HRD Climate

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HRD Climate

Meaning of HR+D+Climate
• HR means employees in organisation, who work to
increase the profit for organisation.
• Development, it is acquisition of capabilities that
are needed to do the present job, or the future
expected job.
• Climate, this is an overall feeling that is conveyed
by the physical layout, the way employees interact
and the way members of the organisation conduct
themselves with outsiders. (It is provided by an
“Organisational climate is a set of characteristics
of an organisation which are referred in the
descriptions employees make of the policies,
practices and conditions which exist in the
working environment”.
• An organisation became dynamic and growth
oriented if their people are dynamic and pro-
• Through proper selection of people and by
nurturing their dynamism and other
competencies an organisation can make their
people dynamic and pro-active.
Components of HRD Climate

• Organisational Structure
• Organisational Culture
• HR Processes
What is needed to Develop
Organisational Climate in

Top to Bottom effort
• Motivator role of Manager and Supervisor
• Faith upon employees
• Free expression of Feelings
• Feedback
• Helpful nature of employees
• Supportive personnel management
• Encouraging and risk taking experimentation
• Discouraging stereotypes and favouritism
• Team Spirit
An optimum level of “Development
• Employees feel free to express their ideas &
the organization is willing to take risks &
experiment with new ideas & new ways of
doing things.
• The degree of openness of the organization is
an important factor in determining the nature
of various dimensions of HRD being designed.
• Employees face the problems & work jointly
with others concerned to find its solution.
• They face the issues squarely without hiding
them or avoiding them for fear of hurting
each other.
• A minimum level of trust may be deemed
necessary for the introduction of the
performance appraisal system and other
elements of HRD.
• Employees department & groups trust each
other & can be relied upon to ‘do’ whatever
they say they will.
• Authenticity is the value underlying trust.
• It is the willingness of a person to
acknowledge the feelings he/she has, and
accept himself/herself as well as others who
relate to him/her as persons.
• Employees are action – oriented, willing to
take initiative & show a high degree of
• They anticipate issues and act or respond to
the needs of the future.
• Autonomy is the willingness to use power
without fear, and helping others to do the
• Employees have some freedom to act
independently within the boundaries imposed
by their role/job.
• Collaboration involves working together and
using one another’s strength for a common
• Individuals, instead of solving their problems
by themselves, share their concerns with one
another and prepare strategies, work out
plans of action, and implement them
• Experimenting as a value emphasises the
importance given to innovation and trying out
new ways of dealing with problems in the
• Environmental factors of HR are prime influencing elements of
change in HR strategy.
• It gives HR professionals time to anticipate opportunities in HR
area and time to plan optional responses to these opportunities.
• It helps HR professionals to develop an early warning system to
prevent threats emerging out from HR scenario, or to develop
strategies, which can turn a threat.
• It forms a basis of aligning the organisation strengths to the
changes in the environment.
• It enables the entry of the latest national/international HR

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