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2-Way Tables,

Statistics, &
50 points
Statistics (vocabulary to know)
Mean: Average (add all values together and divide by the
total number of values given)

Median: The value that is in the middle of a set when the

values are arranged in ascending order (lowest to highest)/ If
there are an even # of values, average the 2 middle values to
find the median

Mode: The value that occurs the MOST

Statistics (vocabulary to know...cont.)
Range: Difference between highest and lowest values (subtract to find

Standard Deviation: A measure of how far a typical data point is from

the mean/ LOW standard deviation= most values in the set are fairly
close to mean; HIGH standard deviation= data is more spread out

Margin of error: Description of the maximum expected difference

between a true vavlue for a data pool (eg: mean) & a random sampling
from the data pool (NOTE: Large data pool= lower margin of error)
Measures of Central Measures of
Tendency: used to Spread: show how
represent a typical much the data in a
value in a data set set vary

Mean Range

Median Standard Deviation

Mode Margin of error

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