Module 3

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Module 3

Fluid Dynamics- Lecture 1

• Energy is defined as ability to do work. Both energy and work
are measured in Newton-meter (or pounds-foot in English).

• Kinetic energy and potential energy are the two commonly

recognized forms of energy.

• In a flowing fluid, potential energy may in turn be subdivided into

energy due to position or elevation above a given datum, and
energy due to pressure in the fluid.

• Head is the amount of energy per Newton (or per pound) of

Kinetic Energy and Velocity Head
• Kinetic energy is the ability of a mass to do work by virtue
of its velocity. The kinetic energy of a mass m having a
velocity v is ½ mv2 . Since m = W/g,
Elevation Energy and Elevation Head
• In connection to the action of gravity, elevation energy is
manifested in a fluid by virtue of its position or elevation
with respect to a horizontal datum plane.
Pressure Energy and Pressure Head
• A mass of fluid acquires pressure energy when it is in
contact with other masses having some form of energy.
Pressure energy therefore is an energy transmitted to the
fluid by another mass that possesses some energy.
Total Energy of Flow, E
• The total energy or head in a fluid is the sum of kinetic and
potential energies. Recall that potential energies are
pressure energy and elevation energy.
• A system is defined as a quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for
study. The mass or region outside the system is called the surroundings.
The real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its
surroundings is called the boundary. The boundary of a system can be fixed
or movable.

• Systems may be considered to be closed or open, depending on whether a

fixed mass or a volume in space is chosen for study. A closed system (also
known as a control mass) consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no mass
can cross its boundary. But energy, in the form of heat or work, can cross
the boundary, and the volume of a closed system does not have to be fixed.

• If, as a special case, even energy is not allowed to cross the boundary, that
system is called an isolated system.
• An open system, or a control volume, as it is often called, is a
properly selected region in space. It usually encloses a device that
involves mass flow such as a compressor, turbine, or nozzle. Flow
through these devices is best studied by selecting the region within
the device as the control volume. Both mass and energy can cross
the boundary of a control volume.

• Any arbitrary region in space can be selected as a control volume.

There are no concrete rules for the selection of control volumes, but
the proper choice certainly makes the analysis much easier.

• A control volume can be fixed in size and shape, as in the case of a

nozzle, or it may involve a moving boundary. Most control volumes,
however, have fixed boundaries and thus do not involve any moving
boundaries. A control volume may also involve heat and work
interactions just as a closed system, in addition to mass interaction.
• In fluid mechanics, a system is defined as the chunk of fluid particles
whose identity does not change during the course of flow. Here, the
identity means that the chunk is composed of same fluid particles as
it flows. The natural consequence of this definition is that the mass of
the system is invariable since it is composed of the same fluid

• The shaded oval shown in Fig. below is considered as the system

which moves towards left as indicated by an arrow. Although, the
particles inside the oval do not change as it moves, but the shape
and size of this oval may change during the course of the flow
because different particles have different velocities, Moreover,
Lagrangian approach will be more appropriate for this method of
A control volume is a volume or region in space whose identity is not
same as fluid can enter and leave through the control surface which
encloses this volume. The shape and size of the control volume may be
fixed or can change depending upon the choice of coordinate system
used to analyze the flow situation. Here, the Eulerian variables are more
suitable for analysis of flow field.
Types of control volume
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
• Pertaining to the theory of fluid mechanics, there are three most
relevant basic laws namely;
Conservation of mass (continuity equation)
Conservation of momentum (Newton’s second law of
Conservation of energy (First law of thermodynamics)

• These fundamental conservation laws (conservation of mass, energy,

and momentum) apply directly to systems. However, in most fluid
mechanics problems, control volume analysis is preferred over system
analysis. Therefore, we need to transform the conservation laws from a
system to a control volume. This is accomplished with the Reynolds
transport theorem (RTT).
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)

• Another way to think about the RTT is that it is a link between the system approach
and the control volume approach:
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
• Reynolds Transport Theorem States that time rate of increase of
property N within a control mass system is equal to the time rate
of increase of property within the control volume plus the net
rate of efflux of the property across the control surface. For a
fixed control volume,
Mass Momentum Energy

N, Extensive m mV E
η, Intensive 1 V e
Conservation of Mass: Continuity Equation in
integral form
• The mathematical form of mass conservation applied to a system is
written as,

• RTT with N =Mass (m) and η= m/m= 1

Conservation of Momentum: Momentum
Equation in Integral form
• Applying RTT to the linear momentum for a control volume with
N=mV, η =V

• Similar to “mass flux”, the second term in the above equation can be
represented as momentum flux given by the following equation
• If the cross -section is one - dimensional, then V and  are uniform
over the area

• Thus, the integral momentum equation can be simplified for one

dimensional inlets and outlets as follows;
Conservation of energy: Energy equation
in integral form

The mathematical statement for energy equation is given by,

Now, RTT can be applied to the variable energy ( N =E) and the
corresponding intensive property η = E/m = e. So, for a fixed
control volume, energy equation is written as
• The system energy (per unit mass) mainly consists of different forms
such as internal energy, kinetic energy and potential energy.

• If the control volume has number of one -dimensional inlets

and outlets, then the surface integral reduces to summation of
inlet and outlet fluxes i.e.
The energy equation becomes,

• If the control volume has number of one -dimensional inlets and

outlets, then the surface integral reduces to summation of inlet and
outlet fluxes i.e.
• If the flow is one -dimensional, steady throughout and only one fluid
is involved, then the shaft work is zero.
Mass Conservation Equation in
differential form
• The mass of the control volume at some time t

The time rate of change of mass in the control

volume is


• Now we can compute the net flow through the control

volume faces. Starting with the x direction, the net
flow is

Similarly, the net flow through the y faces is

while that through the z faces is

Upon adding up the resulting net flow and diving by

the volume of the fluid element (i.e. dxdydz), we get
the continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates.

In cylindrical coordinates, continuity equation is
given as

• For steady incompressible flow, the continuity

equation becomes
One dimensional flow along a stream
Consider the motion of a cylindrical fluid particle along a stream line
Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem
• Pitot tube is a device used for measuring the velocity of flow at any point in a pipe or a
• If the velocity at any point decreases, the pressure at that point increases due to the
conservation of the kinetic energy into pressure energy.
• In simplest form, the Pitot tube consists of a glass tube, bent at right angles

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