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06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 1

Cardiovascular system
• Functions
– Transport
• O2, nutrients, hormones, electrolytes, metabolic
wastes, etc.
• Lymphocytes, phagocytes
– Regulation
• pH
• Body temperature
– Protection
• From blood loss
• From pathogens

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 2

Cardiovascular system
• Functions
– Transport
– Regulation
– Protection
• These are also functions of blood
– Heart & vessels exist to move blood;
– Blood does all the rest!

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 3

• Odd connective tissue
– Other CT’s really do
connect things
• Matrix with collagen or
other fibers
– Blood has liquid matrix,
no fibers
• but precursors of fibers are
– Connects all parts of body

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 4

• Plasma (matrix)
– ~ 55%
– 91-92% Water
– 7% Proteins
• Albumin, globulins,
clotting factors, etc.
– 1-2% Nutrients,
electrolytes, respiratory
gases, hormones,
metabolic wastes, etc.
• “Formed elements”

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 5

• “Formed elements” =
Blood cells
– All originate from
– Red blood cells
(RBCs) = erythrocytes
– White blood cells
(WBCs) = leukocytes
– Platelets

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 6

Red blood cells
• Red blood cells
(RBCs) = erythrocytes
– ~ 99% of all blood
– Biconcave disc
• ~ 7-8 diameter
– No nucleus
• Lost in last stage of
– No mitochondria

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 7

Red blood cells
• Hemoglobin
– Globin
• 4 polypeptide chains
• 2 Alpha
• 2 Beta
– Heme groups = 4
• 1 Iron (Fe) ion in each
• Iron ion attaches
(loosely) to O2

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 8

Red blood cells
• Production = Erythropoiesis
– in Red marrow of sternum, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis
– in embryo & fetus in yolk sac, liver, spleen, thymus

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 9

Red blood cells

• Rate of erythropoiesis
– Production = loss
– RBC concentration (hematocrit, number/mm3)
• Too low = anemia, hypoxia
• Too high = polycythemia
– high viscosity
– high blood pressures
– reduced blood flow

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 10

Red blood cells
• RBC concentration
– Hematocrit too low
• Anemia, hypoxia
• Stimulates release
of erythropoietin
from kidney cells
•  faster
development of
RBC’s in red

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 11

Red blood cells
• RBC concentration
– Hematocrit too high
• Polycythemia
• Inhibits release of
from kidney cells,
•  development of
RBC’s slows

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 12

Red blood cells
• Anemias (An + hemia)
– Blood loss
•  hemorrhagic anemia
– Rupture of RBC’s
•  hemolytic anemia
– Insufficient intake or absorption of Fe+2
•  iron deficiency anemia
– Lack of B12 or intrinsic factor
•  pernicious anemia
– Destruction of red marrow
•  aplastic anemia

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 13

Red blood cells

• Destruction, recycling
of RBC’s
– Phagocytized in liver,
spleen, red marrow
– Globin hydrolyzed to
amino acids

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 14

Red blood cells
• Destruction, recycling
of RBC’s
– Heme dismantled
• Fe attached to
• Bilirubin  bile 
stercobilin in feces
& urobilogen in

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 15

White blood cells
• Granular
– Neutrophils
– Eosinophils
– Basophils

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White blood cells
• Agranular
– Monocytes
– Lymphocytes
• T lymphocytes
• B lymphocytes

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 17

White blood cells

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 18

White blood cells
• Functions
– Phagocytosis
• Neutrophils, Monocytes  macrophages
– Inflammation
• Basophils (“mast cells”) in tissues release histamine
– Dilates local arterioles, increases local blood flow
– Allergy
• Eosinophils attack foreign substances & parasites
– Antibody Production
• Lymphocytes
06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 19
• Formed from hemocytoblasts
– Megakayocyte extrudes fragments  platelets

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 20

• Stopping bleeding
– Vascular spasm
• Automatic local
reaction to damaged
smooth muscle
• Autonomic reflex
– Platelet plug formation
– Coagulation, or

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 21

• Platelet plug formation
– Adhesion
• Platelets stick to damaged endothelial cells & collagen
• Platelets flatten and stick to each other

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• Platelet plug formation
– Chemical release
• Release serotonin, ADP, prostaglandins to promote further
aggregation & adhesion
• Promote coagulation

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• Coagulation, clotting
– Intrinsic pathway
– Extrinsic pathway
– Common pathway
• Produces mesh of fibrin
fibers with platelets &

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• Coagulation, clotting
– Intrinsic pathway
– Extrinsic pathway
– Common pathway
• Produces mesh of fibrin
fibers with platelets &

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• Clot retraction
– Actin & myosin from
platelets pull fibrin
strands, tighten clot

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• Dismantling of clots necessary to maintain

blood flow after healing
– Plasmin, fibrin-digesting enzyme
• From plasminogen (inactive plasma protein)
• Activated by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

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Abnormal Clotting
• Thrombus
– Clot develops in intact, unbroken vessel
• Blocks circulation to tissues beyond thrombus
• Embolus
– Thrombus that comes loose, flows
– Ultimately lodges in narrow vessel, blocks
• Pulmonary embolism
• Cerebral embolism
06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 28
Limiting Clotting

• Factors that limit & prevent clotting

– Normal intact endothelium
– Heparin, inhibits thrombin
– Aspirin, inhibits platelet aggregation and
platelet plug formation

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Limiting Clotting
• Leeches
– Hirudin from leech
Hirudo medicinalis

06 Feb. 2013 Blood.ppt 30

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