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Medieval Legacies &

The Renaissance


20th Century Europe
14th Century Europe
14th Century Europe

1. 14th Century Europe, Europe in the 1300’s, was not only

defined by unfamiliar political borders, but also by a rigid
class system. A class system is…
14th Century Europe

1. 14th Century Europe, Europe in the 1300’s, was not only

defined by unfamiliar political borders, but also by a rigid
class system. A class system is…
○ Hierarchy of people in society determined by economic,
political, & cultural traits.
• What is a hierarchy? Modern examples in U.S. society?
• What does it mean by “economic”?
14th Century Europe

1. 14th Century Europe, Europe in the 1300’s, was not only

defined by unfamiliar political borders, but also by a rigid
class system. A class system is…
○ Hierarchy of people in society determined by economic,
political, & cultural traits.
• What is a hierarchy? Modern examples in U.S. society?
• What does it mean by “economic”? Money, trade, business,
markets, supply/demand.
• What does it mean by “political”?
14th Century Europe

1. 14th Century Europe, Europe in the 1300’s, was not only

defined by unfamiliar political borders, but also by a rigid
class system. A class system is…
○ Hierarchy of people in society determined by economic,
political, & cultural traits.
• What is a hierarchy? Modern examples in U.S. society?
• What does it mean by “economic”? Money, trade, business,
markets, supply/demand.
• What does it mean by “political”? GOV, officials, policies, laws,
rights, elections.
• What does it mean by “cultural”?
14th Century Europe

1. 14th Century Europe, Europe in the 1300’s, was not only

defined by unfamiliar political borders, but also by a rigid
class system. A class system is…
○ Hierarchy of people in society determined by economic,
political, & cultural traits.
• What is a hierarchy? Modern examples in U.S. society?
• What does it mean by “economic”? Money, trade, business,
markets, supply/demand.
• What does it mean by “political”? GOV, officials, policies, laws,
rights, elections.
• What does it mean by “cultural”? Social values, beliefs, norms,
traditions, practices.
14th Century Europe

● The four (4) main classes in 14th Century Europe from

top to bottom were…
14th Century Europe

● The four (4) main classes in 14th Century Europe from

top to bottom were…
○ Nobles,
○ Clergy,
○ Merchants,
○ Peasants.

● Political Features:
○ Ran GOV/military.
○ Titles were hereditary.
• Passed down from
○ Had most political power.

● Economic Features:
○ Ran large farming estates.
○ Had little economic power.
● Cultural Features:
○ Upper Class (elites) w/ little

● Political Features:
○ Ran Catholic Church.
○ Used in GOV as advisors.
○ Had most spiritual power.

● Economic Features:
○ Ran large farming estates.
○ Had little economic power.
● Cultural Features:
○ Fluid group (in all levels of
society) & highly educated.

● Political Features:
○ Used in GOV as advisors.
○ Held little political power.
● Economic Features:
○ Controlled trade, banking,
○ Had most economic power.

● Cultural Features:
○ Middle Class (not poor, but
no titles).
○ Highly educated & cultured.

● Political Features:
○ Had no power & no rights.
○ Controlled by nobility &

● Economic Features:
○ Worked on farming estates
for little or no pay.
○ Had most economic power.
● Cultural Features:
○ Lower Class w/ no
○ Tied to the land & often

1. 14th Century Europe was defined by religion.

What is religion?

1. 14th Century Europe was defined by religion.

What is religion?
○ Religion, like politics or economics, is an ideology.
• Set of beliefs that a group of people follow.
○ What were the four main religions in 14th Century

1. 14th Century Europe was defined by religion.

What is religion?
○ Religion, like politics or economics, is an ideology.
• Set of beliefs that a group of people follow.
○ What were the four main religions in 14th Century
• Catholicism,
• Orthodoxy,
• Islam,
• Judaism.

● Characteristics:
○ Dominant in W. Europe.

○ Led by the Pope.

○ Any famous Catholics we

might know of?

● Characteristics:
○ Dominant in E. Europe.

○ Divided by ethnic groups.

○ Any famous Orthodox

Christians we might know

● Characteristics:
○ Dominant in Middle East,
Asia, & Africa.
○ Sunni & Shiite groups.

○ Focus on Koran &

Mohammad, Five Pillars of
○ Any famous Muslims we
might know of?

● Characteristics:
○ Spread to Europe, Middle
East, & N. America.
○ Focus on Old Testament &
○ Persecuted by several
religious groups.
○ Any famous Jewish
Americans we might know
Religions Breakdown
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

1. The Age of the

Renaissance has often
been described as…
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

1. The Renaissance has often

been described as…
○ A time of rebirth in the study
of Greek & Roman culture,
art, architecture, literature, &
○ The Renaissance…
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

1. The Renaissance has often

been described as…
○ A time of rebirth in the study
of Greek & Roman culture,
art, architecture, literature, &
○ The Renaissance…
• Began in Italy in after the Black
• Ended Medieval Era & began
Modern Era.
• Focused more on humanity than
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

2. The Black Death…

○ What was it?
○ What were its symptoms?
○ How did it spread?
○ What places did it afflict?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

2. The Black Death…

○ What was it?
○ What were its symptoms?
○ How did it spread?
○ What places did it afflict?
○ It is important for the
beginning of the Renaissance
as the Bubonic Plague
devastated most of Europe
for decades except for Italy.
• This left Italy as the only place
that could support the • Where did the disease spread from/to?
Renaissance, but did not start it. • Which areas were most/least affected?
• Explain the varying degrees of infection?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

3. The four (4) main causes

of the Renaissance were…
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Italy was divided into city-

○ A city-state is an independent
city controlling its surrounding
• Italy was a divided country w/o a
king or a central GOV.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Italy was divided into city-

○ A city-state is an independent
city controlling its surrounding
• Italy was a divided country w/o a
king or a central GOV.
○ This allowed for a variety of
artistic thought & expression.
• Each city-state created pieces of art in
their own way.
○ The downside was the lack of a
common defense vs. outsiders.
• If a foreign power played city-states
off one another, Italy would fall.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● City-states were run by

merchants & bankers.
○ Merchants focused on trade,
luxurious living, & art.
• European kings focused on war,
territory, & politics.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● City-states were run by

merchants & bankers.
○ Merchants focused on trade,
luxurious living, & art.
• European kings focused on war,
territory, & politics.
○ Merchants had extra income for
art & artists.
• Money attracted scholars & artists to
Italy; the rest of Europe only had
○ The downside was if they ran
out of money, then the
Renaissance would end.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Merchants were rich from the

Spice Trade w/ Asia.
○ The Spice Trade was the trade of
luxury goods between Europe &
• Spices, silk, perfumes, porcelain.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Merchants were rich from the

Spice Trade w/ Asia.
○ The Spice Trade was the trade of
luxury goods between Europe &
• Spices, silk, perfumes, porcelain.
○ Merchants traded across known
land/sea routes w/ Italy as a
warehouse for goods.
• Italy was rich as long as the Spice
Trade remained unblocked.
• Which routes are by land & which are
by sea?
• How could you block the Spice Trade?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Italians discovered Greco-

Roman writings.
○ Greco-Roman culture was lost in
the West (500’s AD), but
survived in the East (Greece).
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Italians discovered Greco-

Roman writings.
○ Greco-Roman culture was lost in
the West (500’s AD), but
survived in the East (Greece).
○ In the 1300’s, the Ottoman
Empire invaded Greece forcing
Greek scholars to flee to Italy.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Italians discovered Greco- • Any examples of

something old
Roman writings. becoming new & hip
○ Greco-Roman culture was lost in
the West (500’s AD), but
survived in the East (Greece).
○ In the 1300’s, the Ottoman
Empire invaded Greece forcing
Greek scholars to flee to Italy.
○ This migration from Greece
allowed Italian scholars &
merchants to study Classical
• Hence the rebirth of Classical culture.
• In essence, Greco-Roman culture was
so old that it became new again.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

4. Italian merchants & intellectuals created three new

principles that defined the new movement and acted as
guidelines for philosophy, art, architecture, &
literature. These principles were…
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Humanism:
○ Study of & focus on human
potential, glory, &
understanding by modeling
Classical culture.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Humanism:
○ Study of & focus on human
potential, glory, &
understanding by modeling
Classical culture.
○ It acted as a curriculum for
education for elite sons.
• Rhetoric, arithmetic, grammar,
geometry, & astronomy.
• W/ education a man could
develop his limitless potential.
• This was the key to being
respected & influential in this
society. W/o it, you were no one.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Renaissance Humanism Medieval Christianity

focused on… focused on…
● Human nature to
understand God &
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Renaissance Humanism Medieval Christianity

focused on… focused on…
● Human nature to ● Studying God to
understand God & understand humans &
Nature. Nature.
● Humanism & Ancient
texts for inspiration &
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Renaissance Humanism Medieval Christianity

focused on… focused on…
● Human nature to ● Studying God to
understand God & understand humans &
Nature. Nature.
● Humanism & Ancient ● Christian virtues & the
texts for inspiration & Bible for inspiration &
education. education.
● Human potential &
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Renaissance Humanism Medieval Christianity

focused on… focused on…
● Human nature to ● Studying God to
understand God & understand humans &
● Humanism & Ancient
texts for inspiration & ● Christian virtues & the
education. Bible for inspiration &
● Human potential & education.
dignity. ● Christian humility & giving
● Living a life modeled after
Classical values & desires. all glory to God.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Renaissance Humanism Medieval Christianity

focused on… focused on…
● Human nature to ● Studying God to
understand God & understand humans &
Nature. Nature.
● Humanism & Ancient ● Christian virtues & the
texts for inspiration & Bible for inspiration &
● Human potential &
dignity. ● Christian humility & giving
● Living a life modeled after
all glory to God.
Classical values & desires. ● Life as painful pilgrimage
to God.
What comparisons do we see between
Medieval & Renaissance ideas?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Individualism:
○ Study of & focus on humans
as individuals, developing all
aspects of a one’s life.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Individualism:
○ Study of & focus on humans
as individuals, developing all
aspects of a one’s life.
○ It emphasized the idea of
personal success over the
○ Once educated in a
Humanistic school, a man
sought to gain personal
greatness & develop as many
talents as he could.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Baldassare Castiglione Niccolo Machiavelli

The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Baldassare Castiglione

● Wrote The Courtier.

○ Guide to be a Civilized
○ Taught young men how to
act in all social situations.
• This idea became known as
a Renaissance Man.
• This means to be a master of
many skills.
• Dancing, wrestling, music,
war, arts, math, poetry,
hunting, civic duty, oration.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Baldassare Castiglione

● Wrote The Courtier. ● What skills does a person need to

be a “Renaissance Man/Woman”
○ Guide to be a Civilized
today? Why?
Man. ● What skills does a high school
○ Taught young men how to student need to be a
act in all social situations. “Renaissance Man/Woman” in
• This idea became known as GRC?
a Renaissance Man. ● Explain who might be a
• This means to be a master of Renaissance Man/Woman in
many skills. your life.
• Dancing, wrestling, music, ● What comparisons came we draw
war, arts, math, poetry, between necessary Renaissance
hunting, civic duty, oration. skills & modern skills?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Niccolo Machiavelli

● Wrote The Prince.

○ Guide to Politics & GOV.
○ Taught young men how to
take & maintain authority
in all situations.
• Basic ideas…
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Niccolo Machiavelli

● Wrote The Prince.

○ Guide to Politics & GOV.
○ Taught young men how to
take & maintain authority
in all situations.
• Basic ideas: GOV does not
follow morality or religion,
GOV is good when effective,
be both a fox & a lion.
• What does all this mean?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

Niccolo Machiavelli

● Wrote The Prince. ● Let’s answer a few

○ Guide to Politics & GOV. questions about leadership
○ Taught young men how to
& then Machiavelli.
take & maintain authority ● In preparation for the ACT,
in all situations. we will now read an excerpt
• Basic ideas: GOV does not from The Prince & answer
follow morality or religion, ten (10) questions about the
GOV is good when effective, passage. We will go other
be both a fox & a lion.
this in 10 minutes.
• What does all this mean?
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Secularism:
○ Study of & focus on the
material (secular) world more
than the spiritual world.
The Renaissance (1330-1530)

● Secularism:
○ Study of & focus on the
material (secular) world more
than the spiritual world.
○ It advocated living in the here
& now, as well as you can.
• When developing your skill-
set, the goal was to enjoy the
benefits of a successful life.
• Often times, believing in Take this time to fill out the ID Terms
secularism led to greed, from this Packet on 1A!
corruption, & selfishness.
• W/o strong Christian values,
men lost their morality.

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