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Topic: National e-Governance Plan

G Jagadeesh
Asst. Professor(SG),
School of Information Technology & Engineering
Cabin: SJT G24G
Governments Vision
• Promoting the principles of open government
• Public service digitization
• Reengineering of public services and
operational processes
• Providing modern channels of access to public
• Shared government technology platform
• Data centre consolidation
Governments Vision
• Implementation of enterprise architecture
• Implementation of interoperability framework
• Ensuring information security
• Application of innovative technologies
• IT capacity building in public sector
• Intelligent IT investments in public sector
• Enabling a favourable regulatory , policy and
standards framework
Open Government Action Plan
• Open government initiatives are directed
– Open Government Data
– Open Public Expenditure
– Improved Public Services
• Open government action plan typically
consists of ways and means of
– Increasing Public Integrity
– Better Managing Public Resources
– Improving Public Services
Open Government Action Plan
• Increasing Public Integrity
– Access to information and open data
– Online petitions
– Transparent decision-making
– Transparent judicial system
• Better Managing Public Resources
– Budget transparency
– Public procurement transparency
– Implementation of e-procurement
Open Government Action Plan
• Improving Public Services
– Quality public services
– Online public services
– Use of innovative IT tools for education system
• e-Transformation services
– Sector-specific services
– Shared services
– Back-office projects
India’s National e-Governance Plan
• The NeGP aims to make "make Government services
accessible to the common man in his locality through
common service delivery outlets and ensure
efficiency, transparency and reliability of such
services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs
of the common man.”
• It has a 3-tier architecture comprising: (a) CSCs, (b)
SWAN & SDC and (c) MMPs.
• The 1st tier comprises of the Common Service
Centres (CSCs) serving as front-end delivery points
for a range of citizen services.
India’s National e-Governance Plan
• The 2nd tier deals with the common and support
infrastructure comprising of
– the State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) to form
the converged backbone network for data, voice
and video throughout a state / UT and
– the State Data Centers (SDCs) which can provide
common secure IT infrastructure to host state-level
e-government applications and data.
• The 3rd tier comprises of 27 Mission Mode Projects
(MMPs) to transform high priority citizen services
from their current manual delivery into e-delivery.
Challenges and issues in e-gov
• Challenges include the following
– Trust
– Resistance to change
– Digital Divide
– Cost
– Privacy and Security
• Major implementation issues could be categorized as
– Technological
– Application Planning
– Change Management
– Financial
Challenges in e-gov implementation
• Trust
– User must be confident, comfortable and trusting of the
tool or technology with which they will interact.
– There has to be a balance between ensuring that a system
prevents fraudulent transactions and the burden that
extensive checks can take place on people who are honest.
• Resistance to change
– Government entities and public policy administrators
cannot ignore the changes that occur as a result of ICT
• Trust
– User must be confident, comfortable and trusting of the
tool or technology with which they will interact.
– There has to be a balance between ensuring that a system
prevents fraudulent transactions and the burden that
extensive checks can take place on people who are honest.
Challenges in e-gov implementation
• Resistance to change
– Government entities and public policy administrators
cannot ignore the changes that occur as a result of ICT
• Cost
– It is one of the most important prohibiting factor
particularly in developing countries.
– Elected officers and politician don’t seem to be interested
as e-Gov return is not visible in the near future.
• Privacy and Security
– A lack of clear security standards and protocols can e-Gov
projects that contain sensitive information such as income,
medical history.
Technology issues in e-gov
 Three basic elements are
 infrastructure layer
 application layer
 integration technology
 Application layer is made up of software and
services that either extend the site’s performance
or make it easier to manage.
 The integration layer is to use the Internet to tie
together practically all the traditional disciplines
associated with various services provided by the
web site.
Technology Issues in e-gov
 Three basic elements of technology are
 Infrastructure layer is primarily made of carrier
and hosting centre.
 Application layer is made up of software and
services that either extend the site’s performance
or make it easier to manage.
 The integration layer is to use the Internet to tie
together practically all the traditional disciplines
associated with various services provided by the
web site.
Technology Issues in e-gov
 Infrastructure layer
 Carrier
 Basic element by which site is connected to the
 ISPs provide internet connection and bandwidth
required for the sites.
 Hosting centre
 Specially designed rooms for equipment. E-governance
also looking for such specially designed rooms which
are cost effective and efficient.
 Three more layers of infrastructure are needed for
the better performance of the web sites load
balancing, security layer, and caching.
Technology Issues in e-gov
• Infrastructure layer
– Load balancing regulates the traffic generated by the
incoming requests to the servers.
– Load balancing software handles information requests
with the most available capacity in order to avoid
“server busy” messages.
– Security layer controls which information to be given
and to whom. This layer is used to prevent the hacking
and making online transaction safe.
– When web server jumps up against its performance
limits, especially when the server has to extract too
much information during the peak traffic, the cache
gives a helping hand by storing frequently requested
Technology Issues in e-gov
 Basic Application Layer
 Content management system makes it easy to create and
organize web content .
 Personalization system stores the visitor/ citizen profile
while they visit the site.
 Transaction engine allows the visitor to configure his/her
request and facilitates to pay by credit card or other
 Site analysis system stores information such as how many
visitors came in every month.
 Campaign management system goes beyond the site
analysis and helps to launch certain marketing efforts.
 Customer support system gives a helping hand to a visitor
who has trouble using a site.
Technology Issues in e-gov
• Integration technology
– Application integration enables the user to talk with
the “legacy” system.
– Sales integration collects all sales data in various
government centers in real time and provides
remarkable opportunities to forecast and track the
– Once the transactions are completed over the web,
the transaction details are to be plugged into
accounting system. This is facilitated by financials
Application planning issues in e-gov
• Application software development requires addressing
the following
– Where are we: the present status of application in the
government organization. Analyzing the functional area in
every government organization. Identifying the systems for
which the application software is not yet developed is also
a primary task.
– Where we want to go: what kind of governance are
required by the next generation? It is trying to utilize
internet technology to shape the way of living for the next
– How do we get there: Innovative Internet business models
are to be created in e-governance context to intertwine
the relationship between people and their government.
Application planning issues in e-gov
• Implementation can be done in progressive
stages such as getting online with web sites,
providing electronic distribution,
implementing financial transaction such as tax
or license payments.
• Network resource planning must precede
before application planning.
• Baselining is the key in network resource
Change management issues in e-gov
• Change management related Issues
– Important to investigate how the business of
government and the nature of governance itself
change in the digital networking economy
– At times, businesses and technologies co-evolve
– Impact analysis becomes the major issue
Financial Issues in e-gov
• Around the world, governments provided funding
for the select pilot projects on government on-
line, including projects such as public works,
government services, and human resources.
• The real challenge for the government is to go
about funding the full range of initiatives in order
to achieve the objective of “Government Online”.
• One suggestion is that the concerned department
has to come up with adequate fund by it.
• Other issue is utilizing the available resources
both in the plan sector and outside it.

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