
important part of developing process.

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Major Branches of AI (1)
 Perceptive system
 A system that approximates the way a human sees, hears, and feels
 Vision system
 Capture, store, and manipulate visual images and pictures
 Robotics
 Mechanical and computer devices that perform tedious tasks with
high precision
 Expert system
 Stores knowledge and makes inferences

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AI Techniques
There are various techniques that have evolved that can be applied to a variety
of AI tasks – These will be the focus of this course.These techniques are
concerned with how we represent,manipulate and reason with knowledge in
order to solve problems.
• Knowledge Representation
• Search

Knowledge representation is crucial.One of the clearest results of

artificial intelligence research so far is that solving even apparently simple
problems require lots of knowledge. Really understanding a single sentence
requires extensive knowledge both of language and of the context.

Search Another crucial general technique required when writing AI programs is

search.Often there is no direct way to find a solution to some
problem.However,you do know how to generate possibilities.

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Overview of Expert Systems

 Explain their reasoning or suggested decisions

 Display intelligent behavior

 Draw conclusions from complex relationships

 Provide portable knowledge

 Expert system shell

 A collection of software packages and tools used
to develop expert systems.

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Capabilities of Expert Systems

Strategic goal setting Explore impact of strategic goals

Planning Impact of plans on resources

Integrate general design principles and

manufacturing limitations

Decision making Provide advise on decisions

Quality control and monitoring Monitor quality and assist in finding solutions

Diagnosis Look for causes and suggest solutions

13-april-2009 12
Applications of Expert Systems
 Credit granting
 Information management and retrieval
 AI and expert systems embedded in products
 Plant layout
 Hospitals and medical facilities
 Help desks and assistance
 Employee performance evaluation
 Loan analysis
 Virus detection
 Repair and maintenance
 Shipping
 Marketing
 Warehouse optimization

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Limitations of Expert Systems
 Not widely used or tested
 Limited to relatively narrow problems
 Cannot readily deal with “mixed” knowledge
 Possibility of error
 Cannot refine own knowledge base
 Difficult to maintain
 May have high development costs
 Raise legal and ethical concerns

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Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

• An increased ability to acquire, retrieve, store and use

information on the Internet, which contains most human

•The ability to analyze and modify every design level and


•The ability to learn new information very rapidly.

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Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

• An increased ability to acquire, retrieve, store and use

information on the Internet, which contains most human

•The ability to analyze and modify every design level and


•The ability to learn new information very rapidly.

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Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

• If AI start replacing human resources in every field, we will have to deal with
serious issues like unemployment in turn leading to mental depression,
poverty and crime in the society.

• Artificial Intelligence machines may not be the right choice for customer

• Artificial Intelligent machines is that they cannot be “human”.We might be

able to make them think. We might be able to make them feel

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