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Which is the more efficient and effective way of

showing information systems?

A. Visual Image
I. Written description
S. None of these
A. Visual Image
It is easier to follow a visual diagram of a
specific process and written description can be
wordy and difficult to follow.
Uses symbols to represent the entities, process,
data flows, and data stores that pertain to a
A. Tables
I. Data flow Diagram
S. Graphs
I. Data flow Diagram
A _______ is a documentation technique used
to represent the relationship between entities.
A. Entity Relationship Diagram
I. Data flow Diagram
S. System flow chart
A. Entity Relationship Diagram
The degree of the relationship, called
_________, is the numeric mapping between
entity instances.
A. Batch
I. Cardinality
S. Resources
I. Cardinality
It is the graphical representation of the physical
relationships among key elements of a system. These
elements may include organizational departments,
manual activities, and etc.
A. Data Diagram
I. System Flowchart
S. Graphical System
I. System Flowchart
It also describe the type of computer media
being employed in the system, such as magnetic
tape, magnetic disks, and terminals.
In making the layout of the physical areas of activity,
there are 4 distinct areas of activity: the sales
department, credit department, warehouse and
A. Purchasing Department
I. Requisition Department
S. Shipping Department
S. Shipping Department
Generally, each of the areas of activity is a
separate column with a heading. From the
written system facts, there are 4 distinct areas
of activity: Sales, Credit, Warehouse and
SHIPPING department.
Which symbol is for description or process




A is for terminal showing source or destination

of documents and reports
S is for document flowline
From written system facts, which are the four distinct
areas of activity?

A. Sales, Receiving, Warehouse, and Inspection

I. Receiving, Credit, Billing and Sales Department
S. Sales, Credit, Warehouse and Shipping
S. Sales, Credit, Warehouse and Shipping
I. The customer is the source of the order and is
part of the system
II. The oval objective is typically used to convey a
data source or destination that is separate from the
system being flowcharted.
The customer is the source of order but is
NOT part of the system
What does the bucket-shaped symbol represents?
A. Source documents
I. Manual Operation
S. Accounting Records
I. Manual Operation
It represents the temporary file or file for sorting
source documents and reports?
A. Upside down triangle
I. Parallelogram Shape
S. Bucket-Shaped
A. Upside down triangle
The shape that represents the credit records
A. Upside down triangle
I. Parallelogram Shape
S. Bucket-Shaped
I. Parallelogram Shape
the symbol is used to depict many types of hard
copy accounting records, such as journals,
subsidiary ledgers, general ledgers and shipping
How many copies of sales order are prepared by the
A. 5 copies
I. 3 copies
S. 4 copies
S. 4 copies
Based on the fact given, the clerk prepares 4
copies of sales order. These are to be distributed
to the different departments upon the receipt of
goods purchased.
What does the circular symbol represent?
A. Source documents
I. On-page connector
S. Accounting Records
I. On-page connector
The symbol is used to replace the flow lines that
otherwise would cause excessive clutter on this
_______ should be used whenever possible to
promote clarity.
A. Flow Chart
I. Diagram
S. Lines
S. Lines
Lines clearly shows the different designations of
objects in a diagram or chart.
Restricted use of connectors can deteriorate the
readability of the flow chart,
The arrows between the objects show the direction of
flow and sequence of events.
A. True, False
I. False, True
S. Both statements are correct
I. False, True
Restricted use of connectors can IMPROVE the
readability of the flow chart.
Physical products or goods are shown on the flow
The document that accompanies and controls the
good is shown on the flowchart
A. True, False
I. False, True
S. Both statements are correct
I. False, True
Typically, a system flowchart shows only the
flow of documents not physically assets.
______permits the efficient management of a large
volume of transactions.
A. Batch Processing
I. Batch
S. System flowchart
A. Batch Processing
*Batch is a group of similar transactions that are accumulated
over time and then processed together.
*System flowchart is the graphical representation of the
physical relationships among key elements of a system
Which of the statement is an advantage?
A. Economies are derived by making transaction
batches large as possible
I. Improve operational efficiency by grouping
together large number of transactions into batches
and processing them as a unit of work.
S. Provides control over the transaction process.
A. Economies are derived by making
transaction batches large as possible
- Implications of advantages for designing batch
When the sales clerk receives credit approval, he or
she files copy 1 and the customer order in the
department. The clerk sends copy 2 to the warehouse
and copies 3 and 4, will be sent to?
A. Shipping Department
I. Accounting Department
S. Marketing Department
A. Shipping Department
When the sales clerk receives credit approval,
he or she files copy 1 and the customer order in
the department. The clerk sends copy 2 to the
warehouse and copies 3 and 4, will be sent to
the Shipping Department.
It is a group of similar transactions (such as sales
orders) that are accumulated over time and then
processed together.
A. Sales Invoice
I. Voucher
S. Batch
S. Batch
Batch processing permits the efficient
management of a large volume of transactions.
A batch is a group of similar transactions that
are accumulated over time and then processed
What does this symbol mean?

A. File for storing source documents and reports

I. Terminal showing source or destination of
documents and reports.
S. Source documents and report
A. File for storing source documents and reports
The upside down triangle symbol represents the temporary
file mentioned in fact 2. This is a physical file of paper
documents such as a drawer in a filing cabinet or desk. Such
files are typically arranged according to a specified order. To
signify the filing system used, the file symbol will usually
contain an “N” for numeric “C” for chronological or “A” for
alphabetical order.
System flowcharts ______________.
A. Depict logical tasks that are being performed,
but not who is performing them.
I. Illustrate the relationship between database
entities in the system.
S. Represent relationship between key elements of
both manual and computer system.
S. Represent relationship between key elements of
both manual and computer system.
A. Data flow diagram
I. Entity relationship diagram
System flowcharts are often used to depict processes
that are handled in batches.
System flowchart represents the input sources,
programs and output products of a computer system.
A. True, False
I. False, True
S. False, False
A. True, False
Which symbol represents a decision?



I. decision

terminal stand or end operation

Logical process

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