Literature: Name: Valentina Alvarado Katiza García Grade: 1°B Teacher: Francisco Maldonado

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Valentina Alvarado
Katiza García
Grade: 1°B
Francisco Maldonado

In this work we are going to talk about the
origin of literature, famous works and the
evolution that has taken place in time.
What is it?

• Literature is the ordered set of

stories, myths, dissertations and
poetic elaborations.
 is an artistic expression that uses the
written or oral word.
 There are different types of literature,
narrative, lyrics, dramaturgy, etc.
 It usually has a poetic character.
 As in any work of art, the author uses at
his discretion the resources available to
him (the painting, the word), to transmit
his ideas.

 Literature is one of the Fine Arts, and it is

understood as the evocation of certain
sensations, impressions or reflections in
the reader, from narrative, descriptive or
reflective works.
Famous people

Gabriel Garcia Miguel de
Marquez cervantes
 He was a Colombian He was a Spanish soldier,
writer, scriptwriter, novelist, poet and
editor and journalist. He dramatist. It is considered
received the Nobel Prize the maximum figure of
in Literature in 1982. Spanish literature.
 Jorge Luis  Charles Dickens
 He was a learned  was an English writer
Argentine writer, and novelist, one of the
considered one of the most recognized of
most outstanding universal literature.
authors of twentieth
century literature.
 OSCAR WILDE  Franz kafka
 
was a writer, poet and was a writer of Jewish
playwright of Irish origin, origin born in Bohemia
Wilde is considered one who wrote in German.
of the most prominent His work is considered
dramatists in London one of the most
influential of universal
Famous people
 Gabriel Garcia William
Marquez Shakespeare
 One hundred years of  Romeo y Julieta

One Hundred Years of

Tells the story of two
Solitude is a novel by young lovers who,
Colombian writer despite the
Gabriel García Márquez, opposition of their
winner of the Nobel families, rival each
Prize for Literature in other, decide to get
1982 married clandestinely
 Victor hugo  Dante
 The miserable  The divine comedy

Los miserables is a Each of its parts, or

novel by French chants (Hell, Purgatory
politician, poet and and Paradise), is
writer Victor Hugo divided into songs, in
published in 1862, turn composed of
considered one of the tercets.
most important works
of the nineteenth
 Marcel proust Leon tolstoi
 In search of lost time  Guerra y paz

is a novel by Marcel "War and Peace"

Proust, written narrates the lives and
between 1908 and vicissitudes of the
1922 that consists of components of various
seven published parts Russian aristocratic
families between 1805
and 1815, during the
Napoleonic Wars

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