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Evaluation of Instances Asset

in a Topic Maps Ontology

Petra Haluzová

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications

Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Czech Technical University in Prague

TMRA 2010
Information asset of instance (topic)

 Expresses the richness of topic description in the ontology

 The richness of surrounding topics description are taken into account
 Association types between topics are also considered

 Example: Topic Type – dog

 1) Name: Barney
 2) Colour: black

Breed: dachshund
Photo: http://...
Associations – owner, vaccination,…
Weights assignment:
Partial weight of topic ci
 Partial weight of topic c = {1, 2,...}; c  N List of attributes and
their weights:
 Expresses the richness of description
Article: 1
of each individual topic Audio recording: 2
 Is equal to the sum of attribute weights Bibliography: 2
Biographical article: 1
 The topic name is an attribute as well Date of birth: 1
 Default setting: 1 for all attribute weights, Date of death: 1
Description: 1
user can change this setting Editorial guidelines: 1
Gallery: 1
Illustration: 1
Libretto: 2
Note: 1
Poster: 1
Premiere date:1
Sound clip: 2
Synopsis: 1
Video recording: 2
Web page: 2
Web site: 3
Weights assignment:
Total topic weight wi
 Total topic weight wi for each individual topic i

wi  ci  k   aij  c j

 The partial weight c is calculated for each individual topic in the ontology
 The next part of the total topic weight w is derived from associations with
surrounding topics j
 Coefficient k influences the importance of surrounding topics
 After calculating the total topic weights the results are normalized to
interval (0,1
Weights assignment:
Weights of associations categories aij
 Association weight a   0, 1; a  R
 Three categories: hierarchical, defining, contextual
 Weights setting of all categories at 1 advantages topics which have
great number of associations (independently of association types)

k = 0.2
weights of all attributes: 1
Weights assignment:
Influence of coefficient k
 Coefficient k   0, 1; k  R
 Influences the importance of partial weights of surrounding topics
 The less coefficient value the greater importance is assigned to the
central topic

weights of all attributes: 1

weights of all categories: 1.0
Parameters setting
 Better results are achieved with more specific setting of attribute weights
and category weights than with default setting

 Example:

Weights of attributes in the list above.

k = 0.2

Weights of categories of associations:

defining – 1.0
hierarchical – 0.5
contextual – 0.2
(repetition is the mother of wisdom)

 The user assigns the weights to all attributes which can occur within a topic
 Default: weight of all attributes 1
 The user divides associations into three categories and assigns the
weights to these categories
 Default: weight of all associations 1
 The total topic weight will be calculated for each individual topic in the
 These total weights values will be normalized in accordance with the
maximal value
 Information asset points to potential usefulness of information contained in
the topic for the user
 The user’s insight is taken into consideration, if desired
 Topics found during a search in the ontology may be ranked according to
their information asset
 The total topic weights are calculated just once
 The quantification of information asset is used as measure and statistical
Scheme of topics interconnection
Matrix notation
Thank you for your attention

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