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Fitri Volorida Hutabarat

 Noun is an English noun that is used to represent the
names of people, things, animals, ideas and others.
Therefore, noun is an important part of a sentence.
In noun there are two main noun types, namely
abstract noun and concrete noun, then concrete noun
divided into several types of noun like common
noun, proper noun, collective noun, noun material
and also compound noun. For more details, here are
some examples of noun.
 Abstract and Concrete Nouns
 Understanding of Abstract Noun is a kind of noun
that can not be touched with the five senses. While
Concrete Noun means the kind of nouns that appear
by the five senses or in other words objects that
Jenis Abstract Nouns Contohnya Jenis Concrete Nouns Contohnya

Happiness Happiness becomes main Budi Budi buys new bicycle


Sadness Sadness gives bad effect Car The car is Ferrari

Statement Her statement is very brave Book The book is about psychology

Agreement The agreement is very good Computer The best computer is your

In English, Concrete noun is divided into several types according to their quantity,
quality and specificity. Here are some types of Concrete noun:
 In English, common noun is a noun type that
represents the type of objects, places and others in
general, in other words these words are not
exclusively owned by a particular human, animal or
animal. This noun type does not use capital letters at
the beginning of the word, unless the word begins a
Contoh Common Nouns Artinya

Car Mobil

Motorcycle Sepeda motor

Truck Mobil truk

Bicycle Sepeda

Cell phone Telepon selular

Television Televisi

Book Buku

Bread Roti tawar

Contoh kalimat:
1. John buys a new car. (John membeli sebuah mobil baru)
2. Patrick has an English book. (Patrick mempunyai sebuah buku bahasa Inggris)
3. Television is an information media. (Televisi adalah sebuah media informasi)
 The noun in English has the property that the names
of people, places and others are specific to itself. In
other words, proper noun describes the classification
of the person's name, place, and object specifically.
Proper means to make the key that this noun is
Contoh Proper Nouns Artinya

Michael Nama seseorang

New York Nama sebuah kota

Asia Nama sebuah benua

Dog Nama seekor hewan

Ball point Nama sebuah alat tulis

T shirt Nama jenis pakaian

Indonesia Nama sebuah Negara

Example of sentences
1. My friend’s name is Joana. (nama temenku adalah Joana)
2. Indonesia is one of Country in South East Asia. (Indonesia adalah salah satu negara di Asia
3. I have a cat in my house. (saya mempunyai seekor kucing di rumahku)
 The noun in English is a composite of several
humans, animals and things. In other words, this
type of noun is used to declare a group or group
name. This noun is also used to denote the unity of
the nature of some individual nouns.
Jenis Collective Nouns Artinya

Jury Dewan juri

Team Tim

Cabinet of minister Kabinet menteri

Choir Paduan suara

Regiment Resimen

Example of sentences
1. Persipura is the best football team in Indonesia. (Persipura adalah tim sepakbola terbaik di
2. My school has a good choir (sekolahku mempunyai sebuah grup paduan suara yang bagus)
My father is one jury in this competition. (ayahku menjadi salah satu dewan juri di perlombaan ini)
 In English, this type of noun is intended to express
the types objects that are natural creations or natural
phenomena and are not made by human
Jenis Material Nouns Artinya

Gold Emas

Silver Perak

Blood Darah

Water Air

Soil Tanah

Air Udara

Fire Api

Example of sentences

1. This city has a nice air. (kota ini mempunyai udara yang segar/ bersih)
2. Water is one of life source. (air adalah salah satu sumber kehidupan)
3. Every person in my home has different blood (setiap orang di rumahku mempunyai golongan
darah yang berbeda)
 This type of noun is a type consisting of two or
more nouns. This is usually intended for the
specificity of an object. In other words, this noun
type is a noun that bekombinasi with other nouns or
even other parts of speech to form a new meaning.
Jenis Compound Noun Artinya

Court-marital Pengadilan perkawinan

Brother in law Kakak ipar

Paper-clip Penjepit kertas

Midwife Bidan

Example of sentences

1. Hanna is a kind Midwife in mw town. (Hanna adalah bidan yang ramah di tempat tinggalku)
2. My computer’s wallpaper is nice. (tampilan komputerku bagus)
3. She have two friendly brothers in law. (dia mempunyai dua kakak ipar yang baik)

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