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•Mai neim is Carmen Yolima Muñoz, aim

estudent of industrial engiineering on de
(IU, EN EI, DI) (CI, I, EI, DI) of Santander of
Quilichao (Cauca) and ai chuus de first topic,
de uan dad an inglish friend of main is
coming tu visit de countri Brasil.
•Jei Andriu! Ai niu dad yu caim tu visit Brasil!
Ausom! Aim living hiar for aproximaitly four
yiars and a half, and Brasil is a greit pleis tu
visit bicous der ar meni tings tu sii and tu
du, de ferst ai guant tu tel yu is dad yu haf
tu bi veri queirfuli guith yur things and de
pleices yu gou, estarting
•uan of de most biuriful thing dad yu can du
is visit de gil of corcovado hus heig is of
seven handred thirtiin merers and its
locaired at Rio de Janeiro citi, on top yu can
faind de monumental esculptur cold “craist
ridiimer” dad riprisents a craist guatching de
•dis esculptur its abaut theri merers haigh,
yu qen get der bai a narrou roud or bai de
corcovado reilroud Anoder pleis yu haf tu
visit is de art musium in Sao Paulo, Its
incredibol and its uan of de most important
cultural pleis of de countri,
• popiularly noun bai his arquitectural disaign
faunded in naintiin fouri seven, yu canot forgot
tu it is a dish cold “Queisho coaljo” dad ar pices
of fraid chiis maid guith pasteurisd chiis, its
delishius and de best thing is dad yu ken boi it in
som ambulant pleises at de bich and is veri chip!,
dis dish rimember mi anoder pleis
•cold “Canoa Quebrada”, de pleis guer ai it
for de ferst taim and de best dis Queisho
coaljo, dis pleis is veri biuriful!, yu ken du a
lot of things laik kaitsorf, sorf, capoeira,
paraglairing, sandboard and meni mor
•A fainal recomendaishon, bring clouds
teiking intu acaunt dad Brasil jas a hot
climait sou yu most bi pripaird in order tu
dont haf eni problems wid de weder.

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