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Dwiky Guruh A

Berdasarkan ada/tidaknya
1. Inarticulata (tanpa)
2. Articulata (ada)

• The inarticulates are small and simple.

• The articulates are much more complex.
Table Differentiation
Inarticulate Articulate
Hingle Simple, Doesn’t use teeth or Socket Teeth and sockets hinge present.
Shel Small, simple, mostly flat, Calcite, can be very ornamented
Pedicle Doesn’t have pedicle, instead they Presents
have a flat pedicle valve that they
cement to the seafloor
Muscle Only adductors Adductor muscles for closing and
diductor muscles for opening
Anus Presents Absent
Kelas Inarticulate
• Cangkang umumnya terbentuk dari zat tanduk

• Tidak mempunyai engsel atau lophophore support.

• Umumnya fosil-fosil penting dari Klas Inarticulata berumur Kambrium –


• Memiliki dua Ordo:

• Ordo Lingulida
• Ordo Acrotetida
Ordo Lingulida
• Live on Ordovician-recent
• The shells of lingulida are made
mostly from Calcium Phosphate
• Live burrowed in the soft
sediment, Anchord by they
Ordo Acrotretida
• Live from Cambrian until now
• Have constantly shell
• Generally subcircular to
circular, unequally biconvex
• Often pedicle opening

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