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Kuliah Minggu 8


The decision to build is a complex one

involving the definition of project requirement
and the assembly of many defferent resources
Semua proyek dimanapun. Ia merupakan hasil dari perencanaan yang sistematik.
Ia mungkin merupakan produk dari sebuah “spur-of-moment opportunity”.
Element of process of defining

• Scope, quality, schedule, and budget

• Site
• Planning approval
• Financing
• Delivery process
• Aspirations
Design play role in the definition process
• How much gross area is needed to
accomodate the functional program?
• What is involved in placing the program on
the site?
• Can the project be phased to allow early
• Will expansion be required in the future?
• How will the project adress neigbourhood,
environmental, or others contextual issues?
• How will it “sustainable”?

For some projects, early schematic design in needed

to atrract the support investors, donors, or the
public at referendum
beberapa poin yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengembangkan tujuan proyek sebuah
kantor sewa

• Performance : akomodasi program,

efisiensi dan produktivitas operasional,
kenyamanan, efisiensi energi
• Value: inisial investasi, portfolio asset,
Biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan jangka
panjang, Resale/lease pontensial.
• Image: to employees, to stockholders, to
costumers, to the public
• Flexibility: adaptability,
• Time: initial go/no-go decision date,
timeline and milestone, Site selection, agency
approval, Financing, Facility Delivery:
Design Documentation, construction,
commisionning, move-in
The Project Initiation process
1. Project Scope and Quality

•The Project goals

•The Activities to be
•Special requirements or
considerations that will
guide design
2. Project planning and programming

This in the problem- seeking

process – one that seeks to
identify the problem the design
process must solve.
Planning and programming may
involved a wide range of people
and interests, posibly including
organization’s management,
building managers, occupants in
various level, and those who
operate and maintain the
resulting spaces.
3. Market research
For some project, the program is
writen in the market places.
Several kinds of program
• The amount of space the market can
• The People or organization likely to
buy or sell.
• sales or rental level
•Level of amenity
•Marketing Requirement
4. Site Requirement.

Community approvals to use the land for the

intended purpose, and variety of other
planning and design approvals. Site options
and the costs of acquiring, improving, and
seeking approval may shape the project
program, schedule, and budget.
Project scheduling and budgeting
1. Project Schedule
• When must project be occupied?
• It is possible or desirable to occupy the project in stage?
• How long should it to construct the project? Can site
preparation or other work begin before the design complete?
Can or should the entire project be fast tracked?
• What regulatory and financial reviews are required?
• How long will pre construction activites take?
• How long will owners approvals take? Who must be involved?
• Are there key milestone date to be met?
• Are There financial penalties if the project is delayed?
2. The Project Budget
• The project budget is very important statement. As the first
statement of project cost, is the one everyone remember. It also
represent the clients “ emotional investment” in The project.
1. Land Cost, including acquisition, holding, and improvement
2. Site Evaluation and analysis, (surveys, geotechnical exploration,
environmental impact studies, remediation, and others activities)

3. Financial approvals, (market research, financial packet preparation, origination and

commitment fee, and interest paid for construction loans)

4. Regulatory approvals (application and permit fee, proposal preparation,

representation at public hearings, and, for visible or sensitive project, public relation program)

5. Planning and Design (information needed for secure user, financing and
regulatory approval through facility design, bidding/negotiation, construction contract adm.)

6. Building furnishing, (furniture, fixture, telecomunication,and other equip.)

7. Facilities start-up and initial operation (training of personnel, user
orientation, and system adjustment, for rental and sales project and marketing)

8. Legal, insurance, and owner project management

(david haviland, Hons, AIA)
Financing and Financial Feasibility
• Type and sources of project fund
• The financing decision.
• The architect as equity participant
adapted from YOU AND YOUR ARCHITECT (AIA,2007)

It’s said that good architecture required good clients: to help

your client become a better client, you may want to offer
some advice and guidance and how to get started.
Berikut beberapa kata dan pemikiran - ditulis untuk owner-
dimana anda akan bekerja dengannya

• Sebagai pemilik, anda membawa sejumlah hal kedalam projek

anda: pengetahuan, pengalaman, kebutuhan, keinginan dan
aspirasi, sebaik yang anda duga. Anda juga membawa
sejumlah sumberdaya untuk mewujudkan harapan tersebut

• Apapun situasinya, ada sense untuk memulai dengan

beberapa keyakinan diri, untuk mengakses apa yang telah
saudara ketahui tentang proyek anda dan memantapkan
dengan bantuan arsitek anda.
This Question
can be used as guide
This Question can be used as guide
• What activities do you expect to house in the project? Are you
ready to translate these activities in to specific spaces and
square –footage areas, or will the program emerge in working
with architect?
• Has a site been established? Or it is decision, too, a subject for
investigation with the architect?
• Have you, or perhaps others, fix construction schedule or
• What are you design aspirations? What thought have you given
to the design quality or amenity you are seeking in the project?
• What are you overall expectation from this project? What are
your basic motivations as a client, and what are role does this
project play in achieving your overall aims?

• How do you make decisions? Will a singgle person sign

off on recomendations? Are committees necessary?
• How bold do you expect to be? Do you wish to push
design and technology to the limit? Is the project
• Do you have the resources to do this project? Where
will they come from, and what strings may be
• How much experience do you have in design and
building? Have you done this before? If so, where have
you successful, and where were you disappointed?

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