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Chapter 5

Water and Seawater

Essentials of Oceanography
7th Edition
Atomic structure
Atoms are the building
blocks of all matter
Nucleus contains:
Neutrons (no charge)
Protons (+ charge)
Outer shell(s) contain:
Electrons (– charge) Figure 5-1
The water molecule
Composed of 1 oxygen and
2 hydrogen atoms (H20)
Contains strong (covalent)
bonds between atoms
Unusual bend in geometry
Has polarity (oppositely
Figure 5-2a
charged ends)
Interconnections of water
Polarity causes water
molecules to form weak
(hydrogen) bonds
between water molecules
Water sticks to itself and
to other substances
Allows water to be the
universal solvent Figure 5-3
Water as a solvent
Water dissolves table
salt (NaCl) by
attracting oppositely
charged particles
Pulls particles out of
NaCl structure to
dissolve it

Figure 5-4
Water in the 3 states of matter
Latent (hidden) heat = energy that is either
absorbed or released as water changes state

Figure 5-5
The ocean moderates coastal
Water has high
heat capacity, so it
can absorb (or
release) large
quantities of heat
without changing
Moderates coastal
temperatures Figure 5-6
Hydrogen bonds in H2O

Figure 5-8
The formation of ice
As water cools to 4°C:
Molecules slow
Water contracts
Density increases
Below 4°C:
Hydrogen bonds form
Water expands
As water freezes:
Figure 5-11
Expands by 9%
Snowflake geometry
All snowflakes
have 6-sided
Caused by
water’s polarity
and ability to
form hydrogen
bonds Figure 5-12
Salinity = total amount
of solid material
dissolved in water
Can be determined by
measuring water
Typically expressed in Figure 5-15

parts per thousand (‰)

Constituents of ocean salinity
Average seawater
salinity = 35‰
Main constituents
of ocean salinity:
Chloride (Cl–)
Sodium (Na+)
Sulfate (SO42–)
Magnesium (Mg2+)
Figure 5-13
Salinity variations
Location/type Salinity
Normal open ocean 33-38‰
Baltic Sea 10‰ (brackish)
Red Sea 42‰ (hypersaline)
Great Salt Lake 280‰
Dead Sea 330‰
Tap water 0.8‰ or less
Premium bottled water 0.3‰
Ocean buffering
Ocean pH = 8.1
(slightly basic)
protects the
ocean from
large pH changes

Figure 5-18
Processes affecting seawater
Processes that decrease seawater salinity:
Icebergs melting
Sea ice melting
Processes that increase seawater salinity:
Sea ice forming
The hydrologic cycle

Figure 5-19
Surface salinity variation
Pattern of surface
Lowest in high
Highest in the
Dips at the Equator
Surface processes Figure 5-20
help explain pattern
Surface salinity variation
High latitudes have low surface salinity
High precipitation and runoff
Low evaporation
Tropics have high surface salinity
High evaporation
Low precipitation
Equator has a dip in surface salinity
High precipitation partially offsets high evaporation
Global surface salinity

Figure 5-21
Salinity variation with depth
Curves for high and
low latitudes begin at
different surface
Halocline = layer of
rapidly changing
At depth, salinity is
uniform Figure 5-22
Seawater density
Factors affecting seawater density:
Temperature ↑, Density ↓ (inverse relationship)
Salinity ↑, Density ↑
Pressure ↑, Density ↑
Temperature has the greatest influence on
surface seawater density
Density and temperature
variations with depth

Figure 5-24
Pycnocline and thermocline
Pycnocline = layer of rapidly changing
Thermocline = layer of rapidly changing
Present only in low latitude regions
Barrier to vertical mixing of water and
migration of marine life
Ocean layering based on density
Mixed surface layer (surface to 300 meters)
Low density; well mixed by waves, currents, tides
Upper water (300 to 1000 meters)
Intermediate density water containing thermocline,
pycnocline, and halocline (if present)
Deep water (below 1000 meters)
Cold, high density water involved in deep current
Seawater desalination
Figure 5-25
Electrolysis Reverse
Reverse osmosis Osmosis
Figure 5-26
Freeze separation
End of Chapter 5

Essentials of Oceanography
7th Edition

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